We The People USA

Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic

Crooked politicians must be held accountable for the crimes they have done. Trump is the only one who will do it. To elect a POTUS who will not prioritize fixing our criminal political system will not be good enough for me.We will not get another one like Trump ,who will bitch slap the evil out of Washington politics..No one can deny that Trump is crazy enough to do it. But he needs us to want it fixed. He can not stand alone..This is that time in history. The time that many have hoped. Turn your back on this opportunity,and we are done. THAT IS THE TRUTH OF IT.

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Fair enough.

Job openings now exceed unemployed workers... Newt Gingrich spoke of this on fox and friends.

Sarah Sanders Press meeting on Trump's 500 days in office and other items of interest;

An Opinion from Steve Bannon, is this a ploy?;

I like Bannon..This is fine by me. Trump moved to fast in picking Sessions . Sessions had to step down as to clear the path for a politically clean investigation. We shall see how it all rolls out soon enough. Bannon is a great advocate of the Liberty movement.He just does not pander to Trump which is fine. Bannon has been on the side of Liberty before Trump had the apprentice. I would ask people to have an open mind on this .

This is the real Trump

The Singapore Summit is Trump`s Summit. He owns it. He will play only on offense. Not only is Trump cleaning house in the D.C. Swamp. He is Cleaning   house on the world stage. We are back being the world leaders. Leading from the front is how it`s done. Time will tell how this all comes out. But mark my words....WE WIN.

His warts notwithstanding, neither Singapore nor The Trade rumpus would be occurring were Trump not POTUS.

Both events say volumes about the level of WH assholery we have selected over the past 60 years;

w/a rare exception or two.

Citizens get the level of governance they deserve and tolerate.


I fully agree with your assertions about people getting the government they deserve. However the citizens voted for a different governance than the Deep State or whatever the hidebound and entrenched politicians in Washington are being called, is allowing Trump to set up. By this time every other President has had their appointments approved and their administration working. The progressives and the old guard establishment GOP have consistently blocked those appointments, so we in fact are not getting the Government we want and deserve. We are getting what the pseudo-dictators in Congress are allowing us to have. This is a travesty of our system and the massive backlash is just beginning against them and the Progressive/RINO/Liberal usurpers in Government Bureaucracies, and it will spread out to their Elitist backers in due course. 

M, I respectfully refuse to accept your excuse on behalf of plain citizens,

for the appalling governance that has afflicted us for much of the 20th century.

The wise Greeks favored oligarchy (Aristotle preferred Monarchy) as

they had no confidence that ordinary citizens were motivated to discern

the leadership qualities that represented the best interest of citizens.

If they were around today they wouldn't know whether to cry, laugh or both.

As for the parties, the only Principled Conservative Party we ever had was

the Southern Agrarian & Rural Democrats, sadly destroyed by slavery.

The GOP, since Fremont in 1856, was never conservative, not for a day!

It was always protectionist, anti-states rights, a centralized government

supporter and an income tax promoter. ALWAYS!!!

But when the usual suspects trot out their " Family Values " bullshit every

cycle, John Q, Citizen becomes a brain dead robot w/his head embedded

in his kiester. So much for the innate wisdom of the common man.

Thomas, To form a rebuttal of your post, this is what I believe:
Oligarchies and Monarchies in ancient times were rule by whim of the Oligarch, or the Monarch, or the Satrap ect. as such laws and enforcement's were subject to change at the whim of the top person. Ergo the reasons for the FORCING of the Magna Charta on the King at Runnymede. You also seem to forget there was no method to educate the masses and education was only for the Elites Primarily with the Bureaucratic class given only the educations their tasks required.
Remember too, until recently in History, the masses were illiterate with few exceptions. The Greeks may have favored Oligarchy and/or Monarchy, but they gave us the concept of Democracy. It's unfortunate they didn't conceive of a Democratic Republic constrained by a written Constitution like America did. Imagine the world today had they did that. It probably would not have been thought of had the Oligarchs or Monarchs actually had the best interests of the citizens at large in their rule.
Of course they would strenuously object to what both parties were doing with the ridicule probably directed more at the Conservative values in the political system condemning them as anarchists for their views on Individual Freedom and Political power. 
They would probably chastise the Democratic Party for being too soft and might have accepted the Stalinist version of Governance because it was closest to their version with the Oligarchs and Monarchs
Despots and brutal dictators from ancient History;
Roman Oligarchs/Dictators considered the ten worst of that period.
Septimius Severus
Maximinus Thrax
The ancient Greek City of Abydos on the Hellespont . It gave us the Myth of Hero and Leander and was mentioned in the Illiad. It was ruled by a vicious Tyrant the Pro-Persian Daphnis Later according to Aristotle it had an Oligarchic constitution around 407BC.
ruled by Phalaris 570 -554 BC He was renouned for his excessive Cruelty and possible cannabalism. followed by a succession of Oligarchic tyrants who forced their way into power;
Lets skip ahead to Athens
So they weren't exactly embraced by their citizens either.
 What I an contending is the political climates of the Golden ages were as strife filled with assholery as ours are now, but with barbaric changes by conquest and/or murder, instead of demonstrations and whining like we have now. 
The Greek Civilization of the time which Democracy was formed, was strife with war, with palace intrigue, with murder, and the citizens were still illiterate peons under the rule of the Dictator/Tyrant/Satraps Whims for High, Middle, and Low Justice, instead of a strictly observed rule of law equally administered. I don't believe it would be equally administered by them either, and like today the Elites and their crony's would be somewhat above the laws.
So, I contend our civilization is better than the ancients was. Unless of course you believe the conspiracy theories about the Clinton Body Bags as being reality.
I'll give you the fact that the Republican GOP was a Federalist Party that did not want States Rights, Slavery, or anything to do with Jacksonian Democrat policies.
Going back to 1820 with the Missouri compromise the Anti-Slave faction of the original Democratic-Republican Party Split off and became the Whigs Party Specifically established to oppose Jackson.
Things moved on until the Kansas-Nebraska bill if 1954 led to the establishment of the current Republican Party. Strangely enough they were considered Liberals then Classical Liberals to be more exact. That era ended in the Civil War over Slavery and States Rights. Slavery was ended and States Rights were savagely curtailed.
Lets go forward to when the Democrats and the Republicans switched ideologies; 
In 1936. Democratic president Franklin Roosevelt won reelection that year on the strength of the New Deal, a set of Depression-remedying reforms including regulation of financial institutions, founding of welfare and pension programs, infrastructure development and more. Roosevelt won in a landslide against Republican Alf Landon, who opposed these exercises of federal power. sometime between the 1860s and 1936, the Democrats morphed into the Party of Big Government, and the Republicans became committed to Curbing Federal Power. 
The transition was most likely originated because of the influence of William Jennings Bryant who repeatedly championed the ideology of Social Justice over the Constitutional edict of Equal Justice.
Why did the Democrats start positioning themselves in favor of a strong Central Federal Government? for the same reasons as they want the Illegal Immigrants to be able to stay and vote. 
To explain the connection; The west was opening up drastically after the Civil War, and that meant a whole new generation of voters would be coming on line. The rigors of the west gave the farmers and business little help, so the Democrats positioned themselves as the distributor of government largess to those groups while the Republicans were confined to a smaller hands off government.
Since the loyalties of the parties did not really switch. The rhetoric and the stated policies of the parties switched places, the core supporters didn't. The Republicans remained the party of big businesses because, in the earlier era big businesses wanted a larger more protectionist government and in the later era they didn't want so big of one.
That brings us to the dilemma today, and the reasons behind what Obama did to destroy small businesses, over regulate everything, and create a system where Big Business can just about do as it pleases, but they still need massive amounts of voters in their bloc to remain in office since most of the Country is aligned with small businesses to provide their livelihoods.
It also shows why Democrats are champions of dead end welfare states, so the people caught up in them must keep voting for those overlords just to maintain survival existences.
That I Believe, is also the basis for Cultural Marxism expressed as Political Correctness and Democratic Party Socialism, we are experiencing today.

Believe whatever you wish, as you own it; yet belief is an act of faith

which most emphatically does not make wishes become facts!!!

* Bernard de Chartres, a 12th century neo-Platonist philosopher at 

the University of Paris and a contemporary of Abelard, Aquinas,

Ockham, Scotus, among many theological geniuses, asserted that,

"We are mere insignificant dwarves who manage to see as far as

we do only because we can perch on the gigantic frame of the

Ancients who created the world that now exists."

But what the hell did they know since we're the greatest !

* As for ancient governance, Greek Oligarchy was not individual

rather it was group rule, the forerunner of Plato's form of a republic.

Those chosen had demonstrated traits such as self-discipline, loyalty

responsibility, courage, (among many identified by Wm. Bennett).

The ancients grasped the vital importance of leadership, but why?

Because Greece, from its earliest days, was under continuing threat from

its mortal adversary, Persia, which was not eradicated until Alexander

crushed them at Gaugemela. So too was Rome under continuing threat

from Carthage from 400 BC, including invasion, till the death of Hannibal.

There was a very compelling reason that these ancients dealt w/their

adversaries ruthlessly but obviously you missed it.

* As for "education" the ancients were both-self taught and self-reliant.

As such, our credentialed crapola would never have occurred to them.

Sigh.................think of all those PhD's they missed, the poor things.

Their heritage is clearly marked in Art and Science as Issac Newton,

William Shakespeare, Franz Josef Haydn among thousands; told us!

* Since I have absolutely no interest in either piety or sanctimony,

your laundry list of bad actors is meaningless nonsense.

By that criteria, we ought to be disgraced by the likes of Al Capone.

* So you contend that our "civilization" was better than the ancients. Really!

Obviously its called saving the best laugh for last!!!!!!!!





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