We The People USA

Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic

Have you guys seen this?

Apparently this is what was responsible for the LP offering two socialist light candidates this year.

The conflict just burns... how?...why???? Arrg

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Barack Obama’s Fast and Furious Efforts to Transform America

History has been erased and traditional values have been replaced with socialist ideals. Under the guise of progress, liberals have slowly been eroding America’s identity. Apparently, the election of Donald Trump has made them step-up their game.

In America’s rural cities, the sense of relief is pervasive — but in urban cities, the message is all about hate. And the Marxist ideologies of the Democratic party, are driving the message. Violence and protests are replacing peace and cooperation. Hillary supporters have been hurling insults about racism and sexism. Platitudes that are void of logic and morality. Their empty notions of love and acceptance are lost in the fog of the war they created.

I just cannot imagine any one being so dense as to think the two utterly conflicting ideas somehow makes sense.

Frankly I was right to leave the Libertarian party after the Free State fiasco, as it seems their thought process has degenerated right along side the Democrats and Republicans.

An appropriate label. Let's reflect a moment on the movement that ushered in political modernism, viz, the French Enlightenment whose mantra was:

* Liberte' (freedom is paramount, surpassing all attributes),

* Egalite' (all men are equal),

* Fraternite' (all men are brothers).

Three word of  complete and utter bullshit that repudiated Principled Conservatism derived from the Natural Law, which continues to energize the left, to this day.

Libertarianism was the spawn of the first.

Ah always trust a statist to be predictable if nothing else.

Most libertarian principles in America are derived from the thoughts, writings, and actions of the Founders, so you have boldly denounced them. They saw no greater good than liberty and governments prime task to preserve and advance it.

Indeed I do reject libertarianism as a governing philosophy, w/no disrespect to our Founders.

Understandably it was the focus of their thinking as it was the catalyst for our revolt against the British Crown.

There are many attributes, behaviors, impulses and sentiments that guide human nature which include; Self-discipline, Compassion, Responsibility, Friendship, Courage, Perseverance, Charity, Honor, Loyalty, Faith; among others. The assertion of libertarians that Liberty trumps then all is hysterical nonsense.

For the record, I have denounced no one nor am I a statist. This is a difference of opinion and perspective.

Antiquity spawned Principled Conservatism derived from the Natural Law. In contrast, the cranks and malcontents of the French Enlightenment spawned libertarianism. It's not a hard choice.

As far as government is concerned liberty is the sole point of the above government should be concerned, must be if it is to succeed.

Liberty allows one to be disciplined, compassionate, honorable, and loyal. Liberty allows one to be greater than they were.

Without it we have what you see all around this very day, unthinking sheep led by base instinct.

Obviously they are a result of a system that has forgotten these things.

Liberty demands responsibility, consequence, and self direction, slavery does not and these snowflakes we see are slaves because they have never experienced liberty.

As I said and will continue, government will fail the instant it forgets these realities. 

Ok, we'll end this fandango here.

Liberty, while a most worthy end in itself, is most emphatically NOT the sole purpose of government, as the Greeks of antiquity demonstrated. Reality!!!

Also the virtues named earlier, are not interdependent. One can be a self-disciplined fraud, a loyal errand boy for a hustler, the friend of a traitor and so on.

Repeating, we are mere dwarfs standing on the massive shoulders of the Giants of the past; a legacy we have forgotten and/or ignore.

More freedom is hardly the answer to our malaise.

Getting the government as far removed from our lives as possible is the only thing that matters in politics.

My Grandfather said once:

When you find yourself arguing with a brick wall there are two things you can do,

beat your head on it or piss on it... 




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