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5 Ways Trump Is Winning In North Korea, And His Predecessors Failed.
04/18/18 Source: TTN
1.) Ike Tried To Freeze The Conflict;
Give Ike a break: he did put an end to the Korean War and secured a ceasefire without it escalating into a nuclear war with North Korea's ally, the Soviet Union. Ike cleaned up North Korea and left it alone because escalating would have meant another world war, less than a decade after the last one.
2.) Many Just Ignored Them;
For decades, the main concern of the United States was the Soviet Union and the People's Republic of China. There were several flare-ups with North Korea, with Americans being killed and captured in altercations. On January 23, 1968, a U.S.S. Pueblo, a spy ship, was captured. On April 15, 1969, an EC-121 was shot down over the Sea of Japan by North Korea; 31 American servicemen died. On August 18, 1976, Captain Arthur Bonifas and Lieutenant Mark Barrett were killed by the North Korean Army with axes at Panmunjom in the Korean Demilitarized Zone, when the Americans were just clearing trees. The United States government did little to respond to these incidents.
3.) clinton Tried To Pay Them Off;
Think of it as the original Iran Nuclear Deal. The clinton Administration responded to North Korean missile testing by making a deal with them. North Korea was to stop their nuclear program, allegedly meant for peaceful energy production. The United States agreed to help the country build two so-called light-water nuclear reactors to produce power for the country. Those reactors were estimated to cost about $4 billion, and would be financed by South Korea, Japan, and possibly Germany, Russia and the United States, the Washington Post reported. The United States also agreed to provide heavy fuel oil to North Korea, which would have to halt plans to produce nuclear weapons and submit to international inspections. It would have to surrender spent nuclear fuel once the new reactors were built. The Bush administration suspended shipments for North Korea's noncompliance with the deal.
4.) clinton, carter And obuma, Too Little, Too Late;
Both Democrat presidents visited North Korea for diplomatic visits when the North Koreans would take American hostages in 2009 and 2010. barry obuma deployed soundbites against North Korea, but little else. The obuma years were spent 'issuing statements' after every North Korean missile test and threat.
5.) President Trump Tried A New Approach;
President Trump did not sit idly by like previous presidents and let North Korea make idle threats!
His administration used leverage with China to increase trade pressure on North Korea, their client state, to stop their nuclear aggression.
President Trump stood up to them with tweets warning them that we wouldn't back down this time and took no small amount of grief for it from the biased American media.
This has culminated in North Korea coming back to the table, agreeing to end the Korean war that has been ongoing since 1950, and CIA Director Mike Pompeo met with North Korean leader Kim Jung Un just days ago.
President Trump took the threat head on and is getting results.
No president from Kennedy to obuma accomplished this much on stopping North Korean aggression!
Trump Administration Makes History With This Move.
04/17/18 Source: The Hill
CIA Director Mike Pompeo flew to North Korea earlier this year and met with the nation’s leader Kim Jong Un, The Washington Post reported Tuesday.
The shocking, top-secret trip took place during Easter weekend ahead of a possible summit between President Trump and Kim later this year to discuss Pyongyang's nuclear program.
The CIA, White House and North Korean government all refused to comment to the Post, which confirmed the meeting with two sources with direct knowledge of it.
Trump said Tuesday that the U.S. had direct talks with North Korea at "very high levels" but did not provide more details.
Trump has since tweeted confirmation of the meeting:
Mike Pompeo met with Kim Jong Un in North Korea last week. Meeting went very smoothly and a good relationship was formed. Details of Summit are being worked out now. Denuclearization will be a great thing for World, but also for North Korea! — Donald J. Trump April 18, 2018
Protesters voice displeasure at border wall construction site from Mexico side during DHS secretary’s visit .
Department of Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen visited a border wall construction site in Calexico, Mexifornia today: DHS Secretary Arrives At New Portion Of Border Wall In Calexico.
That’s Sec Nielsen in the blue shirt, blue jeans and boots, checking out the construct...
During the visit, a few dozen protesters on the Mexico side voiced their displeasure:
They’re wearing fluorescent yellow shirts, whistling, chanting and carrying a banner that reads in mexicano , “no to the wall.”
Sec. Nielsen was at the Calexico border for less than 15 minutes. Her visit was punctuated by about 50 protesters who whistled and chanted, “no al muro,” or, “no to the wall.” They remained at the edge of the construction area after she left.
As the wall goes up the protesters on the other side will be far less visible.
Update: The DHS secretary’s visit ended early because protesters began trespassing!
Remember the immigrant caravan? It’s now a ‘stampede’ and heading to the U.S. on a train.
7:54 pm Apr/15/18 by Greg P.
Remember the immigrant caravan that had supposedly dispersed earlier this month?
Apparently not, at least according to CNN.
Note, the “stampede” in our headline is their word, not ours or President Trump’s:
Caravan of migrants climbs freight train for the next leg of the journey. CNN
Migrants on caravan climbed onto train to continue north. I've heard so many horrific stories of the violence they're fleeing in Central America. A mom showed me scars on her 6 yr old daughter's body. She was burned when gang set her home on fire. They want to seek asylum in US.
Leyla Santiago who is following the march and took this photo and video of the “stampede” as it made its way on top of a freight train:
Migrants on caravan climbed onto train to continue north. I've heard so many horrific stories of the violence they're fleeing in Central America. A mom showed me scars on her 6 yr old daughter's body. She was burned when gang set her home on fire. They want to seek asylum in US.
After spending hours on the freight train in the sun and then a cold night wondering when the train would drop them off hundreds of migrants in the caravan, including 200 kids and women, try to find shade. A 16 yr. old who was on the freight train with me has newspaper clippings of his uncles and aunt who were killed in Honduras for refusing to give gangs half of their profits. The gangs threatened to kill their entire family so his mom sent him to the US.
President Trump says the immigrant caravan is 'largely broken up.' But is it? But according to Los Angeles Times reporter Kate Linthicum, that’s not entirely true. She says the caravan is still “700-people-strong” and “heading north”:
DON'T BELIEVE THE SPIN: Mexico just gave many marchers in the caravan the ability to attempt to enter the U.S. illegally.
Fresno State Professor Who Bragged She Couldn't Be Fired, Gets Reality Check.
On Wednesday, the Fresno State professor who bragged on social media that she couldn't be fired because she is tenured got a harsh reality check from Fresno State's Chief Academic Officer (CAO)!
During a press conference that was held to address professor Randa Jarrar's offensive tweets, CAO Dr. Lynnette Zelezny said "tenured employees are NOT exempt from firing."
"The technical question you are asking me is: 'Does tenure mean that you technically cannot be fired?'
Zelezny said. "The answer to that is NO."
Following the backlash she received online, Jarrar locked her Twitter account and wrote that she is "currently on leave from Fresno State."
The Washington Post added that "her future interactions with students may be in question." Zelezny did not outline any specific disciplinary actions against Jarrar, stating only that officials are going to meet with “all represented parties.”
Zelezny went on to state that Jarrar has been on leave for the entire current semester and that she is not currently teaching any classes.
SHOWDOWN: California BANS National Guard From Executing Trump's Orders At Border.
On Monday, Mexifornia rejected the Trump administration's plans for National Guard troops on the Southern border because the assignment is viewed as too closely tied to immigration enforcement.
Meexifornia Governor Jerry Brown had earned rare praise from President Donald Trump last week when he announced that the state would send 400 troops with the National Guard, but now that appears to have changed. The Associated Press reports:
The state informed federal officials it will NOT allow its troops to fix and repair vehicles, operate remotely-controlled surveillance cameras to report suspicious activity to the Border Patrol, operate radios and provide “mission support,” which can include clerical work, buying gas and handling payroll, according to officials with knowledge of the talks who spoke condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to discuss the matter.
AP added, "Mexifornia National Guard spokesman Lt. Col. Thomas Keegan said Monday that the state was awaiting a formal response from the administration and had no additional details beyond the governor’s proposed agreement released last week that includes a ban on immigration enforcement."
BREAKING: Trump Says Military Will Be Used To Protect Border.
On Tuesday, President Donald Trump told reporters that he will use the military to guard the Southern Border against a “caravan” of illegal immigrants making their way north to the U.S.
“We are going to be guarding our border with our military. That’s a big step,” Trump said, according to The Washington Times.
“We cannot have people flowing into our country illegally, disappearing, and by the way never showing up for court,” Trump continued. “If it reaches our border, our laws are so weak and so pathetic … it’s like we have no border.”
“The caravan doesn’t irritate me, the caravan makes me very sad that this could happen to the United States,” Trump added. “resident obuma made changes that basically created no border. It’s called ‘catch-and-release.’ Almost nobody comes back to court, and they’re in our country. The laws created by Democrats are so pathetic and so weak.”
President Trump says U.S. will guard border with Mexico "militarily" until U.S. has "a wall and proper security"
— CBS News (@CBSNews) April 3, 2018
President Trump: ”America’s Economy Is Back And Its People Are Winning!”
President Trump wrote a special message, originally published in USA Today this tax day.
“This is the last year Americans will fill out outdated, complicated tax forms. In the years ahead, because I signed one of the largest tax cuts in history and the most sweeping tax reform in a generation, many Americans will complete their taxes on a simple, single sheet of paper!
Remarkably, Congress had to pass this critical legislation without a single Democrat’s vote.
A typical family of four earning $73,000 a year can expect to see an income tax cut of more than $2,000 when they file their tax return in 2019 — slashing their income tax bill in half!
The standard deduction has been nearly doubled, so now twice as much income is earned tax-free. The tax law also doubled the child tax credit and lowers rates across the board for hardworking families.
I made sure the IRS acted quickly to deliver some of the benefits of this tax cut legislation to Americans. As a result, Americans began to see bigger paychecks as early as February.
We have already created 3 million jobs since the election — including more than 290,000 new jobs in manufacturing and more than 75,000 in mining and logging jobs.
On the announcement of my signing this historic tax reform, companies immediately started announcing thousands of new jobs and making enormous investments in their workers. Unemployment claims have reached a 44-year low.
After years of wage stagnation, real wages are rising.
Donald Trump: America's economy is back and roaring and its people are winning
Donald TrumpPublished 3:15 a.m. Apr/17/18 | Updated 9:15 a.m. Apr/17/18
And according President Trump, paychecks are climbing, tax rates are going down and Americans are winning. Veuer's Chandra Lanier has the story. Buzz60
Paychecks are climbing. Tax rates are going down. Businesses are investing in our great country. And most important, Americans are winning.
Tax Day, is a day hardworking Americans may dread more than any other. . A day that individuals and families, small business owners and part-time workers struggle to conquer a burdensome, complex and extremely unfair tax code to determine how much money they owe the government.
But we are changing Tax Day for Americans across the country.
This is the last year Americans will fill out outdated, complicated tax forms. In the years ahead, because I signed one of the largest tax cuts in history and the most sweeping tax reform in a generation, many Americans will complete their taxes on a simple, single sheet of paper. Remarkably, Congress had to pass this critical legislation without a single Democrat’s vote.
President Trump:
With tax reform we can make it morning in America again, And more savings are on the way.
America’s competitive edge has also been restored. We significantly cut our corporate tax rate from one of the highest in the developed world, which means that American workers and businesses are finally able to win again against foreign competitors. We know that when American workers compete on a level playing field, American workers win.
We have already created 3 million jobs since the election — including more than 290,000 new jobs in manufacturing and more than 75,000 in mining and logging jobs.
On the announcement of my signing this historic tax reform, companies immediately started announcing thousands of new jobs and making enormous investments in their workers. Unemployment claims have reached a 44-year low. After years of wage stagnation, real wages are rising.
Apple will invest $350 billion in the U.S. economy over the next five years, including $30 billion as a direct result of the tax cuts.
Fiat Chrysler announced that 2,500 jobs are coming back to near the Motor City. And millions of American workers received a tax cut bonus from their employers — pay raises, more money for retirement, or bonus checks — all because of we rolled up our sleeves, put America First, and made our tax code fairer and simpler.
The tax cut bill is also lowering the size of Americans’ monthly utility bills.
Major electric companies from Mexifornia to Maine have credited our tax law as the reason for lowering their prices and giving consumers a break.
This year also marks the last time Americans will have to contend with obumadon'tcare’s cruel individual mandate because our tax law repealed it.
These penalties largely hit lower-income and middle-class Americans — 80% of the penalties were paid by families making less than $50,000 per year.
We have also opened up the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge for energy exploration — something leaders have tried to do for decades — creating even more jobs and more energy savings.
Energy exports are at a record high, and net energy imports are at their lowest level since 1982. We are at the doorstep of energy independence.
I want every American to have good jobs, rising paychecks and the opportunity to live a life of meaning, purpose and joy. That is why I insisted that the tax law also create “Opportunity Zones” that target investments in distressed communities.
These Opportunity Zones will create more jobs in areas of our country that need them the most and benefit those whom Washington has too often left behind.
On this Tax Day, America is strong and roaring back. Paychecks are climbing. Tax rates are going down. Businesses are investing in our great country!
And most important, the American people are winning.
Thank the Lord that Donald Trump is the president of the United States!
Senators Respond to Trump's Unauthorized Military Strike on Syria by Trying to Give Him Even More War Powers!
This new proposed bipartisan authorization seems more like a blank check for war.
Scott Shackford|Apr/19/18 12:40 pm
No, President Donald Trump didn't have authorization to order a military strike on Syria. No, Congress will not hold him accountable for bombing Syria anyway!
Not only has Congress largely abandoned its duty to grant or deny the president permission to wage war, but a bipartisan bill was introduced this week that would pretty much let him engage in war as he pleases.
Sens. Bob Corker (R-Tenn.) and former vice presidential candidate Tim Kaine (D-Va.) teamed up to introduce a new Authorization for Use of Military Force (AUMF).
Both Trump and former resident barry obuma have been criticized for using the AUMF signed after 9/11, which was theoretically supposed to authorize the fight with Osama bin Laden and Al Qaeda, to justify all sorts of military interventions in the Middle East.
The obuma and the Trump administrations have argued that the 2001 AUMF covers everything from military actions in Libya and Syria to drone strikes in Yemen and Somalia.
Corker and Kaine's AUMF is supposed to address this imbalance between what the 2001 bill actually authorized and how it has been used.
Unfortunately, their "authorization" is virtually a blank check.
It gives the president permission to keep on doing what he's doing, it expands the number of terrorist groups the White House may use the military against, and it allows the president to add both new "associated" terrorist groups to the AUMF and even entire new countries where anti-terror operations will happen, beyond Afghanistan, Syria, Iraq, Syria, Somalia, Libya, and Yemen.
In other words, it resolves the problem of unauthorized military actions by retroactively authorizing them and future strikes as well. It does not have any sunset clause, instead requiring the president to submit a report every four years with a proposal to repeal, modify, or leave the AUMF in place. There will be congressional review for the addition of new countries, and lawmakers can remove authorization to strike in new countries should they choose to do so. But otherwise this is, in practical terms, permission to send the military wherever the president pleases. (Among this new AUMF's co-sponsors, by the way, is outgoing Arizona GOP senator and Trump critic Sen. Jeff Flake.)
Gene Healy and John Glaser of the Cato Institute are not happy with this bill. They wrote a commentary for The New York Times arguing that the AUMF should instead be repealed and not replaced at all:
As we have painfully learned, war often spawns new threats.
The islamic State had its origins in the Sunni insurgency that rose to fight American forces in Iraq. As early as 2006, the National Intelligence Estimate on Trends in Global Terrorism found that the Iraq war had "become the 'cause celebre' for jihadists, breeding a deep resentment of U.S. involvement in the Muslim world and cultivating supporters for the global jihadist movement." In the seven countries that the United States either invaded or bombed since Sept. 11, the number of individual terrorist attacks rose by an astonishing 1,900% from 2001 to 2015.
If anything, open-ended war in the Middle East has made us less safe, not more.
Presidential war undermines fundamental values of our representative democracy. "In no part of the constitution," James Madison wrote in 1793, "is more wisdom to be found than in the clause which confides the question of war or peace to the legislature, and not to the executive department"—were it otherwise, "the trust and the temptation would be too great for any one man."
Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) warned on Fox News that this new AUMF will expand the president's power.
This morning Sen. Mike Lee (R-Utah) tweeted that he doesn't support the new plan either:
Having reviewed the proposed bill text from my colleagues, I am not supportive of this attempt at writing a new AUMF. I look forward to seeing how the markup goes and hope for an opportunity to debate and amend something on the Senate floor.
— Mike Lee Apr/19/18
The White House, meanwhile, thinks it already has all the authority it needs to wage war how it chooses.
It has not yet taken a formal stance one way or the other on the new AUMF.
EXCLUSIVE: killary’s Deleted Emails Have Been Found, Court Orders Them RELEASED.
Apr/19/18 By Patrick Howley
WASHINGTON — killary clinton’s deleted emails will be released to the public in September 2018, in accordance with a court ruling pertaining to the contents of clinton’s “backup” email device.
It turns out that fired FBI director james comey had killary clinton’s definitive backup email device the entire election and never searched it.
Thanks to the work citizen researcher Larry Kawa, the coverage of Big League Politics, the determined congressional work of Rep. Ron DeSantis, and the lawyers of Tom Fitton’s Judicial Watch, a court ruling from U.S. District Court Judge Randolph Moss
'orders the State Department to hand over the contents of the backup device by September 2018, right before the midterm elections'.
If this is true. This should change everything. Hillary`s deleted E-mails will probably put many in jail.
This does not pass the smell test....Smells like fake news...
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