We The People USA

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I have been very critical of Donald Trump in the past due to my perceptions of his narcissistic tendencies but the combination of the fear and hate for him from the ruling class elitist political establishment and their lamestream media lapdogs and his obvious genuine concern for the plight of the Louisiana flood victims I am rapidly changing my assessment of Trump.  He took time out of his campaign, and spent his own money and physical effort to assist rather than getting on a soapbox and demanding that taxpayers foot the bill as our typical ruling class elitists always do.  At the same time fuhrer obama couldn't interrupt his taxpayer funded golf vacation to bother appearing and hillary couldn't postpone her fundraising events with the ultra rich celebrity class to show up either.  Both of them once again displayed their ultra contempt and disdain for the plight of "commoners" who are not worthy of their time or immense wealth.

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I am happy that you have opened your mind to Trump. Bob, I believe you will be pleased with your decision.I pray that the God will help Donald to realize his inner goodness.Trump is becoming a tool of good. I think he is becoming the person he longs to be.It is coming from his heart. He seems to truly want to do the right thing. 

I still don't have a lot of confidence he will pan out but the shrillness of the establishment makes him look better.

Bob have a look at this...

It is about beating the globalist establishment. There are many who understand the bilderberg group in Europe more than in America...This is why Trump is the one and only one who can do the job of defeating the NWO agenda of the bilderberg group.

And remember ...The polling industry is controlled by the bilderbergs...The same as the media.

I don't pay any attention to polls because they are designed around the desired results, therefore self-serving rags at best.

yes, it is about beating the globalist establishment.  that is why my concerns about Trump are being pushed into the background.  they are showing just how power hungry and evil they really are.  they have to come out of hiding and attack frontally to defeat Trump so any mask they have has to come off so those in denial are unable to remain there.  Trump isn't my first, or second choice, but he is far better than any establishment hack.

Cruz isn't on my list of possibilities. he isn't eligible so I never considered Cruz or Jindal.

i was a Rand Paul guy. But moved to Trump as I saw what he was. I have known of the bilderberg group for many years now. So that is what enabled me to see Trump as a potential POTUS. Actually I realized he was a much stronger leader than Rand.Rand is an excellent senator and is a huge asset for anti globalism.But Trump is the stronger of the 2... After research it became obvious that Cruz was a globalist.

I like Rand Paul and Ben Carson myself, my first choices but at this point Trump is the best choice.  Gary Johnson looked good at one time but he has fallen in with the "climate change" Nazis so he is off any list of consideration from me.  It looks like Trump is it unless he pulls a mitty the poo romney and begins to pander but I don't expect that to happen.

 I love Ben for sure. When he jumped on the Trump Train that sealed it for me. Then I was confident that I was backing the right guy. I think Johnson is a good guy. But I think he is to high to see the whole NWO thing..There are many layers to it.

I don't find myself affected by "endorsements" because they are too oftn a "pay for play" scheme, used to gain a position in a perspective administration.  Not saying Carson was doing so because I believe he is an honorable man but still his jumping on the wagon means very little to me.  As I state, Trump's actions and the shrillness of the establishment against him are my determining factors.  Not being critical of you, Kevin, I just have a different outlook.  God bless you and God bless the USA!!!!!




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