We The People USA

Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic

Crooked politicians must be held accountable for the crimes they have done. Trump is the only one who will do it. To elect a POTUS who will not prioritize fixing our criminal political system will not be good enough for me.We will not get another one like Trump ,who will bitch slap the evil out of Washington politics..No one can deny that Trump is crazy enough to do it. But he needs us to want it fixed. He can not stand alone..This is that time in history. The time that many have hoped. Turn your back on this opportunity,and we are done. THAT IS THE TRUTH OF IT.

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Trump has called for all of us to PRAY....Please do.

BLM Must by smacked down....They are an arm of the Globalist NWO . The BLM as well as many other agencies of the DEEP STATE have been used  for the purpose of spreading socialism. Once again useful idiots are used with out understanding the TRUTH OF IT...DRAINING THE SWAMP IS TRUMP`S BIGGEST AGENDA...They Globalist scum will do anything to distract us from the agenda...EVEN CREATE A PANDEMIC....I wonder what is next after CORONA.....Just a thought...what say you all.

Kevin, and others,

I have been following this Covid-19 "pandemic" since the beginning and have reached some conclusions.

First, it has been hyped-up for purely political purposes.  Is Covid-19 serious?  Yes, but what disease isn't?  Are people dying?  Yes, but what disease isn't fatal for some?  Does that mean we must shut down the entire country, killing the economy and ruining, literally RUINING, tens of millions of Americans in "an abundance of caution" (fear and panic)?  Not only "No", but "Hell No"!

The Democrat Party is beside itself, desperately looking for something to run on for the election.  They have NOTHING!  They cannot talk about the economy, declining illegal border crossings, the wall slowly being built, improving trade deals, diminished terrorism, record low unemployment, rising wages, etc.  The best they can come up with is the senile and demented Joe Biden.  Really?!

That left them having to manufacture a "crisis", even if it means destroying the country. 

How was this done?

They glommed onto a "gift" from China, Covid-19, a disease that basically amounts to a variation of the flu.  It is the nineteenth strain of the Coronavirus, including the common cold and assorted seasonal flus that annually kill between twenty to eighty thousand Americans.  After much hype and fear, it turns out that the virus has probably been here since last Fall and no one recognized it or cared much about it.  Yes, it was killing people, primarily the elderly in nursing homes, the already sick, and/or those with underlying conditions such as diabetes, heart disease, asthma, emphazema.  As my wife put it, "When nursing home patients died from it, it was just 'another day at the office' so to speak".

The Democrats saw Covid-19 as an opportunity to attack Trump and, hopefully, salvage their impending slaughter in November.  Hence, the continual and endless fear-mongering.  Dr. Fauci turned out to be their unwitting ally.  Dr. Fauci is a lifetime, career, federal bureaucrat, obsessed with the medical and bureaucratic "process".  To him, nothing of importance happens unless the bureaucracy is in control and all the correct forms are filled out, in triplicate, and given the appropriate "approval".  His entire approach has been strictly one-dimensional, seeing ONLY the medical aspect and aforementioned "process" while ignoring the big picture of what will happen to the country if his single-minded "recommendations" are blindly followed.

Dr. Fauci initially predicted, with great fanfare, 2.2 MILLION deaths.  This was trumpeted far and wide as justification for draconian measures to save the country.  Said prediction fanned the flames of fear and panic, causing all but a handful of States to order lockdowns ("house arrest") of all citizens, the closing of all "non-essential" businesses, and the much-vaunted "Social Distancing".  Once State politicians were suckered into this mindless and unsustainable policy, there was no going back.  There was no way they could afford (politically) to admit they had been suckered and call off the lockdowns.  

Dr. Fauci and other medical "experts" subsequently revised their mortality predictions (guesses based upon faulty data and models) down to about 240,000, but the damage had already been done.  The economy had already been largely shut down.  People were already being financially ruined (damned convenient for the Democrats, wasn't it?).  

Then, Dr. Fauci and his bureaucratic cohorts further revised their numbers down to 100,000.  Now, they admit that mortality will probably be 60,000 or less (I think it will be closer to 30,000, standard for a normal flu season).  When this is pointed out, Dr. Fauci claims it is due to "Social Distancing" and other "mitigating factors".  There is no talking them out of it.  They "know" they are right and you are an idiot if you disagree.

Dr. Fauci is adamant that hydrocloraquine (sp?) cannot be used until it undergoes years-long testing and clinical trials "proving" its effectiveness (more blind fealty to the "process").  He also says that a vaccine will probably not be available for another eighteen months or so and, in the meantime, we must all remain under house arrest and the economy must remain closed.  Again, he and his medical "expert" cohorts are looking at it ONE-DIMENTIONALLY!  Never mind the social, economic, and even constitutional ramifications!  

This is what happens when you put doctors in charge of social/political policy and politicians in charge of medical matters. 

Even my State of Kansas has ordered house arrest and the closing of non-essential businesses, despite having a relatively small number of flu victims and deaths, deaths that would most probably happen anyway.  The facts don't matter, just the politics.

Trump has been trapped (despite his better judgement) into going along with this madness.  To his benefit, he has gotten a relief package passed and is calling for the re-start of the economy.  But, there is only so much he can do.  Lifting "lockdowns" has to be done on a State-by-State basis by respective governors.

As Limbaugh points out, States cannot print money.  They are wholly dependent upon taxes, primarily from business activity, to run their State(s).  And, many States (Kansas included) have balanced budget constitutions.  When business shuts down there is no tax revenue and, hence, no money for State services.  AND, the States are now having to fund massive unemployment claims and welfare requests that THEY created.  States will be forced to slash services and benefits, driving even more people into the unemployment line.  Further, I predict that many, many, many of the small businesses forced to close will never re-open.  These are Mom and Pop businesses that already run on near break-even levels.  Bankruptcies will skyrocket (along with suicides) and towns and cities will have even more empty storefronts.

This was all by design!  To the Democrats and the Left (same thing, really), victory isn't everything, IT'S THE ONLY THING, regardless of any collateral damage to the country.  As Rham Emmanuel said, "Never let a crisis go to waste".  Sadly, the Dems created the "crisis" they aren't "wasting".

What amazes me is that people are so easily cowed into submission.  In fact, some Leftists have said that they are amazed at how easy it has been to scare Americans into submission.  They intimated that, if they had known how easy it was, they would have done it the day after Trump was elected.

Think about it.  If you are a small business owner ordered to close, why would you obey?  You can either get fined or go belly-up.  Same difference.  Why people are not protesting in the streets is beyond me.  Personally, I come and go as I damned well please.  The problem is that there is nowhere TO go.  Everything is closed.  Some areas have even told people not to go see family or help their neighbors.  REALLY, THEY HAVE!

Even churches have been ordered closed, in clear and open violation of the First Amendment.  Texas -- YES, TEXAS -- has set up roadblocks to check where people are going and why.  "Show me your papers" has become the order of the day.  Can you spell "Police State"?   

This is madness!  America is consciously committing national, economic, social, and political SUICIDE!  And, all out of fear and panic over a manufactured, fake "crisis" that is not nearly what it is purported to be.  When this is all over (right after election day) it will be recognized as the relative nothing-burger it was all along.

The only good news (if it can be called "good") is that I sense people are becoming increasingly restless.  Hopefully, they are beginning to see through the political motivations and understand that Covid-19 is not "certain death" and that Democrats are behind the fear-mongering.  Hopefully, it will come back to bite the Dems in the a-- in November.  We'll see.


I must push back a little Oren. I see this time as a soft Marshall law. Marshall law dies not mean a bad thing unless it is used improperly ,and should only be used for good reason.Obama would have called for Marshall law I believe, but Trump holds serve on this. He does not want to open up that box of knew rules of controlling the public....I would error on the side of safety ,as Trump would like to. With that  said. The left realizes they have Trump in an awkward political posture, and will try to make political hay on this.Trump is handling it as good as can be....The left is showing more and more people the TRUTH OF WHAT SCUM THEY ARE...Moderate Dems. will vote for Trump.Biden is moving farther left. ...Know with that said, I say beware of the establishment RINO`s.... We the People need a healthy Dem party. But the Dem party needs to be totally rebuilt. Perhaps A new Dem party with a far amount of wholesome conservative values.As the radicals of the left take over, i must say we need to help bluedogs get a foothold and become viable again....VIVA LA  J.F.K....But not Teddy K. who was owed by the establishment via  getting away with killing a women.. He has been in the pockets of the Deep State ever since....But J.F.K. and his brother Bobby were good .... I am signing off here, but I do have much more to say on this point...HAPPY EASTER TO ALL....


Can you spell "Police State"?


A video that gives a little insight of the protest and occupation of the bird sanctuary..

OAN news video; 

The Obama/Biden Admin Spied on Team Trump. Period.

Highly recommended video

As I  hear Trump threaten to put military forces in the streets . I draw the line with him. He is wrong to even suggest it. That should never be done  .The use of military against our own citizens is wrong. The problem here is political correctness has handcuffed law enforcement. For years the brotherhood of cops protecting bad cops has brought forth this P.C. ,,,That is were I feel improvement can be made. Law enforcement will gain much respect if the brotherhood of cops was taken down a peg or two.... The brotherhood has gone down the wrong path for to long.....

 It is up to business owners to protect their property and stand guard...They need to arm themselves or hire security.... We have a 2nd A for that purpose. USE IT.




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