We The People USA

Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic

Crooked politicians must be held accountable for the crimes they have done. Trump is the only one who will do it. To elect a POTUS who will not prioritize fixing our criminal political system will not be good enough for me.We will not get another one like Trump ,who will bitch slap the evil out of Washington politics..No one can deny that Trump is crazy enough to do it. But he needs us to want it fixed. He can not stand alone..This is that time in history. The time that many have hoped. Turn your back on this opportunity,and we are done. THAT IS THE TRUTH OF IT.

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DOJ arrests hundreds in take down of Darknet child exploitation site. I wonder who will be exposed by these people who will probably try to get special treatment for turning States Evidence?


This is just the tip of the iceberg, wait until names are released!

Party of Pelosi - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 10.21.19.


State Department report on Clinton emails PDF. Click on link;


What is really happening in Sweden, Greta?

This video shows where the left is herding America towards. Listen carefully to what she calls the right wing in Sweden.

M, and others,

There is more -- MUCH MORE -- going on in Sweden and it may be a harbinger of things to come.

The Swedish Government is pushing to eliminate currency as a medium of exchange.  Seriously, they want to get rid of money.

To do this, the government is advocating that everyone have a chip installed in their hand, and more and more Swedes are doing it, especially the young.  Then, all people would have to do is swipe their hand for any and all transactions and interactions.  A simple swipe of the hand would allow access to buildings, events, etc. -- OR NOT!  Well, said chip also collects all manner of data, personal and public.  And, no one knows what data is collected, how it is stored, or who has access.  The government could literally know EVERYTHING about EVERYONE, all the time.  It could tell when and where and what you are doing -- think "1984".  

Government bureaucrats would eventually know when you had sex, took a drink, drove a car, attended a meeting, contributed to a candidate, went to the bathroom -- EVERYTHING!  

And, all under the utopian guise of just eliminating money.  The government points out that, since this has begun, there have only been two bank robberies.  Geeze, who could argue against that?!

Forewarned is forearmed!


The older I get, the more scarier and dangerous the world has became. 

Hillary’s Email Investigation Is Complete – State Department Finds ‘Nearly 600 Security Violations’. The next question is; Since there have been 38 Indictments of her staff, WHY is there no Indictment yet for Hillary since she was the instigator of the illegal server in the first place, and had used the server to transmit The Security Violations? IS SHE ABOVE THE LAW IN THE EYES OF THE DOJ LEADERS?



I'm urging patience.  AG Barr is conducting an extensive investigation, both domestically and internationally.  I am hoping that even Hillary (and, hopefully, Barak) will be indicted.

Trump is crafty.  His sense of timing is instinctive and intuitive.  Let's give Barr a chance and, for now, the benefit of the doubt.


I agree allow Barr to do what he does best, he has the Democrats starting to sweat. Just sit back and watch the fun begin and see just how many Democrats leave political life before the election.

So many establishment politicians are the SWAMP CREATURES ...So many have skeletons in their closets. So many have spent a life time building their little corrupt empires.... And the swamp is not just in DC. It is Global as well. Trump and many others understand the whole picture... The regular voting stiff ,does not see the whole picture of the swamp. It is to vast and inner twinned with muck for the average Joe to get. Teaching of the whole picture may seem impossible. I can only say that it is a task that must be done. So many have seen the TRUTH OF IT. ...THE TRUTH IS THE ANSWER... KEEP GRINDING. THE TRUTH IS GAINING MOMENTUM AS MORE ENGAGE.....The victory will be worth it. ...Our founding fathers fought the same fight against tyranny. We now have technology to spread the Truth Of It...Always take the time to explain to an open ear... Teach our young the TRUTH.

Most young people have already been brainwashed by the "educational system" and this means in quite a few cases we are way behind the curve. I know some of them will be willing to listen and to change their minds. It must be a gentle progression and starting with a few at a time.




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