We The People USA

Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic

Where does the Clinton machine and Hillary get off for trying to restrict Free Political Speech within a Campaign? Her DNC cronies have actually broken Federal Election Laws by rigging the Primaries against Bernie, but nothing seems to matter to the Criminal Empire that the Progressive Elites through the DNC started with the Obama administration and co-partnered with the Clinton's Criminal Enterprise Machine. Now The "Machine" is trying to force a false flag operation that would make it mandatory for the Trump camp Super PAC to remove a critical ad that exposes even more Clinton Corruption if reports are to be believed.

Guess what; The supporters of Cruz that have still refused to form ranks against the Clinton/Progressive Elitist machine should rename themselves as the Liberals they have become in protest over their hurt feelings that their 'chosen one' did not meet the public's desired champion. They are doing more damage to the Conservative cause than the Clinton machine is doing right now. they are worse than RINO's in my book, and no better than the Progressive Elitists you allegedly condemn for their actions. Can't you see you are doing the same things but worse because of who you are and what you profess? Are you going to throw another election like you did when you stayed home because you were in a snit over Romney? See where that got America!!! Wake up and see the reality of the situation. You stay home or vote for Hillary to " Send a Message" like you did in 2012 and you will see the Republic and the Constitution go down in flames. That is the REALITY of the POLITICAL SITUATION today.

How long have you been trying to fight against Obama and the liberals? Are you going to throw that away yet again like you did in 2012? Any vote or lack of vote for Trump IS A VOTE for Hillary and the agenda for an oppressive NWO!! You think Hillary is so good? Ask Bernie Sanders WHY he after a lackadaisical endorsement of Hillary and the Democratic party, he restated his political persona as an INDEPENDENT. If you want to end this Socialist/Fascist/Communist NIGHTMARE America is going through, get onboard, there is no other rational choice! It's time to count heads, if you are not with us, you are against us and with the Opposition. The Question to ask yourselves is; "ARe you going to support our Republic with Democratic Principles constrained by a Written Constitution and the Constitution honored and obeyed by elected leaders, or are you going to sell out to the Progressive cause because you are in a childish snit because your preferred politician was found lacking by the majority of Conservative Americans?

It comes down to this time and this place to decide which way America will go through this century. Will it be Free and Honorable, or will it become oppressive servitude to the Elites who want to rule the world?

See what Hillary's Campaign is reportedly doing now to suppress Free Political Speech and in violation of federal Election rules;

Source; http://conservativebyte.com/2016/07/crooked-hillary-campaign-up-to-...

Excerpt from article;

Hillary Clinton’s campaign is pressuring TV stations across the country to stop airing an anti-Clinton political ad sponsored by the pro-Trump super-PAC Rebuilding America Now.

The campaign claims the ad, titled “Outsourcing,” is “directly contracted by evidence in the public record.” }

Video they want removed;


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Something from Dinesh D'Sousa

Dinesh D'Sousa Video

By Eric Margolis

July 31, 2016 "Information Clearing House" - Anti-Russian hysteria in America reached its apogee this week as Democrats tried to divert attention from embarrassing revelations about how the Democratic Party apparatus had rigged the primaries against Bernie Sanders by claiming Vlad Putin and his KGB had hacked and exposed the Dem’s emails.

This was rich coming from the US that snoops into everyone’s emails and phones across the globe. Remember German chancellor Angela Merkel’s cell phone being bugged by the US National Security Agency?

Unnamed US ‘intelligence officials’ claimed they had ‘high confidence’ that the Russian KGB or GRU (military intelligence) had hacked the Dem’s emails. These were likely the same officials who had ‘high confidence’ that Iraq had nuclear weapons.

Blaming Putin was a master-stroke of deflection. No more talk of Hillary’s slush fund foundation or her status as a subsidiary of Goldman Sachs and the rest of Wall Street. All attention was focused on President Putin who has been outrageously demonized by the US media and politicians.

This is more of a DNC dirty tricks if you can believe it's true and not a set up;

Feel the BURN: Bernie Hot Mic Proves He Was Never a Real Candidate

Video of disgruntled Dems at the Convention, more irrefutable proof that Hillary Clinton Machine and the DNC used dirty tricks to insure she would be the nominee.

More video coverage showing how regular folks feel about Hillary;

Here's how Team Hillary and the DNC treats Journalists who don't jump through hoops lauding Hillary;

Same Journalist exposes what Hillary Clinton really is;

So, why would Khizr Khan choose to insert himself into politics and demean his son’s sacrifice by lying at a political convention on national television?

The answer is simple: He allowed himself to be tricked into it. And the Clinton campaign was all too eager to take advantage of him and his family and Capt. Khan and use them for their own political partisan purposes.

Stop for a moment and ask yourself how exactly the Clinton campaign arrived at the decision to trot out the Khan family in the middle of their highly-choreographed, exhaustively produced convention?

Were they just looking to give voice to the parents of a soldier? That would be a first. Did they want parents of anyone who had died abroad in the defense of their country? Gee, why not pick the parents of one of the fallen warriors who died defending the U.S. consulate in Benghazi? Oh, that’s right. They would have called Hillary Clinton a liar. Can’t have that.

No. Politicians like Hillary Clinton do not see people like Capt. Humayun Khan as a soldier who made the ultimate sacrifice on a foreign battlefield in defense of his country.

Charles, I came here today to point out exactly what you detailed. You beat me to it. Let me add that we know how crooked MSM is. This Khan family was shamefully used as a political pawn to attack Trump. This is how low the Democrats and the left wing MSM will go. The shadow government (Bilderberg Group) has many corporations at their disposal to use politically. The problem is most Americans do not understand the truth of who really running the world. Most people do realize that big money and corporations do run things. But they fail to see the actual structure of their empire. Many in Europe understand that Bilderberg is that structure. Americans are far behind but catching up.........Back to the Khan family. Mr. Trump said nothing wrong, yet because he said something about   "maybe she was not allowed to say anything, you tell me". They took a statement like that and spun it to look like Trump attacked her. And then the RINO`s jump in and play along. The globalist progressives in the GOP who have their own greedy empires built up. Would rather Hillary win than be exposed for what they are. Trump is a strong leader who will not bend to the Bilderbergs... We all have a job to do...WE MUST TEACH WHAT WE KNOW.... You must learn the truth of this well enough to teach others... You know how the movement will get bigger. ONE EDUCATED VOTER AT A TIME. And then that new voter becomes a teacher. AND SO ON AND SO ON.

Just Passing This E-Mail I Received Today along to everyone!;

John Porter;
August 1, 2016
Americans everywhere;
      On November 8 this year we, the citizens of the United States of America, are going to be faced with a monumental decision of epic proportions which will determine if we are going to remain a nation of individually free people or one of a people subjected to an all-powerful regulatory and dictatorial Socialist government. We will choose whether to hire Hillary Clinton president, a student of Saul Alinsky and confirmed Socialist, or whether to hire Donald J. Trump, a billionaire American businessman, and keep the United States Constitution as our foundation of freedom. Yes, it will be one or the other, and we do have the power and responsibility to make that decision. Surely we can sit for a few moments and reason together simply as American friends and neighbors, not Democrat or Republican, on this gargantuan issue.
      Please hear me out, for with a great deal of thought and careful consideration 
I submit to you this nation was not established to be one ruled by leaders of various political parties. It was to be ruled by the people themselves, you and me. As Abraham Lincoln said, "of the people, by the people, for the people." This idea had never been tried before in the history of mankind. The men who founded this never-before-tried-method-of-government put into place a document, which if followed without exception, would always remain a nation of people governed by themselves. 

      Along that vein of thought, Lincoln also said, "Our fathers brought forth on this continent a new nation conceived in liberty...", and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal." He went on to say, speaking of being engaged in the Civil War, "We are met here on a great battlefield of that war, testing whether that nation or any other nation so conceived and so dedicated can long endure." I propose to you that we too, on November 8,2016, will meet together on a battle field called voting precincts to test whether that nation will any longer endure.
      Every American should put aside "political party affiliation," for there was no such thing in existence when this nation was founded. We were just Americans in a very unique country which had been conceived in liberty, living free from government regulations and oppression, reaping the rewards of our own efforts and individually helping those who couldn't provide for themselves. Those liberties are all guaranteed and protected by our Constitution. The Constitution was the fulfillment of the beliefs proclaimed in the Declaration of Independence. These were the beliefs for which the men who founded our nation were willing to fight and risk their lives and fortunes. That marvelous document is the EXPRESSED CONSENT OF THE PEOPLE GRANTING POWER TO AN INSTITUTION CREATED BY THEM FOR THE SOLE PURPOSE OF SECURING OUR GOD GIVEN INALIENABLE RIGHTS. 

      The fundamental American concept of government is that a LEGITIMATE GOVERNMENT can only exist for this purpose and that its JUST POWERS can only be derived from the consent of those governed. The United States Constitution is THE LAW OF THE LAND, each and every government institution and the persons whom We The People consent to managing them, are bound and restrained by it. I do not believe that Hillary Clinton holds this conviction and wouldn't think twice in violating the oath of office to "uphold and defend the Constitution". 

      Barack Obama has regularly demonstrated his total disregard for the foundation concepts of America, thus the true meaning of his campaign promise to "fundamentally transform" our structure of government.
He has scoffed at America's history and the Constitution. He has shown despise for our cherished traditions. He ridicules those among us who believe in "American Exceptionalism" and proclaims publicly that he does not. He, along with people like Jeremiah Wright, Bill Ayers and Saul Alinsky have mocked our Christian origins and hates our freedoms and prosperity. Their goal is to Socialize America. We have all heard Hillary Clinton publicly state she intends to continue and "build upon" Obama's policies. 
      There is no doubt we have some serious problems and challenges in the economy, deficit spending, high taxes, unfair trade agreements with foreign governments,Islamic killers, and many other issues but the real danger we face, as a nation, is that of Hillary Clinton becoming president and continuing to "fundamentally transform" America into a nation with a government which no longer exists by the consent of the governed, but a Socialistic government in which the people have very little say. 

      There is not a single example on planet earth where Socialism has worked. Socialism has never been, and never will be, about justice for the people but about power. Socialists like Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama and others, intend to destroy our Constitution by ignoring it and appointing Supreme Court judges who will change it from the bench. They have already started us down this path, but we can not allow this to be completed. We must return our federal government to its Constitutional bounds. 

      We have gone so far it cannot be done in only a few days without doing a lot of harm to our social fabric. I believe, however, that we can begin by a carefully planned elimination of all unconstitutional federal control, regulation, and taxation and shifting the ones which are legitimate government functions to state and local governments where the people (we) can more easily control their management. The advances of Barack Obama and his current Socialist agenda can be stopped and reversed only IF we will be resolved and dedicate ourselves to replacing him with Donald Trump instead of Hillary Clinton. 

      We are the people, the governed, the electors, and
 we are facing a choice which only we can make. I hope and trust we can make that choice, not bound by a political party or anything else, but just an American. 
"But I'm not sure about what Donald Trump will do," you might say. If that is your case, he is still the person to elect, for we know exactly what Hillary Clinton will do. She has made it very clear that she intends to continue down the current path we are traveling now. We will all step into a voting booth some where in this country on November 8 and choose either Hillary Clinton and the shackles of Socialism or Donald Trump and the United States Constitution with its Freedoms of Individual Liberty. Which ever ideology you choose will eliminate the other for generations to come. May God guide your contemplation on this most important decision.

Thank you:
God bless America.
John Porter
Harrison, Arkansas

That video is very telling to me. The Clinton`s are scary people.




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