We The People USA

Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic

Crooked politicians must be held accountable for the crimes they have done. Trump is the only one who will do it. To elect a POTUS who will not prioritize fixing our criminal political system will not be good enough for me.We will not get another one like Trump ,who will bitch slap the evil out of Washington politics..No one can deny that Trump is crazy enough to do it. But he needs us to want it fixed. He can not stand alone..This is that time in history. The time that many have hoped. Turn your back on this opportunity,and we are done. THAT IS THE TRUTH OF IT.

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Trump gives moving speech

When a zombie apocalypse starts, Donald Trump doesn't try to survive. The zombies do.
Donald Trump beat the sun in a staring contest.
When Donald Trump was in middle school, his English teacher assigned an essay: "What is courage?" He received an A+ for turning in a blank page with only his name at the top.
Donald Trump's daughter lost her virginity, he got it back.

Something from Jerry Todd;

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Jerry Todd
Jerry Todd “A Thing of Beauty is a Joy Forever"

Donald Trump is a gift that will keep on giving to America.

What some see as a bull in a china shop approach to Politics USA really is a reflection of the American everyman. Donald Trump’s honesty, basic goodness, kind hearted refusal to give in to the corrosive political correctness that is strangling us by our worthless and deceptive political class that has made lying and ignorance an art form. 

"They only care about themselves," a late night WalMart clerk said last year right before our Christmas holiday. What the loser political class and its shills, their mainstream media, fail to realize is that just as they attack Mr. Trump, they really are attacking the American everyman. They are revealing their utter disdain for the average American citizen of whom Donald exemplifies. 

Mr. Trump comes from privilege but unlike Romney, the Bush travesty, or the Clintons' bootstrap abuse of America's come from behind work ethos, Trump is of, for, and by the common man, the man who broke from a tyrannical royal class across the vast pond. Pouring into overloaded passageways from Europe over 200 years ago, our founders threw over the chains of political privilege, do nothing verbiage, and halls of power corrupted by their me before thee definition of government.

Mr. Trump is the narrator in Greek drama who speaks the wisdom of the people, the chorus director in Elizabethan theatre who has the pulse of the people, the American President who reaches the trueness of what we really are.

We have bought into the divisive diversity argument - race, creed, gender, sexual urge as ways people - even kids - are ID'ed. Have we forgotten we are endowed by our Creator with an infinite range of gifts and talents found among any human population? With a sense of awe and beauty, these talents can be educed (drawn out) from each child. We Americans have been blessed with a Constitutional Republic that has room for us to rise above our station, to fail, to join hands, to succeed. This is what we as world leaders should be developing and exporting rather than screwball trade deals that reduce us to 3rd world status instead of lifting all peoples. It's not a zero sum game. Thank God for Trump who understands it.

Why don't we understand when God told our first parents to "subdue the Earth, be fruitful and multiply" He meant to explore, discover, refine, utilize and develop the infinite range of Earth's resources with the infinite diversity of human gifts and talents found in any human population. We can only be fruitful if we are good stewards and develop a penchant for making things not only utilitarian, but beautiful. It'll never be perfect, but we have to put beauty first, instead of in the sewer of depravity.

Trump exhibits more of the traits of David, Jesus' ancestor. He is also a very childlike man - "Of such is the kingdom of God." The best clue is his love of beauty and quality - expressed in his over 500 successful, beautiful, quality, well-run projects and his surroundings. He's had enough failures and missteps like all of us to give mockers plenty of ammunition. My saintly wife started praying for him and writing him well before he announced. There are others "prophesying" his role. He is far kinder than the MSM portrays him, warts and all. He dealt roughly with what Jesus might have called "a brood of vipers" in both parties and the media.

Trump still hasn't shared his greatest asset that Latino's would understand - Beauty. Beauty in what he develops, builds and operates, just like a Latino with special skills in food presentation, making a car or truck hum, a delicate hand with an air brush or a grape vine, how to make the most with very little.

Blacks have great athletic capabilities, but more so in music and theater as we see more and more in movies, song, ads and Television.

Trump couldn't build a thing without the trusted hand of the carpenter, steelworker, landscaper, a builder of fine furnishings and those who manage and tend the end product for the appreciation of all - and for the glory of God.

Trump has to draw on his appreciation for Beauty in everything he builds and in his surroundings. These require the attention and love of people of like mind exercising their own best talents in what they do for a living. You don't get full employment out of slipshod construction, restoration, maintenance or operations. "Make America Great and Beautiful again!" 

Gerald V. Todd and Suzanne Eovaldi – University of Illinois 1957

Many Black Americans love Trump. They understand that he is what he is....REAL...

SWAMP DRAINING 101...BRILLIANT...Trump is good...you must admit.

Trumps speech to the U.N. ....9/19/2017.

Sometimes the swamp drains it`s self. Bob Corker decides to not run to keep his Senate seat.Sounds like some establishment are getting out of t he kitchen before it gets to hot.

here is a thought to ponder. What if The Trump Brothers and Koch Brothers got together to start up and bring back the USFL. .Remember Donald Trump and some other investors start it back in the late 80`s - earl 90`s. It failed but almost made it. Trump Owned the Jersey Generals. He even had a thing for Generals back then. (LOL)...Even for a prank they should have a news conference and mention that they are researching the idea of doing it. ..Boy ...YOU TALK ABOUT PANIC. LOLOLOL...Any way I just had a crazy thought. But you got to admit, It is a doozey.




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