Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic
Donald Trump is licking his chops. He has a good chance to win the Republican nomination. He knows he can beat Hillary as I do also. .Donald is in the know of people that can take Hillary And Bill out of the picture for good. The Career politicians are not privy to the same knowledge that Mr. Trump is. This is a little sample of what I mean.
M if I have misspoken with respect to my claim you joined the crowd that began calling me names, I apologize for that error. I will be more disciplined next time before I make such a claim. As for being cantankerous, I do not have a temper or am I unwilling to be cooperative. Argumentative is a very subjective term. I see arguing and debating as two separate actions. One is just used to raise the emotions of the other person and the other is used to stress a point. I have no interest to raise the emotions on anyone on this forum. I think there is too much emotion in the thinking right now that distorts reality. Do I lean slightly left of your views, I would think that is true along with 85% of the general public which would include Ronald Reagan if he were alive today. There is no shame on being conservative or liberal or anything inbetween. The shame comes on how you act on those terms.
Your last sentence is why I refuse to allow any censorship of ideas on my site. The things I disallow are plainly posted on the site rules page. Granted I used the wrong wording when I said cantankerous., I should have used the term incredulous. That would be more apt of a description. Anyway we both need to be convinced with provable logic before we will accept other opinions as fact.
To: M, Kevin, Hankelvis, Coffey, Virgiia, charles royer, Rhodes….
Perhps this thought might change the way you think of liberals.
Recently M made this comment regarding lefties in NYT: "…I feel it's good they are making those crass comments because they are making our points for us. most people have good BS detectors and use them".
Well, for many years I thought so too. Slowly, however, during Obama's rule, I started to change my mind. The active left wingers who campaign for Hillary (or Obama) and argue in NYT's comment sections aren't really interested in winning any arguments or just making crass comments about their political opponents. Reasonable and often heated discussions, the kind M and most others here love to see, are not really in left's interest. Winning an argument is no longer their goal. It's not merely BS.
Rather, they are determined to destroy anyone who dares to disagree with them. They go to comments sections not to argue or discuss or make points, but to fight. We often say it's no use arguing with a liberal. Well, I thought so too, but now I realize that arguing isn't the point. Talking with them is like being in a street fight where anything goes. They are ruthless, perhaps having learned and encouraged by the campaign style of Obama. Logic and cogent argument have no effect on them. Don't believe me? Just read the daily nonstop attacks on Trump supporters - oh, not only Trump, but all those who support must be neutralized. In their view, First amendment rights don't hold for such people; only they are allowed to use them. And if it weren't Trump, then it would be supporters of any other GOP candidate who dare threaten the liberal rule.
Still skeptical? Would you be surprised to hear that already many suggestions have come from the left to prosecute and jail those who deny climate change? (That is, deny that humans are causing earth to get warmer).
And thus I walked away, determined to use the only weapon against them which they can't neutralize (at least, not yet): the voting booth - for myself, my family, my friends.
You are right M: most people have good BS detectors. In fact, so good that they have no need for fact checking. By the way, on this point, have you heard of this about the left? The mother of a liberal tells him she loves him. So, before believing her and feeling good, he fact checks her.
Sitting here this morning listening to CNN and MSNBC shoot down Trump for reaching out to Black Community. While hearing nothing of the 39 times Hillary told FBI she didn`t remember. ..2 more cops shot this morning with so little mentioned. FBI again releases its information on late Friday of a 3 day weekend...Cops are being killed because of the politicians and media putting the Black lives Matter movement in such good light.These media people better smarten up. They are being judged by many. I would not want to be them if and when everything breaks loose. I am thinking the Cops will not be so fast to help them out.
Here is a thought....Al Sharpton`s office is under attack by right wing extremists. Al calls police station requesting help ASAP. ......LOL..Hang on Al...We will be right there...LOL.
I think tonight is a big night for Trump. He is going to crush Hillary on MSM. Trumps message to the Military is spot on. Hillary is and has been part of everything wrong. The difference will be seen by the whole country tonight. Then after a few days the polls will reflect the difference of the Two. When Hillary starts to slip farther down , she will be in panic mode. The elite establishment phones will be ringing of the hook. It will be the bilderberg inner circles calling to push buttons....AND THINGS WILL GET REAL.
What is scheduled for Trump this evening Kevin?
Jack, use your internet browser and research the schedule
September 7, 2016
The reversion of the NeverTrumps begins
One of the first NeverTrumps to reconsider is Mark Levin, who occupies a crucial position in the conservative movement, as both a popular talk show host and as a legal and constitutional scholar of great importance
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