We The People USA

Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic


The evil dictators are using the last few weeks in office to try to destroy the nation by cursing Israel once again and starting a war with Russia in an attempt to unconstitutionally remain in office by declaring a "state of emergency".  Obama knows Trump will reverse the damage he has done so he is making every effort to undermine the voters who rejected his intended successor, hillary clinton.  Every member of obama's 8 year regime and every member of Congress who either helped him or refused to stop him should be charged, convicted, and executed for treason.  What they have done is inexcusable and outright treason against the Constitution and We the People.  Obama and hillary used the Fast and Furious scam in an attempt to undermine and destroy our God-given rights to self defense that are guaranteed under the 2nd Amendment and is importing millions of islamic terrorists to further his attempt to destroy freedom of speech and religion guaranteed by the 1st Amendment.  Both of them also created the terrorist attack in Benghazi, left Americans to die in order to cover up their illegal gun running activities and stopped rescue efforts by relieving and arresting commanders who ordered available forces to defend the Libyan compounds that were under attack, then lied repeatedly saying the attack was the "spontaneous response" to some obscure video no one had seen.  These three, obama, kerry, and clinton, are the most despicable people to be in control of our government in my lifetime and that includes Lyndon Johnson and his bunch of crooks.

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Moving against Israel could doom America.

yes, that is why my prayer asks God to punish those people individually rather than punish the entire nation because so many of us support Israel and oppose the actions of fuhrer Obama.  God answers my prayers, and those of others, especially when they are sincere and logical.

Least these days be shortened..

[In His discourse about the end times, Jesus said, "And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for the elect's sake those days shall be shortened" (Matthew 24:22). "And except that the Lord had shortened those days, no flesh should be saved: but for the elect's sake, whom He hath chosen, He hath shortened the days" (Mark 13:20). What does this mean?

Three possible interpretations are: 1) the individual days are shortened, 2) the tribulation period is shortened, and 3) Satan's days are cut short...] http://www.rapturesolution.com/beechick/Gray/Shortday.htm

Another interpretation? Is it possible that the people wise up and push back against the supposed inevitable tyranny?

I believe it means that satan'allah's days are shortened.

BB fights back
The Pizza is burning and the Gate is melting in the fire!

We may well find the origin of Obama in the middle of the 400,000 page classified papers that Prime Minister Netanyahu is releasing. These papers are now unclassified and they expose missing children by the masses and blowing the lid off of the Washington DC pedophile ring! Pizza gate is just the tip of the ice berg and the tail end of 70 years of evil acts by evil people! The media will have to face the truth. Whether they do or not – the people will know and mark my words, it won’t be pretty.

Thanks for the link. I enjoyed reading that. It is unsettling but now I feel like there are others out there that have had the same suspicions I have had.

Hank, you aren't alone by a long shot.  There are many of us who know what has been going on and are determined to make big changes, we just have to unite, put our heads together, and figure out how to implement the changes that are needed.

I read that Sears is selling Craftsman to Black and Decker. Must be nearing the end.
I did not know Rockefeller had a son that was eaten by cannibals.




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