We The People USA

Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic

Crooked politicians must be held accountable for the crimes they have done. Trump is the only one who will do it. To elect a POTUS who will not prioritize fixing our criminal political system will not be good enough for me.We will not get another one like Trump ,who will bitch slap the evil out of Washington politics..No one can deny that Trump is crazy enough to do it. But he needs us to want it fixed. He can not stand alone..This is that time in history. The time that many have hoped. Turn your back on this opportunity,and we are done. THAT IS THE TRUTH OF IT.

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Helping Hillary will belie those words.Jack

explain how helping Hillary makes my comment false. If she wins it had nothing to do with Soros if she loses it had nothing to do with Soros.

some of the released e-mails by both Wikileaks and Judicial Watch show that Soros is heavily backing Hillary.

Oh for sure... The whole Global initiative is super important to the bilderberg vision of NWO.....Remember this...The whole anti global movement across the world wants to see Trump win. This is why Wiki-leaks and Putin want Trump.She will not win. And she will be in jail.........REMEMBER BREXIT....


Never assume anything about politics. Nothing happens by accident in politics. It will take a massive concerted effort by all Honorable Americans to overcome the dastardly cheating and maliferous tactics that the Elites will rain down on this election. We need to develop the focus, unity, and drive we once had for the 2010 elections. We are fighting against the most powerful and organized group since Julius Caesar crossed the Rubicon and took Rome by Force. We need to be that focused ,dedicated, and united to even have a chance to win.

App maker: Trump will win election
How can Zip’s results be so different?

“We’re not a poll. We’re a conversation, and 100% anonymous,” Militi says. “People feel comfortable answering questions without fear of being bullied or being called a racist. People can express themselves safely, and you get a pure answer.”

that is useless technology. My grandson can get into that app and change any data collections you would want to have. Even if it wasn't tampered with it gives no raw data that you can analyze. You don't know who is answering the question, how likely they are they will vote and are they eligible to vote and most important how many true voters does the app capture. Charles, the DNC and the RNC have real time accurate voting data. They are the only ones that have that information. It has been that way ever since I have been involved in politic and that is more than 50 years. You can take all the polls you want and none of them are worth the paper they are printed on. They were never meant to be accurate. There purpose is to drive up voter interest to get ratings. Has nothing to do with the election. It is a money generating tool. Both political parties know who is going to win the election right now and they will know on election day at 7am.

I agree all the polls are set up to give predetermined results because figures lie and liars figure. Especially Democrats.

Charles, I watch many Trump rallies. I also watch Clinton rallies. I for one can sense the huge difference in enthusiasm. Also the shear numbers of participation is not even close....If the polls did not exist. Everyone would say Trump wins by a mile.. Just watching the rallies without listening to any propaganda, is the true test of how the masses really feel......TRUMP WILL WIN BIG....PS, Hillary has very few rallies, maybe 2 a week....Trump does 2 a day most times.

Provided the Democrats don't cheat like they usually do.

Here is an e-mail my friend sent me;

Why Trump?

I wrote this today in response to a blogger who wrote a long list of why people are supporting Donald - mostly in opposition to the gross and corrupt mismanagement of the nation. This was my response:

Those of us who still love God and country are well aware of why Trump is popular. Let’s also consider what Trump brings to the table - over 40 years of visible, definable accomplishment as a developer, builder and operator of high quality, successful projects here and around the world - with a 4-5% failure rate which a developer friend defines as market changes, not personal failure. His sense of quality and beauty is reflected in his projects and his surroundings. 

Quality projects require every level of skill and ability of designers, architects, artisans, materials and component suppliers and building contractors with their cadre of skilled employees. Unlike a box store which can be torn down in a few years and replaced with something else equally ugly, Trump projects require the TLC only a dedicated staff can bring to the customers. This runs from hotel, office, golf course and product management to every level of service to the humblest chamber maid (who always gets a big tip from me when staying at a hotel.) 

Consider also his success in dealing with the usual suspects in municipal bureaucracies and big city unions. He gets the job done. He took the NYC Central Park ice rink that was millions over budget and out of commission for years. In a few months, he contacted a professional hockey team about how they make their ice. The city bureaucrats were beating themselves to death with a system that wouldn't work and cannot be maintained.  Taking advice from the experts, he delivered in a few months ahead of schedule and under budget. 

Consider the Boston Tunnel project that was already behind schedule when my wife and I were on the trip I won on the Wheel of Fortune in 1995. I don’t think its finished yet. Trump would be able to straighten that mess out. Multiply that by every bureaucratic mess across the country. A man of vision will infect the creative juices of millions and things will get done. One way or the other. he will be on Pennsylvania Avenue. The Old Post Office languished for decades until the Feds asked him to take it over. It's scheduled to open ahead of schedule and under budget.  Google it. 

Yes, Vote Trump if you love your kids and your country.

Jerry Todd

M I hope we don't select our presidents based on their ability to build luxury real estate, or how much money they earned or hold as assets. I would think we would select our leaders based on how well they can analyze complex problems and have solutions that will solve the problem. I have seen no evidence that Trump possess that skill nor have I heard one statement from him that gives me confidence he understands the complex problems and has a solution. Every statement he makes is a clear indication to me he has no understanding of the problems we face or how to solve them. Why would we support such a candidate?  




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