We The People USA

Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic

Crooked politicians must be held accountable for the crimes they have done. Trump is the only one who will do it. To elect a POTUS who will not prioritize fixing our criminal political system will not be good enough for me.We will not get another one like Trump ,who will bitch slap the evil out of Washington politics..No one can deny that Trump is crazy enough to do it. But he needs us to want it fixed. He can not stand alone..This is that time in history. The time that many have hoped. Turn your back on this opportunity,and we are done. THAT IS THE TRUTH OF IT.

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Yeah just getting ready for another downpour of lost causes, gotta love em.

Gotta love those of us who just keep tryin...Rhodes. You are my friend with the half empty glass.But you are probably my friend who will say I told ya. I am a realist and usually see the actual truth in things. That is why I look forward to your wit. It helps keep me from getting to carried away with my half full glass. Let me ask you this. Do you think no matter who wins the election, that there will be a revolution of some sort.I can see that if Trump wins there will be some push back from the socialists and their idiotic  outlook on how things should be.. But I wonder if Hillary wins will there be a movement to take back our government via force.We at this site have not looked at it in this way. But I feel it deserves at least a little conversation because it is relevant....There seems to be so much raw emotion invested in this election that will all come to a head November 8th.....


If there is to be a revolution,let the Socialists fire the first salvo. We must take the council of Mohandas Ghandi and M.L.King and fight a bloodless Revolution if at all possible. However I do fear that hot heads from both sides will try and act out their displeasure should their candidate not win.I have seen the arsenal that can be brought to bear against even a fully armed citizenry and would Pray that it not come to that. It's not like the movies as anyone who has experienced combat will tell you. It's horrendous, the casualties can not get up and go to lunch like the actors do, the dead do not rise again like the actors do, The pain, loss of friends/brothers, and lasting mental anguish does not abate ( not even after 50 years, it stays with the combatants for the remainder of their lives.) and the actors only pretend to elicit those emotions and don't have to live with them.

I just saw this on my buddy's site, and I concur with his assessment of the problems we face from both parties and the media, and the solutions to those problems he suggests;

The Tradesman had this to say;

{{ It's time to take down all the names of every so called Republican that refuses to back their party's elected candidate and when they come up for reelection Primary them off the ballot, or failing that actually hold your nose and vote for their opponent, preferably the independent or green candidate.

Then, if they cause Trump to lose, it's high time to call for and form a Third Party. Invite all the real conservatives in the GOP and if there are any in the other parties invite them too but vett everyone first. We need to do this to start taking back Congress and the Republic.

You all know me, and you know that I have counseled against forming a Third Party since we began fighting back in 2009. So you know I have weighed the consequences and see that as the next necessary move to rid ourselves of the Power Elite in Washington Politics should they torpedo the peoples chosen candidate.

If the Elites of Politics force Trump out or destroy his actual chances of winning, Forming a Third Party to challenge the entrenched status quo reprobates, would garner support from all the disenfranchised average Americans, and would take back the Country by storm in a bloodless and completely legal and civil manner..}}

Kevin I doubt to the extreme that we understand what is going on around us. About all one can do is point that out to those that have been deceived into accepting this mess as normal.

If one stands on the high ground of reason and tries to "see" the field before us it becomes clear the entire mess is just falling into chaos and the worst evil the human race has perpetrated since the days of Noah.

Politics be damned this is something entirely different as normalcy bias and delusion, being what they are, will blind any chance to understand it.

Here is the joke and it is a good one;

Even if one somehow does understand it through developed reason and clarity as the gift from God it is, what good would come from it? That person would be one in a thousand and helpless to change the course of events no matter how powerful.

My best appraisal is that most if not all of us see a piece of it and react to that little slice of clarity.

In doing so it seems all that is accomplished is to add to the chaos.

The band may change discordant tunes but play on it does, all the while the cold arctic waters fill the ship. It really is a fitting metaphor and a very sad one at that. 

The experiment has failed, not just the American experiment but the entire premise than man may rule himself is horribly failing. There is no system that has not been tried in some form or another. Of course some fail more spectacularly, or horribly if you will, than others but fail they do.

Glass half empty? Man I wont even say that the glass even exists at this point.

This is why I ceased attempting to understand all this, a notion that runs badly against my grain. 

But what if there really is no spoon? Then the floodgates open...

Funny thing about darkness, the light never shines so brightly as it does in darkest night. Just accept truth for it's own sake, reason for protection, and love for it's comfort in the coming times. There just is nothing else for it.

Pray if you will, it cannot hurt for we shall see great and terrible things.

Now I gotta go fix the car


I somewhat disagree with you because History is rife with situations where one person was held down and it changed the world , and when one person was uplifted it changed the world. That can still happen if the person in question is a critical actor on history's stage.Little things and individuals do count. Citing US Grant and the battle of Piney Woods. Stonewall jackson and the Reb soldier that accidentally shot him. Obama and everything he has done. Brutus and Caesar. Hiam Soloman and the American Revolution. Booth and Lincoln. etc.

You sure got a lot going on in that post..I do feel like I am a 1 in a 1000. But yet having the right answer of things is only frustrating. Getting people to follow takes leadership....Hope Trump is a 1 in a 1,000,000

Two premises form the bedrock of Principled Conservatism:

* We moderns, preening w/conceit, hubris and pride, are insignificant dwarves, who see what we do, because we stand on the massive shoulders of the Giants of Antiquity; who created Western Civilization.

*Man is neither a perfectible creature nor is Heaven on Earth a possibility in this world.

Our laughable leaders don't even grasp the first and refuse to accept the second. Hence our culture/society gets the governance it deserves.


We may be standing on the shoulders of giants, but we must oppose the midgets of our generation who are destroying it.

trump played the media  good the last few days. He had them all saying Obama was the founder of ISIS. And that Hillary wanted to take the second A away...They are such a-holes. They did his bidding to the thinking public for him..They were saying they can see why he would say that a Obama and Hillary administration left the vacuum. They were making his case for him while they tried to spin his sarcasm against him...Just about every left wing talking head is on record saying they agree that the vacuum was made by them.Trump is piling up ammo to use in stretch run.

Kevin this is ammo he is using to inflict pain on himself. It won't be much longer, Trump will be more than 100 electoral college votes behind Hillary and he will announce he is not going to attend the debate and soon after he will announce he is suspending his campaign. Even Trump knows this gig is up. 

lol...I guess you really believe these polls.




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