We The People USA

Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic

Suggestion to get the word out about Obama lawsuits.

Since the media are choosing to ignore this, why don't we contact the NRA? They funded an ad in USA Today before the election and would probably be interested in doing it again with this. They have the funding and a huge membership who don't want to lose their 2nd Amendment rights.
I think we must explore any and all possibilities to get around the bias of the media.

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Also, Democratic National Committee needs a leash! They've gone ramp ad with fraud..DEMOCRACY is at stake when our voting system has been so perverted we can't sift through it all. That's exactly what they wanted to do pushing for new registrants when we've got an alien problem that is beyond documentation at the same time. At least those votes can be checked if they are actual citizens. OHIO should be at the top of the list.
PAY ATTENTION HERE: If the top 8 states that had the closest percentage (Some states were only 1% off.) of electoral votes were screened for fraud just that alone without Berg's lawsuit could easily tilt the table in the Electoral college Dec 15th.

If We Don't - we have not even upheld what we believe or defended Democracy.
I just saw this ad from Andy Martin; http://www.pr-inside.com/anti-obama-attorney-philip-j-berg-faces-r9...

I thought he was on Berg's side but apparently not!
Yes! I read that the other day, somewhere. My eyes are so tired. I can't remember where I've read "what" anymore! I thought the same thing as you. "Wasn't this guy on Berg's side?" I couldn't believe what I was reading. . until you mentioned it here.

Sometimes I feel like this is a HUGE nightmare and I am going to wake up real soon! It seems thats the only way I can deal with it. My friends don't want to hear it. They think I'm nuts! I can't even talk to my own children!! I keep holding this in, day after day....and at night I read and read until my eyes water like hell! I am so affraid.

Well, tomorrow...November 17th should tell us SOMETHING!!!! I am so tired of this...but we need our CONSTITUTION!!!

oh, and I read somewhere....Obama wants to change our AMERICAN FLAG!! HE WANTS TO PUT PURPLE IN IT! CAN YOU IMAGINE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I just joined tonight. I found this site too late to participate. I really feel bad about that!
We're not sure what Andy Martin is up to, but he really seems to have gone off in a lot of different directions and backtracked on some of those. He claimed that Senator Obama's real name is FRANK MARSHAL DAVIS, JR. !!! He stated this as fact.


Our organization contacted Andy Martin on SEVERAL occasions and he never bothered getting back to us. We wanted to know how he knew what Senator Obama's "REAL NAME" was. Apparently, rather than tell us this was a guess, Andy Martin didn't bother to contact us.

Any attack on Phil Berg by Andy Martin is as baseless as his "Obama is really Frank Davis, Jr." delusion.

Andy Martin writes in "press release style" and usually has no facts to back anything up. I don't know if he's crazy, or just another cog in the Obama Machine.

Here's a little bit about Andy Martin from Wiki "In 1973 the Illinois Supreme Court refused to grant him a license to practice law in the state. It cited several instances of troubling conduct on Martin's part, including an attempt to have a parking violation thrown out because it had been "entered by an insane judge" and his description of an attorney as "shaking and tottering and drooling like an idiot."[10] Martin had been described by state psychiatrists as having a "moderately severe character defect manifested by well-documented ideation with a paranoid flavor and a grandiose character."
LINK: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Andy_Martin_(U.S._politician)

I'm sorry to have to bring the truth about Mr. Martin into this, but he is either trying to divert people from the truth about Senator Obama, or he still has the "moderately severe character defect manifested by well-documented ideation with a paranoid flavor and a grandiose character."
I've already written Andy and told him to lay off Berg. After all, Berg is on our side.

I'm waiting to see what happens on the 18th regarding Andy's suit in HI.
If you haven't signed yet, please sign the petition and add your comments!


Please read Andy Martin's brief inpreparation for his hearing before the HI Supreme Court on Tuesday, Nove 18
Great idea. I have written to each of the US Supreme Court Justices as well. I simply asked them to order Obama to appear before the Court and verify his birthplace to their satisfaction and according to the requirements of the US Constitution. The Supreme Court Justices are charged with ensuring the American people the promise of equal justice and protection under the law and as guardian and interpreter of the Constitution. I reminded them of their oath to defend the United States Constitution.

Thanks for being a great American.
As for me that I lived in a comunist country for 25 years,I can see what is coming down the tubs.Please America wake up now,before it is tooo late.Pay attention to what I am telling you now all of you american people ,stand up and fight and defend our constitution and freedom.Our freedom is in danger,our constitution and our sovernghty is at stake.The McCain wordsshould echo in our ears now more than ever;fight for your country,fight with me for our freedom and prosperity.I was dissapointed about the judgement of the american people on nov.4 2008 ellection,the way they got fooled by the BO.rhetoric and BO the real one.I wished that the american people voted for the right candidate,not to take the freedom for granted,because the freedom is not free.
If BO is a poser and cannot serve, we will be graced by the love of God to have a new beginning in this country. We have to look at our values as a society. We have to be harsher on criminals. We can't just sit back and accept our government's corruption and greed! Congress is a total failure, and the President Bush I trusted eight years ago is giving in to the demands of a very compromised bunch of politicians who simply love to spend our money. A real revolution is coming, if we all keep working at it! And it has to be now. We've reached the point of no return.

Everyone, keep writing to your electors, the Supreme Court Justices, and calling your representatives (not that they'll do anything). How stupid of our state officials to just "assume" that all the candidates qualified! In New Jersey, they had a minor party candidate on the ballot for President who was born in Nicaragua, so he certainly didn't qualify...that's what started the lawsuit there. It's currently at the Supreme Court.
I wanted to encourage you to pray for the American people. If this goes the way we hope- oppressing evil and making way for truth. The democrats should lose their chance to submit a candidate and it defaults to McCain. I pray that even as we chat...people are hearing about this and checking out info and starting to realize that Obama is just a guy that has a particular appeal - and catchy speaking abilities..especially to young voters. But that he is just not a strongly credible agent that should be running this country.

Please keep watch, I will post recent updates. I have also a stencil letter if anyone wants to copy and edit for letters to the Supreme Court or even to your Secretary of State;especially if you are in a Republican State they may be more receptive of the information.

Also check the voter fraud article posted elsewhere here.
You know one of the criteria for Obama's possible employees is whether they owned a gun or not?
That man is the biggest narciccist piece of crap hypocrite around!!! But, I know God has his plan playing out, it will take time to see what it's all about.




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