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One just never knows does one.

Europeans are losing their damn minds, always a good sign things are on the right track.

CNN is livid, again a good sign.

Putin seems ok with it, a step back from war is a good thing.

So all in all not a bad morning.

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What a fantastic win Rhodes, congratulations, couldn't be happier for y'all. Trump pressed the right buttons for a great win

As history attests,there are several attributes required in great leaders, one of the most vital being revolve.

W/his improbable yet stirring victory, Donald Trump demonstrated that he has that in spades, as he refused to buckle and waver, even after many of his staunchest supporters screamed at him to change course.

By his resolve under great stress, at the core of the Romans, Trump sent a clarion message round the world. " Be advised that when I set my course, I mean to follow it."

The long knives are being re-sharpened by the frenzied left, embittered by their defeat.

Shortly, he will have to send another message. "Let them hate as long as they fear !" 

Donald Trump just ended America's 2 biggest political dynasties in 18 months
Early Wednesday morning, a real-estate mogul who starred in an NBC reality-TV show, Donald Trump, became the nation's president-elect and the all-but-certain successor to President Barack Obama.

The process of upending the predictive favorites began roughly 18 months back, with Trump taking on Bush, a former Florida governor, in the Republican primary. He made Bush his primary fodder in a crowded field, labeling him as "low-energy."


He is the First president that has no prior Political knowledge gained from a term in government and also has not served in the military. He is a total upset to the status-quo and a wake up call to all the hidebound politicians in the swamp. They never thought the people would rise up and step on them. We only have the advantage for a short time. We have a lot that has to be accomplished in the next four years to fix America. We must get busy to unite ourselves to do what must be done to throw the last vestiges of the Progressive curse out of government if we want to maintain that advantage beyond a Trump Presidency.

And because we are not liberals we will point out when or if President Trump doesn't perform!

As Deplorables, we must.

Too tired for to be witty, too happy to be realistic today.

Tomorrow is another day.

Does Hitlary get a full pardon?:"

Not sure what happens next.

Going to be an interesting few weeks ahead.


* This morning a parade of republicrat types such as Ryan, Kascich, Romney, Bush and the rest of that assholery; were venting their fawning congratulatory twitters to Trump.The media weenies were all abuzz w/the 'come together' theme. Don't be fooled. These losers fear Trump and rightly so; a very good thing! And don't be shocked if Ryan loses his Speakership.

* Ivanka Trump has now become one of the most powerful women in the world.

* Jimbo Comey better start looking for work abroad long before Rudy Guliani becomes Attorney General.

* Wonder how the official site pest is dealing w/the cold reality of Trump, poor thing. Sometimes reality can be so gosh darn cruel that it makes one wanna cry.

Well wonder if we can snag a few of these ... just as a reminder not to ever believe anything from a "news organisation".

These assholes were in such a feeding frenzy someone stole their meal!

The crowds don't mean anything Romney had crowds!




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