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NOT KIDDING: Trump already backing off of a full repeal of Obamacare

Trump isn’t even president yet and he’s already waffling on a full repeal of Obamacare. Why? Because Obama made an appeal to him:

WSJ – On health care, Mr. Trump said a big reason for his shift from his call for an all-out repeal was that Thursday meeting at the White House with the president, who, he said, suggested areas of the Affordable Care Act to preserve. “I told him I will look at his suggestions, and out of respect, I will do that,” Mr. Trump said in his Trump Tower office.

“Either Obamacare will be amended, or repealed and replaced,” Mr. Trump said.

Amended?? UGH!

Obama is nice to Trump, says ‘pretty please’, and Trump’s already willing to considering leaving parts of Obamacare in place??? What a principle-less chump!

Congress had better kick Trump’s ass on this issue and put a FULL REPEAL bill on his desk and then DARE him to veto it. They better hold the line on this issue!

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It certainly looks like you are going to be an anti Trump poster. I am happy you are here...Sick and tired on beating on the ignorance of Jack. NEED FRESH MEAT.

So I guess you will step up to the plate....Or is that on to the plate....MSNBC says Trump is fliping on healthcare, and you back them up. ...So I guess taking some of the good points out of obama care and using them in a new health care law....He said he was going to replace it...I would think you take the good out of the bad law and use it. That is if your serious about writing good law to help the little people as well as not punishing the working class. Jv you have drawn the battle lines. So lets see what you got besides name calling like the extreme liberals do.

This is your thtread you started so now you need to defend it...Swing batter batter swing.......swooosh ..........striiiiiike....oooonnnneee.

Think what was said by someone we"didn't need oboma care to ask insurance companies to cover pre existing" conditions.

this isnt anti-trump , its pro constitution,

I thought our goal was to keep the feds out of our healthcare?

I thought we could trust trump to do what he said he would do?

unless something has changed and this is a liberal site?

so dont jump my a$$ just yet , I am just keeping his feet to the fire on what he said he would do.

OH and thats not the only thing, he has backed off on the iran deal and will not tear it up 

so lets just see how this plays out and hope for the best but prepare for the worst..OK

So I guess you would like to roll back all social measures that government has done . If you could guarantee that greed and selfishness would not exist in society at extreme measures . Then most people would agree with you. History has proven that the government needs to be run by, for and of the people. To serve the masses of people. When insurance becomes a vehicle for the elite to enrich themselves. The reason that healthcare got out of control was because of greed and selfishness. People would just use healthcare when ever they had a boo boo. And then policy made it so anyone could get care simply by showing up at hospital. That was a run away way of doing things. The blame can be spread over many things and something had to be done  Enter Democrats that used this issue as a vehicle to gain power. They have no clue of how to make it work . They only used it for their selfish greedy advancement of careers...So here we are with a healthcare system that is way out of control. If you think we just need to get out of the way and let crony capitalism back in control, then you do not truly want a good working healthcare system that will work for everyone. And if you think crony capitalism does not exist...I say to you..COME OUT FROM UNDER THE ROCK YOU LIVE....Our constitution was brought forth by God fairing Men...We have moved away from God. God is the key that makes our constitution viable. If you want less Government you will need more God..THAT IS THE RECIPE. The constitution will only work with God involved. If you think the constitution can replace God . Well that is your problem. Jesus taught us to love one another. Caring for everyones health is a good value to have as a nation of God.

your changeing the subject.

or are you saying that you were only against the ACA cause it was written by democrats and not the GOP??

as for do I want a socialist country the answer is a big fat ...NO.

and lets not forget it is in violation of the Constitution and bill of rights

and of course it would also mean trump lied and is trully a democrat plant, but he is the only one to prove that wrong

and trump wont swear an oath to god , but to the CONSTITUTION.

and if he is a honorable man he will abide by his oath


since you seem to not know what the oath says her ya go

Before he enter on the Execution of his Office, he shall take the following Oath or Affirmation:—"I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States."

JV. Cruz lost because he was crony capitalism`s last resort. So just remember this movement of liberty is not based on resorting back to caveman times. The constitution is part of greatness. But it is not the only thing that makes us a great nation.This movement is not because hard core conservatism showed up. It embodied mostly of people who want to live and let live.

your changing the subject again.

I am guessing you are in favor of a single payer system for your final goal. cause thats their goal and the final result of this whole thing.

bad part about socialism is they always run out of other peoples money.




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