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Soft Bank plans to invest 50 billion in USA. and 50K jobs

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KK, an observation.

A you already know, any back and fourth w/junior varsity is pointless.

This dumb ass is impervious to reflection and energized by a consuming and compulsive anti-Trump neuroses.

You are right, I do know it......THIN ICE....

Tom, I must add that I give everyone a chance to come to their senses. Hatred is a powerful impulse. To cure it Jesus applied much love. Now I am no Jesus, That is an absolution.But to give an effort will not hurt.If she becomes to much and an absolution of pure hate then she must go. I will not let it effect our hive in a negative way. She came here slinging arrows at our elected conservative messenger. All while saying she is a conservative. But her hatred is getting in her way to be a good person of the movement. God I hope and pray she can see this. But Like I said ...I AM NO JESUS AND ONLY HAVE SO MUCH PATIENCE.

back room deal was not the point of the article ,

but that all that trump did was say OK on a deal that was already in the works.

good job on his part bringing in foreign investors over americans but really no big deal.

and if I am correct at this point nothing has happened so far from amazing

I do wonder about him talking with three known globalists in just the last two days?

OH MY GOD...HE TALKED TO GLOBALISTS....That`s it. I can not be for Trump any more..LOLOLOLOL...You row your boat in such shallow waters....Small mindedness runs amuck....You will never see the forest when you stare at a tree. 

Trump Adviser Says Media ‘Distorted’ His Plans For Indian Country

An adviser to President-elect Donald Trump says the media “distorted” his plan to give American Indian tribes control over their lands by labeling the effort as “privatization” rather than self-determination.

Read more: http://dailycaller.com/2016/12/06/trump-adviser-says-media-distorte...

sorry you feel that way kevin, but I dont worship at the alter of trump but protect and defend the constitution 

and if that means calling out trump for being a boldfaced liar then so be it

There will be no more of this insanity.

Boom! Trump hits a twofer!
Branstad’s move to China means Iowa’s first female governor

Trump not Hillary ,breaking glass ceilings 

A reflection.

Trump will be 70 at his next birthday.

How many know seventy year olds, w/his level of energy??????????




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