We The People USA

Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic

"Illegal Aliens Have More Rights Than IRS Taxpayers”

Reprinted with permission of author;

"Illegal Aliens Have More Rights Than IRS Taxpayers”
from "In Defense of Rural America"
By Ron EwartPresident of the
National Association of Rural Landowners
and nationally recognized author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues
Copyright Sunday, April 16, 2017 - All Rights Reserved

"If illegal aliens can break our laws and get rewarded for it, if illegal aliens have more rights than the taxpayers that pay the billions of dollars to support illegal immigration, then there is no law and we become a de facto lawless nation without borders and without sovereignty."  Ron Ewart
* * * * * * * * * * * * * *
For over eleven years we have been writing a weekly column pointing out the injustices inflicted upon Americans and the American taxpayer by government and special interests.  But no injustice is more egregious than allowing foreign nationals to invade our country by the millions where they get to profit from the invasion, rather than being put in jail or deported as they would be in any other country.  No other sovereign nation on earth allows illegal immigration to exist on such an enormous scale, as does the United States of America.  What is even more unfathomable is why this injustice doesn't fester in the hearts and minds of the American people to the point where they put an immediate halt to it, or fire those in government who are responsible.  What does it take for the American people to rise up against this injustice in full force and fury, as they should?
Some might say we just did fire those responsible in the 2016 election by electing Donald Trump president, but most of the electorate is oblivious to the fact that their are forces in the "dark state" that are doing everything in their power to encourage illegal immigration, at the expense of the lawful American taxpayer.  That is proven by the fact that none of the magnets drawing illegal aliens to come to America in the first place, have been eliminated.  Besides employers employing illegal aliens by the hundreds of thousands and the 14th Amendment that makes every foreign national baby born in the U. S. an immediate American citizen, you have attorneys popping up all over the place to defend illegal alien "rights", which in fact do not exist under the Constitution.  On top of that you have a sympathetic court system that falls all over themselves to molly coddle to the immigrant lobby and the illegal alien.   And guess who pays for the immigrant attorneys and the courts?  You do!
And don't fall for that 11-million illegal alien figure government keeps tossing around.  It's probably closer to 20-Million or even 30-Million.   The government can only count those that get caught at the border and are released into the general population.  According to an article in the Chicago Tribune on October 7th, 2016 "barely half of the people who entered the U.S. illegally from Mexico last year were caught, according to a report commissioned by the Department of Homeland Security that also shows a sharp decline in illegal entries."  (That sharp decline is probably due to Donald Trump being elected President.)
How could government possibly know how many illegal aliens are in America when so many are not apprehended at the border and live in the shadows?  How do you count a shadow?  The government can't even properly manage or keep track of the hundreds of thousands of foreign nationals that overstay their visas.
Then there is the crime perpetrated by illegal aliens.  Just about everyone knows of San Francisco's Kate Stienle who was gunned down by an illegal alien criminal.  That criminal illegal alien had been deported five times and returned to San Francisco, a sanctuary city.  The Stienle event has been reported on every major news outlet, leading to proposed legislation called Kate's Law, which the Democrats blocked. 
But very few Americans know the scope of crime committed by illegal aliens.  In the State of Texas alone, as reported in the Texas Department of Public Safety:  "According to DHS status indicators, over 217,000 criminal aliens have been booked into local Texas jails between June 1, 2011 and March 31, 2017. During their criminal careers, these criminal aliens were charged with more than 579,000 criminal offenses. Those arrests include 1,179 homicide charges; 68,900 assault charges; 16,854 burglary charges; 68,999 drug charges; 699 kidnapping charges; 40,818 theft charges; 45,104 obstructing police charges; 3,813 robbery charges; 6,190 sexual assault charges; and 8,693 weapons charges. Of the total criminal aliens arrested in that timeframe, over 144,000 or 66% were identified by DHS status as being in the US illegally at the time of their last arrest."
"According to DPS criminal history records, those criminal charges have thus far resulted in over 260,000 convictions including 485 homicide convictions; 25,882 assault convictions; 8,239 burglary convictions; 34,077 drug convictions; 238 kidnapping convictions; 18,543 theft convictions; 22,179 obstructing police convictions; 1,939 robbery convictions; 2,812 sexual assault convictions; and 3,625 weapons convictions. Of the convictions associated with criminal alien arrests, over 173,000 or 66% are associated with aliens who were identified by DHS status as being in the US illegally at the time of their last arrest."
In each one of these crimes in Texas there is a Texas victim or victims that you never hear about, whose lives have been altered forever by the criminal actions of an illegal alien.  Many of the convicted criminal illegal aliens are now in our jails and the American taxpayer gets to pay for their incarceration as well.  And this is just one state.  Good Lord, are you beginning to get the picture?  Are you angry yet?  If not, why not?
If all this wasn't bad enough, over three hundred cities, towns, counties and states provide sanctuary to illegal aliens, including criminals, while thumbing their collective noses at federal immigration law.  Illegal aliens get a free pass while those that foot the bill are hounded into bankruptcy or jail by a Gestapo-clone federal agency known as the IRS that gives no quarter to the American taxpayer, even when the IRS is wrong and the IRS is wrong a good portion of the time. 
We can attest to the IRS being wrong most of the time in our case.  In the six separate battles we have had with the IRS over the last 14 years, we have prevailed five of those times because the IRS was wrong.  The IRS is also wrong on the battle we have yet to win, but in the end we will still win because the IRS stole over $10,000 from us, acting under the color of law and we have sound legal arguments to back up our case.   Unfortunately, it could take two or more years before the IRS ever responds to our claim for a refund.
But IRS incompetence against us gets worse.  A few weeks ago we received a demand from the IRS that we owed over $12,000 for Calendar-Year 2015.  At first we were angry but upon further inspection the demand notice was for a person who lives in California, not us.  The notice contained the name, address and social security number of the person in California.  If we were dishonest we could have used that information for unlawful purposes. 
This IRS Agent violated 26 USC Section 6103 for releasing confidential taxpayer information to an unauthorized third party.  Such a violation of Section 6103 is a felony and is punishable by a fine up to $5,000 and imprisonment of not more than five (5) years, or both.  (26 USC Section 7213)  We so informed the agent and her superior in a curt letter.  What do you think will happen to the agent?  Nothing!  If you did it, you'd be in jail.
But all these battles have cost us a great deal of time and money to fight and have wrought their own emotional toll that comes from David having to fight Goliath.  Which Pro Bono or government-paid attorney came to our rescue with the IRS, as they have come to the rescue for illegal aliens?  Which court took up our cause as the courts take up the illegal alien cause?  Not one.  We were forced to fight alone, at our cost, as most taxpayers are forced to do.  
So the American taxpayer gets to pay for the illegal alien's rent, education, medical care, the crimes they commit and their time in jail, but the taxpayer also gets to pay for the attorney's fees and court costs to defend the rights of illegal aliens who should have no rights at all if common sense and the law prevailed.  Why the Hell aren't Americans mad as Hell?  Has cowardice infected the gene pool?
If you refuse to fight these injustices by government, you will never win and will become an indentured servant, or slave, to whatever government demands of you.  Unfortunately, most Americans just roll over to the power and authority of the IRS, thus giving into an out-of-control, rogue government agency that has no compunction against terrorizing the American taxpayer, while illegal aliens are shown the red carpet.  Most Americans just put their head in the sand when it comes to illegal aliens and just roll their eyes when we mention the horrendous cost.  What does it take to get Americans mad enough to jump into action and fight these injustices?
Because of our personal experience in fighting the IRS and our many years of experience fighting other government agencies in general, we created our "GETTING EVEN WITH GOVERNMENT" package.  This vital information is designed to defend your rights, or hold government at bay, or confuse the Hell out of them, or delay their proceedings, or stop them in their tracts, all without hiring an attorney whose allegiance and loyalty are to the very people you are fighting against, government and the courts.  Would you hire a fox to guard your hen house, of course not?  But that is what Americans do when they hire an attorney to defend them against the IRS in Tax Court, U. S. District Court, or the U. S. Court of Claims.
Fighting government in court or otherwise can be very expensive.  In an audit of one of our businesses several years ago, the IRS said we owed $15,000.  We wanted to dispute the tax because of some procedural and tax code issues.  However, upon calling an attorney to take on the IRS in court, we were informed by the attorney that it could take way more than $15,000 to fight them and we could lose.  So we paid the $15,000 to the IRS under protest, for all the good that did.
What all this boils down to is, that uneducated peasants, criminals and terrorists from Mexico, Central America, South America, the Middle East and wherever that come here illegally, or overstay their visas "Have More Rights Than the American Taxpayer.”  You might wonder how this upside down situation was allowed to happen in America, the land of the free ..... handout!  But the answer is crystal clear.  We the people allowed it to happen because we listened to and elected Democrat Socialists to lead us!  Perhaps President Trump can fix it but it may already be too late.
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NOTE:  The foregoing article represents the opinion of the author and is not necessarily shared by the owners, employees, representatives, or agents of the publisher.

Ron Ewart, a nationally known author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues and author of this weekly column, "In Defense of Rural America".  Ron is the president of the National Association of Rural Landowners (NARLO) (www.narlo.org), a non-profit corporation headquartered in Washington State, acting as an advocate and consultant for urban and rural landowners.  Affiliated NARLO websites are "SAVE THE USA" (http://www.stusa.us/) and "Getting Even With Government" (http://www.gewgov.com/).   Ron can be reached for comment HERE.

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Illegals have absolutely no legal rights!

Illegals have no legal right to "demand" anything!

  Mexican presidential candidate: Vote for me, California mexicans!

Swing state. Mar/9/18 by Daniel Horowitz California-Mexico border How many electoral votes does California hold in Mexico’s elections? If you are not already outraged by the insidious ways the Mexican government undermines our sovereignty, pay attention to a recent story about a Mexican presidential candidate campaigning in California for votes in his home country’s election.

 There are now enough Mexican nationals – legal and illegal – living in California that Mexican candidates campaign there as if it were a “swing province” of Mexico itself.

 But that’s not even the point. While campaigning in California for “overseas” votes, Ricardo Anaya Cortes blasted Donald Trump and met with liberal activists to promote “Dream” amnesty. Cortes said in one of his speeches, as reported by the Center for Immigration Studies:

 "I want to ask you, with my heart in my hand, that every time you hear an aggressive or denigrating expression, remember that there, in Mexico, you are the heroes of the country, the brave, the enterprising, the generous, those who dared to cross the border to give their family a better future. Do not you forget that you are not alone … all of Mexico is with you and when I am President I will always be on your side." Cortez reportedly told a group of Mexican nationals that he would always side with them over “an American president who has dedicated himself to insulting our community.”

Think about that:

T his man is seeking the votes of mexican nationals living in the United States under the promise of being tough with Trump and advocating that these very same people become Americans and vote in American elections? They can’t have it both ways. If they care about their people, they should stop sending them here and doing everything possible through their consulates to circumvent our immigration laws and enforcement.

 And if they badly want them to be Americans, why do they continue to treat them as mexicans and seek their votes? Obviously, they want their votes but don’t want the responsibility of taking care of them.

  They’d rather we do that, on our dime. Also, weren’t we told that the “dreamers” “know no other country but America?” Why would they be voting in Mexico’s elections?


  There is something fundamentally wrong when a foreign presidential candidate can come here and urge American residents to vote for him so he can use his diplomatic tools to undermine America’s laws and sovereignty. Dual voting is an affront to American sovereignty and violates the immigration principles of all sides of this debate The problem of our stolen sovereignty and immigrants’ lack of assimilation runs much deeper than illegal immigrants or unnaturalized legal immigrants voting in Mexican elections.

 There are well over 1 million naturalized U.S. citizens voting in Mexican elections, many of whom likely live in California!, according to a 2014 report by the Los Angeles Times editorial board.

 This practice is likely illegal and should be abolished. Advocates of open borders virtue-signal about the need to open our arms to all those who want to become Americans. Great, so let’s all become Americans!

  When immigrants complete their naturalization process, they must swear an oath with the emphatic commitment to “absolutely and entirely renounce and abjure all allegiance and fidelity to any foreign prince, potentate, state or sovereignty, of whom or which I have heretofore been a subject or citizen.”

  Liberals often remind us about our “traditions on immigration,” but this law and tradition is as old as America’s Founding. The language to abjure and abandon the new citizen’s former sovereign was officially codified into the Naturalization Act of 1795.

 There has long been a heated debate over the concept and practice of holding dual citizenship. Let’s put that debate aside for the moment. Many countries, due to their citizenship laws, very loosely throw citizenship at the children of their expatriates living abroad. I’m not suggesting that we force every American, especially naturally born Americans, to actively renounce that other citizenship.

 What we should all agree upon is that we must 'enforce the law and the oath of allegiance' so that no dual citizen takes active steps to vote in foreign elections, in violation of that sacred oath.

 The entire concept violates not only the letter of the law but the entire spirit of welcoming immigrants.

I would argue that such an act should be grounds for de-naturalization by retroactively rendering the oath fraudulent, much like we de-naturalize those who obtained citizenship through fraudulent circumstances.

 The courts should not serve as an obstacle to reclaiming sovereignty. But alas, there’s a court case behind every backward policy.

 The lawless Supreme Court of the Warren era ruled (Efroyim v. Rusk, 1967) that Congress cannot de-naturalize someone who votes in a foreign election, a violation of previous court precedent. However, this ruling needs to be revisited.

 Felix Frankfurter, writing for the majority in upholding Congress’ right to de-naturalize in this circumstance a decade earlier (Perez v. Brownell, 1958), got it right when he observed how dual voting undermines foreign relations and is well within the province of congressional power to regulate: The activities of the citizens of one nation when in another country can easily cause serious embarrassments to the government of their own country as well as to their fellow citizens.

 We cannot deny to Congress the reasonable belief that these difficulties might well become acute, to the point of jeopardizing the successful conduct of international relations, when a citizen of one country chooses to participate in the political or governmental affairs of another country. The citizen may by his action unwittingly promote or encourage a course of conduct contrary to the interests of his own government.

 This rationale is evident from comments by one of these Mexican nationals quoted in the Dallas Morning News as saying that "she is voting in the Mexican elections to counter what is going on here in the United States.

Of course I’m voting; especially with the situation with the United States, Mexican leadership is important,” she said.

 “What’s at stake in Mexico’s upcoming election is the battle for stability amidst a wave of rising nationalism.”

In the meantime, the Trump administration should use all the tools of statecraft to discourage rather than encourage this practice.

  The Mexican consulates undermine our sovereignty in many ways and recently has allowed Mexican nationals to obtain voter IDs on our soil without going home. We can place restrictions on such policies for U.S. citizens. Alternatively, Congress can officially criminalize foreign voting of naturalized citizens as a violation of the citizenship oath but stop short of using de-naturalization as a punishment and opting for a fine instead.

At the very least, we should prospectively make this a condition on the application for naturalization.

  This is a growing problem because in recent years Mexico and Central America – the countries that supply us with the most immigrants – have liberally granted citizenship to children of those living abroad.

  Thanks to the rule change, there are now seven times as many Mexican citizens living in America who can vote in this Mexican presidential election compared with Mexico’s last election in 2012. Many of them are not yet American citizens or are illegal aliens, but at least the naturalized U.S. citizens should be barred from voting in foreign elections!

 Even more offensive, so many of these dual nationals are anchor babies who only obtained citizenship in America through their parents’ violation of our laws and a misinterpretation of the Fourteenth Amendment.

 As I note in great detail in Chapter 4 of my book, our Constitution, laws, and history are clear that 'birthright citizenship' can only apply to "legal immigrants" who are brought here with the consent of the citizenry. Citizenship can NEVER be asserted without the consent of the citizenry! ----- ****OH YEAH? ****

 Those who extol the virtues of mass migration often chide us about the need to reach out to those who yearn to become Americans. Well, this is a simple test. Anyone who truly wants to become an American and ABIDE BY THE OATH OF CITIZENSHIP should have no problem surrendering his right to vote in foreign elections. There is nothing of greater importance to the American people than the preservation of American citizenship and national sovereignty.

 If the We the people don’t reclaim control over citizenship and instead allow the courts and the political elites to concoct a birthright for anyone in the world to claim for their children at will – while continuing to leverage their former countries against our own government – the sovereignty of the American people and the birthright of American citizens will be forever lost.

 Then again, if California wants to continue its neo-confederate ways, it may as well make it official and become the northernmost province of Mexico.

Until the Progressives changed it, it was illegal for an American to have dual citizenship. Another thing concerning the mexican candidate, he must have learned from the Democrats because he sounds just like them canvassing or should I say Trolling for votes.

M,  I agree. Of course, you can bet yore boots the mexicanos will vote for him!

 They refuse to assimilate. Never intended to. All they want is the freebies,

and to change the USA into their mexico!

After Spain exited Mexico, mid 19th century, Porfirio Diaz ruled as their dictator till 1911.

During that era; La Raza (the Race) emerged to assert that the Treaty of Guadeloupe-Hidalgo was coerced and therefore invalid, so some 10 south western States belonged to Mexico.

They have been banging this drum for decades! 

M1, "Have you been here before? Or was it the TPO site?"----->

 It was on the TPO, my "Open Thread site. Long gone. Thanks for the welcome.

Bullheaded Texan


I liked that thread, why don't you set it up here?


Thanks M.

 To be honest, I don't remember how to set up a 'thread'. LOL

Any suggestions?

Bullheaded Texan

March 12, 2018
    President Trump Addresses California’s Resistance To Federal Law.
 "My Fellow Americans,
 Protecting the safety and well-being of American Citizens is my
highest duty as President. Yet, lawless sanctuary jurisdictions are
nullifying federal law, obstructing immigration enforcement, and
releasing thousands of criminal aliens into U.S. communities to prey
on innocent victims. It’s absolutely terrible.
 For example, in recent days, San Francisco officials denied ICE’s
request to turn over a criminal alien with a prior conviction for
battery and a charge for driving under the influence.
 In another city in California, local law enforcement recently denied
ICE’s request to turn over a criminal alien convicted of Sexual
Battery who had a history of domestic violence. A truly violent
 And last week, the mayor of Oakland warned criminal aliens of a
coming ICE enforcement action – giving them time to scatter and hide
from authorities.  The mayor’s conduct directly threatened the safety
of federal immigration officers and the law-abiding Americans in her
 The State of California is sheltering dangerous criminals in a brazen
and lawless attack on our Constitutional system of government.  Every
state in our Union is subject to the laws and Constitution of the
United States – including California.  Yet California’s leaders are in
open defiance of federal law. They don’t care about crime. They don’t
care about death and killings. They don’t care about robberies. They
don’t care about the kind of things that you and I care about.
 In other recent cases, New York authorities released illegal aliens
who were previously charged with assault, criminal possession of a
weapon, possession of poisonous drugs, and strangling a person – in
each case, New York officials had refused to turn these dangerous
illegal aliens over to ICE or notify ICE about their release with
enough time for them to be safely arrested.
 Just this week, the city of Denver refused ICE’s request to turn over
a criminal illegal alien charged with vehicular homicide for killing
another driver in a horrific hit-and-run.
 Sanctuary jurisdictions are the best friend of smugglers, gang
members, drug dealers, human traffickers, killers, and other violent
 We want our cities to be sanctuaries for Americans, not safe havens
for criminals. That is why I am calling on Congress to block funds for
jurisdictions that shield dangerous criminals.
 It is time to end the bloodshed brought about by reckless sanctuary
policies – and it is time to save American lives and American cities.
 Thank you. God bless you. And God bless America.
March 12, 2018
    President Trump Reasserts American Leadership Against Tyranny:
“We do not expect diverse countries to share the same cultures,
traditions, or even systems of government. But we do expect all
nations to uphold these two core sovereign duties: to respect the
interests of their own people and the rights of every other sovereign
  President Donald J. Trump
 Address to the United Nations General Assembly, September 2017
When President Donald J. Trump gave his first address to the United
Nations General Assembly in New York last summer, many pundits
correctly identified something different about this Administration.
“In Trump’s U.N. speech, emphasis on sovereignty echoes his domestic
agenda,” The Washington Post’s headline read. “’Sovereignty’ the key
word from Trump’s UN address,” CNBC reported.
 Diverse nations coming together to “protect their sovereignty,
preserve their security, and promote their prosperity” is indeed how
President Trump explained the founding vision of the UN before its
General Assembly last September. Naturally, such a vision is in the
American national interest, the President said. “Our success depends
on a coalition of strong and independent nations.”
 But President Trump also made it clear that national sovereignty is a
moral imperative in its own right. Sovereignty, after all, is
indispensable for true democracy. “Strong, sovereign nations let their
people take ownership of the future and control their own destiny,”
the President told U.N. leaders in New York.
 As a corollary, governments have a responsibility to their citizens.
“We do expect all nations . . . to respect the interests of their own
people,” President Trump said.
 In other words, legitimate national sovereignty must begin with a
respect for human rights.
 That principle is echoed in the President’s National Security
Strategy (NSS), which he unveiled in December. The NSS explains that a
commitment to fundamental human rights is essential to advancing
American influence abroad. Respect for human rights and democracy also
produces peace, stability, and prosperity—making it an integral
component of U.S. national security.
 This principled, realistic approach to foreign policy is a
fundamental component of “America First.”
 “We will continue to champion American values and offer encouragement
to those struggling for human dignity in their societies. There can be
no moral equivalency between nations that uphold the rule of law,
empower women, and respect individual rights and those that brutalize
and suppress their people.”
 President Donald J. Trump’s National Security Strategy:
To this end, the Trump Administration has consistently used diplomacy,
sanctions, and other tools to isolate states and leaders whose actions
run contrary to these values. The United States under President Trump
will hold perpetrators of genocide and mass atrocities accountable for
their crimes.
President Trump believes in sending a clear message to the world’s bad actors—and to their victims—by condemning human rights abuses in no  uncertain terms:
◾The President told an audience of Muslim leaders at the Arab Islamic American Summit in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, that all nations of the world must come together to defeat the wicked ideology that perpetuates terrorism. He said we must help promote the aspirations and dreams of all citizens who seek a better life—including women, children, and
followers of all faiths.
◾Speaking before the U.N. General Assembly, President Trump said that America respects the diversity of cultures and traditions among different nations. In turn, we expect all states to respect the  interests of their own people and the rights of every other sovereign nation. “America stands with every person living under a brutal regime. Our respect for sovereignty is also a call for action. All people deserve a government that cares for their safety, their
interests, and their wellbeing, including their prosperity,” the President said.
◾To the Korean National Assembly, President Trump did not mince words about Kim Jong Un’s sadistic government: “North Korea is a country ruled as a cult. . . . The more successful South Korea becomes, the more decisively you discredit the dark fantasy at the heart of the Kim regime.” Twelve weeks later, the President invited a heroic North Korean defector, Ji Seong-ho, to his first State of the Union Address in Washington.
◾During popular demonstrations against the brutal theocratic dictatorship in Iran, President Trump stood with the protestors.
“Iran, the Number One State of Sponsored Terror with numerous violations of Human Rights occurring on an hourly basis, has now closed down the Internet so that peaceful demonstrators cannot communicate,” the President tweeted on New Year’s Eve.
◾In debuting the Administration’s policy on Cuba, President Trump stated clearly that “America believes that free, independent, and democratic nations are the best vehicle for human happiness, for health, for education, for safety, for everything.’”
◾President Trump’s speech to the people of Poland in Warsaw tied personal liberty to the fate of Western civilization itself. “Above all, we value the dignity of every human life, protect the rights of every person, and share the hope of every soul to live in freedom.
That is who we are,” the President said. “Americans, Poles, and the nations of Europe value individual freedom and sovereignty. We must work together to confront forces . . . that threaten over time to undermine these values.”
Through a full range of tools, the Trump Administration has taken action against violators and abusers of human rights:

◾When Bashar al-Assad used chemical weapons in a reprehensible attack against innocent people in Syria, including women and children, President Trump ordered a military airstrike against the regime’s ability to deliver chemical weapons. We have also called upon Russia
to stop supporting Assad’s brutal regime.
◾America’s leadership in the ongoing campaign against ISIS is among the greatest accomplishments for human rights in recent memory. ISIS has killed thousands of innocent civilians, enslaved religious minorities, and propagated the serial abuse of women. The
Administration—through Secretary of State Rex Tillerson—stated without qualification during the roll-out of the 2016 International Religious Freedom report that ISIS is clearly responsible for genocide against Yezidis, Christians, and Shia Muslims in areas it controls or has
controlled. The Administration’s resolve to defeat ISIS is helping to relieve human suffering on a grand scale.
◾In Venezuela, President Trump strongly supported the Venezuelan people against the tyranny of the Maduro dictatorship. The Administration has increased pressure on the government in Caracas through targeted individual and financial sanctions.
◾The Trump Administration reversed the previous U.S. policy toward Cuba that strengthened the grip of the Communist dictatorship while doing nothing to improve the freedom and prosperity of the Cuban people. President Trump’s new policy enhances compliance with U.S. law and holds the regime in Havana accountable for oppression and human rights abuses.
◾In Burma, the Administration has made clear that military forces have conducted ethnic cleansing against the Rohingya, and it supports efforts through the U.N. and through U.S. law to demand accountability for these mass atrocities.
◾President Trump used the Global Magnitsky Human Rights Accountability Act to sanction 13 serious human right abusers and corrupt actors, also imposing sanctions on an additional 39 affiliated individuals and entities.
◾The Administration re-designated 11 countries as countries of concern using the International Religious Freedom Act. Burma, China, Eritrea, Iran, North Korea, Sudan, Saudi Arabia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan were classified as Countries of Particular Concern, and Pakistan was placed on a Special Watch List for severe violations of
religious freedom.
◾President Trump and members of his Administration—most notably Ambassador Nikki Haley—have been persistent in efforts to reform the U.N. Human Rights Council, including a push to remove egregious human rights abusers such as Cuba and Venezuela. The United States also objected to the Democratic Republic of the Congo’s candidacy for the Council.
 “If the righteous many do not confront the wicked few, then evil will triumph,” President Trump told U.N. leaders last year,

 “When decent people and nations become bystanders to history, the forces of destruction only gather power and strength.”

Just start a Blog and title it an open thread for comments or something. What did you title your open Thread on the TPO?


IRS Documents 1.3 Million Cases of Illegal Immigrant Identity Fraud
3/19/18 Source: The Blaze by: Teri Webster
IRS Documents 1.3 Million Cases of Illegal Immigrant Identity Fraud
From 2011 through 2016, more than 1.3 million cases of identity theft by illegal immigrants were documented by the Internal Revenue Service, CNSNews.com reported.
These cases involve Individual Taxpayer Identification Numbers, which are given to people who are ineligible to work in the United States or receive Social Security numbers.
The treasury inspector general for Tax Administration told CNSNews the IRS also discovered approximately 1.2 million additional cases involving scams by illegal immigrants in 2017. In these cases, a tax return was filed by using a Social Security number that either belonged to someone else or was made up, according to the report. The IRS calls this practice “refund fraud.”
And the agency could not say if any of the cases were referred for criminal prosecution, according to the report.
The treasury inspector general for Tax Administration told CNSNews: “We identified 1,227,579 electronically filed tax returns, processed in FY 2017 through April 18, 2017, in which the Individual Taxpayer Identification Number on the return does not match the Social Security Number on the Form W-2.”
Source: The Blaze

Factually accurate and well intentioned but it misses the core of the matter.

We know all this either consciously or sub-consciously yet refuse to do anything about it.

The Ancients understood the vital importance of instilling fear in their adversaries/enemies

but we ignore their wisdom, wrapping ourselves in pious platitudes while uttering

sanctimonious bullshit about the innate goodness of all mankind. Why of course!

We refuse to offend, wanting to be loved and instead are treated w/abuse and contempt by

third world trash( if that) like Mexico whose Aztec legacy is cannibalism.and human sacrifice.


Taking a page from the Ancients philosophy, I can say the trouble with America today is "We no longer drink wine from the skulls of our enemies to toast our victories"

M, you already know this, yet repeating, Greece and Rome prospered and sustained for some 13 Centuries while we are a tad past 2.

Cold reality is simple.Given our direction and malaise we are in real decline; the only question being degree and velocity.

Of course our fantasists keep themselves warm w/ their, "We are the greatest."mantra.

Cuz we have so much more stuff, like degrees and laptops and......... unlike those poor Greek and Roman unfortunates.

Why of course!




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