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The Dutch Tulip Bubble of 1637
The later part of the 20th century saw its share of odd financial bubbles. There was the real-estate bubble, the stock market bubbles, and the dot com bubble, just to name a few. In each instance of price inflation people paid exorbitant amounts for things that shouldn’t have been worth anything like the going price. And each time people stood around afterwards and said “What were we thinking?”

One has to believe that the same thought occurred to the Dutch in the 17th century when they settled down after their bout with tulipomania, wherein the humble tulip bulb began to sell for prices to make New York Realtors blanch.

As much as the tulip is associated with Holland, it is not native there. Rather it was introduced in 1593 by a botanist named Carolus Clusius, who brought it from Constantinople. He planted a small garden, intending to research the plant for medicinal purposes. Had Clusius’s neighbors been morally upright, the tulip might still be a rare exotic in the gardening world. Instead they broke into his garden and stole some of his bulbs in order to make some quick money, and in the process started the Dutch bulb trade
Just sayin!

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I always felt there was the inner war from the progressive army at play here. If you look ,you can see the path back to the Bilderberg creeps.More and more people are starting to understand this. But mpre are needed. I hope bill can shine light on this now that he is not wearing the Fox News shackles. When Glen Beck was let go by Fox. He changed his mind about Bilderberg because he got an offer he could not refuse. This is my opinion. But it just felt that way to me. Glen stood alone on the subject and I can understand his backing away from his previous assumption.. If Bill ever speaks like I do about Bilderberg. The whole issue will be flipped , and Bilderberg will be shrinking back to the shadows where evil belongs.Steve Bannon I believe understands the Global shadow government escapades of George Soros and his crew of creeps. If Bill actually see`s this creeps for what they are, he can be instrumental in making more peiple aware of the truth of this.I will pray for Bill as I hope many will .God will win the day on this issue.One way or another.

Top Democrat caught on tape wishing that Steve Scalise would die

This is a great video of how Maxine ( evil ) works in shadows . Watch Patriots make her worry about her own life. She is totally intimidated by the event.

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CNN editor caught on open mic saying that the Russia story is BS...

Legendary pornstar Jenna Jameson is calling out “the liberals behind the bunny” at Playboy Magazine after Playboy was the only publication in the White House briefing room on Tuesday to defend embattled CNN amid its very fake news scandal.

Press Briefings should not be a news event in itself.

Justice FINALLY Coming After FBI Agent INDICTED Over MURDER Of LaVoy Finicum

This was an assassination ...I watched this whole thing develop. God is shinning light on the evilness wrapped around this issue...It has a connection too the Uranium One deal.I pray the while Truth of it comes out. At least this American Hero is not forgotte n.


Have a great 4th of July folks.

Give President Trump your full support while he deals with North Korea




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