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Well operation "fake news" has resulted in the Repub House passing a bill to shut those sites down or force them to change the tune to something more aligned with US propaganda. 


"On November 30, one week after the Washington Post launched its witch hunt against "Russian propaganda fake news", with 390 votes for, the House quietly passed "H.R. 6393, Intelligence Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2017", sponsored by California Republican Devin Nunes (whose third largest donor in 2016 is Google parent Alphabet, Inc), a bill which deals with a number of intelligence-related issues, including Russian propaganda, or what the government calls propaganda, and hints at a potential crackdown on "offenders."

Still think you have a horse in that corral?

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Rats in the cellar!
Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) on Wednesday said he will offer legislation to extend a key Obama administration immigration program.

"I'm going to introduce legislation with my Democratic colleagues and my Republican colleagues that would continue the legal status of the DACA kids," Graham told reporters.

Know the fastest way to get rats out of barn is to set the barn on fire, drastic but effective.Something to consider

Perhaps the Senate will delay long enough on the HR bill and the House can delay the Senate bill, no action is good action with lame ducks. We have to understand the people that control the party are same ones that did a year ago despite the giddiness over Trump.

We have to understand the people that control the party are same ones that did a year ago
Spot on & they are wounded & desperate!

And seem to be recovering from the initial panic of the election.

Operation Fake News is a real threat to our freedom of press.As much as we hate the lying propaganda, we can not allow government to control what is proper news.The information war is real. The war for our minds is real. It has always been that way. But the internet has blown the battle field wide open and the establishment has lost control of the narrative.Obama gave control of internet away because we have a constitution that keeps the people in control. So the establishments answer was to give control to the UN. Thus they can control the narrative...Sure hope Trump can reverse the order of Obama`s to surrender control of it....Trump has a HUGE to do list...It`s 4:40 am. Some body wake Trump up. He is burning daylight.

Still a long way to Jan 20th.


Think what we wish the actions only make sense in the reality if one uses the worst possible agenda as motive.

Those "private positions" again, unknown and difficult to imagine for most.

Who leaked information & invented a film (Benghazi)about Mohamed?OBOMA!

This is true but the current issue is a bit more complex.

Depends on which leak is being discussed.

The Wiener emails (the infamous Life Insurance folder) were seemingly from a source in the FBI, the DNC emails and docs from an disgruntled insider (butt hurt Bernie guy), those are the two batches that made the difference November 8th.

Maybe the reason they were saving the concern about hacking was in anticipation of just this kind of problem.

Who knows how those creatures think.

And now the Senate passes the abominable bill.


This is why I am not a Republican, remember this is all without any evidence or credibility so it is fairly plain it's to silence the true enemy... us.




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