We The People USA

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Donald Trump is licking his chops. He has a good chance to win the Republican nomination. He knows he can beat Hillary as I do also. .Donald is in the know of people that can take Hillary And Bill out of the picture for good. The Career politicians are not privy to the same knowledge that Mr. Trump is. This is a little sample of what I mean.

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This will be the undoing of the Clintons. The Uranium one deal is getting uncovered. The Oregon incident has now shined a light on the evil deeds. The death of Lavoy will bring so much unwanted attention to the truth of the criminal activities.They needed to shut down these Patriots because they were uncovering so much dirt. If you followed the story of the Burns stand off you would totally understand....There can only be two reasons why the news has buried this.Either they are hoping we just allow it to blow over. Or they are investigating and evidence gathering to sink the Clinton`s and others involved of Crimes against America...FINGERS CROSSED....This video will show you what I am talking about. Especially go to minute 24 . This is the part were Uranium 1 and the Clinton`s are tied together in this.


I think it might be time to bring up the criminal and disgusting career of the Clintons...IT`S TIME TO GET REAL.

Every time in history, when the heat was on the Clintons. People started to die....HERE WE GO AGAIN.....http://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2016/08/wow-breaking-video-julian-a...

Kevin, why do you search the internet to find these kinds of stories? You're never going to learn anything by searching these type of sources.

Seeing how you have nothing to add to this discussion....BEAT IT.

Jack is a troll
and obviously a racist acording to some just for being here.

Resident troll apparently. Hope his stay ends in defeat.

He is dependable.




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