We The People USA

Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic

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"Allahu Akhbar!! There is no other God but ALLAH! You stupid wining Amerikans not get it. The revolution cannot stop. The Great Prophet Muhammed told that Muslim domination of mankind is the goal of Allah. Your policy have failed. Islam is stronger that your paper tiger Amerikans. You are not brave. You only explode bomb on innocent Muslims from afar. Mujahadeen engage you in battle you lose and hide like coward. The Lion of Islam is already seated in power. Foolish Amerikans place in power. Now sit back inshallah and enjoy the Muslim takeover without a single shot fired. Allah is great, This you will see. Allahu Akhbar!!"


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I could of told you that long before Obama was elected .. "the Jihad Candidate" has been recently found to have a connection with Al Qaeda.

It's too bad liberals will bend over for anything to make it fair, though they get the shaft and don't even get common courtsey of a "reach-around".
Follow the trail - Cassius Clay became Muslim; he called himself Muhammad Eli, you probably know someone who had a "Christian name" who converted to Islam, did he retain his "Christian name"? Definitely not!! Now that BHO is "out", there should be no surprise his favor with Islam. His middle name is Hussein, he considers himself a "citizen of the world", has yet to prove his American birth, gave his first address not on ABC, NBC, CNN, FOX but on Al Aribyka (sp?). Consider the text of his address at the National Prayer Breakfast - it says nothing. His grasp of being a Christian exhibits one glaring error - the great I AM is a jealous God, just as Allah is!! Neither broach glory with another. Further proof?? Consider his stand on Life and Liberty. Most left position (even than NARAL) on life - killing survivors of botched abortions.
His comment on "god not condoning the murder of an innocent" - I don't know about Allah, I'm Christian and do know Allah condones lying "in the interest of Islam". My God is "The Way, the Truth...", is pure Holiness, and abhors lying lips and feet that run to shed innocent blood. Proof enough that BHO doesn't know Jesus Christ. Dave.
What sickens me, they throw out this RACE card!! Why couldn't we have an American of African descent whose Pro-Life, a natural born citizen, Horatio Alger story, etc!? Instead we get this amalgam of Leftist ideology, Mulatto descent, with leftist/Islamofascist tendencies, "world citizen", masquerading as a black Lincoln, extreme baby killer, etc. Read what he writes; it takes "an IQ of 127" to speak out of all sides of his mouth and say nothing!!
What I'm waiting for is the "backlash" from hoopla to crucify! Liberals typically have some pet projects they don't want violated - touch them and its Katie bar the door!! Dave.
The danger within isn't Islam - it's our spiritual separation from Jesus Christ! Those enslaved by Islam need to hear the "Good News" also, that Jesus Christ came to earth, lived a sinless life, was crucified, died and was buried and rose again just as he said. Why did he die? That we might have access to eternal life through his vicarious death. He became sin for us that we might have his righteousness. He was "born to die", was given by God the Father that in our acceptance, we might be "born of water and the spirit". In accepting him as our Lord and Savior, we are free from the slavery of sin and death. This free gift of eternal life is available to "whosoever". This includes the down and out and the up and out, the "free" man and the enslaved, the Muslim and all others who are "dead in their trespasses and sins". Where is Muhammad? Still in his grave! Where is Jesus Christ? "He is not here - He is risen!" Only Christ has an empty tomb, was never found, and "sits at the right hand of God the Father ever making intercession for those accepting his salvation". It's not about country - it's about your eternal soul. Dave.




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