We The People USA

Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic

The Real Beginning of the "Tea Party" is Ross Perot's "Reform Party" that was formed back in 1995.

Article: The True Beginning Of The Now "Tea Party"

Back in the 1990's the republican party had no idea the democrats had turned to communism because it was so well covered up. The Reform Party went dormant after 2000 due to them splitting the vote and causing losses for republicans then came to life as the now "Tea Party" in 2008 when Sean Hannity and Lou Dobbs sparked conservative protests commentating about Barack Obama's social communist roots. The Reform Party still exists but is still 3rd party without its supporters who are now active in the republican party base known as the "Tea Party" wing.

Ross Perot's dream political party did in fact become reality after 8 years of laying dormant with no leadership after the leadership of it's beginning fell apart due to Ross Perot not realizing the 3rd party movement was not working and he endorsed Pat Buchanan as the reform party nominee over Donald Trump for the 2000 presidential run then went further by endorsing George W. Bush over the reform party nominee which killed the reform party movement.

Ross Perot's reform party still existed between its fall in 2000 and the rising up of its supporters as the now "Tea Party" in 2008. The leadership of the present day reform party still hangs on to the failed 3rd party ideals while its supporters remain active as the now "Tea Party" in the republican base. The failed 3rd party ideals of leadership that never listen to or follow their supporters will always fail good or bad and only goes to show leadership that sticks to failed ways will always be the leadership of themselves only.

Had Ross Perot endorsed Donald Trump and ran Donald Trump on the republican ticket all the social and economic problems of today would not exist. There would be no Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton and libertarian Bush's screwing up our lives and losing us our incomes. The borders would be closed and the economy booming in favor of U.S. citizens. The middle east war would have been ended and U.S. energy supplies would be abundant at a low cost.

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Libertarian Bush`s? That is funny.

Thank you, Hat In The Ring. I was actually a Reform party member. I still have all of the posters and even have my special pin. It was originally United We stand, America then changed later the next year.  I still feel part of that party, but haven't seen anything about it for years. When Jesse Ventura won Governorship in Minnesota, I was amazed.  This was the only party I ever joined, so in a way, I guess I've been adopted by the Tea Party. Which reminds me, the Tea Party Net and The Tea Party Fund are merging? Anyone aware of this?

Hi Virginia and Kevin,

Yes, libertarians are the ones gung ho for amnesty and legalization of illegal aliens. The democrats just use illegal aliens to bust the U.S. to communism. Libertarians make up a huge part of the establishment republicans. Without the libertarians the few establishment republicans would crumble into dust and go away.

Great to meet another reform party person :) . Even though I don't have all of the buttons and pins I did support Ross Perot until he wanted to raise taxes on gasoline. I'm still in the reform pot as a Tea Partier but when Perot wanted to tax gas I burnt up. At that time I was servicing bars and restaurants in a gas hog van already paying out mountains of cash in fuel bills and didn't want Ross Perot's gas tax. That gas tax put ol Perot in a hole for sure and his whole effort of reform wasn't a reform if he was going to raise taxes. I'm still on board with the reform movement if we can find the right candidates.

No, I didn't know Tea Party,net was merging with anyone since I don't get their to much. I got kicked off of Facebook for stomping on Ted Cruz so I kinda float around Google Plus now and just write articles on my own blog.

You got that wrong. Libertarians only core belief is Liberty and Constitution. Now some libertarians might have liberal views and some might have conservative views. But the social values are not the defining agendas of the libertarian party. Libertarian is very diverse but believe in Constitution and Liberty as their core values.

Let me add. That I feel that I fit The libertarian label because of my Constitutional conservative values. I could easily just call myself a constitutionalist. I will always be constitutional with everything I do. For that is the supreme Law of our country.So all the labels  just play into the division the ruling class wants. So I really do not put to much into labels. That is the trap in our social problems. I wish everyone could see it. But there is to much selfish ignorance in the way.That is the sad truth of it.

Every American should be a constutionalist or we won't be Americans much longer.Just another good reason for a con con.

You are right. Being Constitutional and demanding our elected officials to be Constitutional is the only way I see to fixing things.

Libertarians are open border and amnesty advocates which isn't in any realm "Conservatism". Conservatives want the borders closed and the illegal aliens gone. Some constitutional values are shared by libertarians and conservatives but not all and until libertarians come to grip with "All" conservative values they are not conservatives and I will work towards removing the conservative label from the libertarian party that just uses the conservative label to get votes and push their unrealistic agenda.

Hat ,let me ask why you are attacking Libertarians. That is not very nice.

I actually have never gotten a clear definition of a Libertarian  so need further understanding about that. And because of that, I also cannot, in good conscience, disrespect anyone's personal stance on what our Country needs. I do expect every American citizen - every true American citizen - swear allegiance to our flag, believe in our Constitution and the Bill of Rights, respect and support our troops. Is there more?   Do only Conservatives have the right to do all of this?  I Believe that the Libertarian party believes that, just as the Tea Party members, and most of the GOP party also believe.  Now, separating into Conservative, Libertarian, Progressive, Socialist, and other labels doesn't change the real need for all those who believe in America to support the Constitution. And I haven't seen any reason to believe that the members on this site are anti- Constitution or American, regardless of their own personal feelings. And if there is a person that others believe are TROLL, then accept it. How else can we get a better understanding of how the trolls think.


Virginia, Pay no attention to labels. Labels are just a way for us ignorant humans to divide things in a neat little box. Judge a person by their character, not by what some one labels them as. I do not pay much attention to labels.In the world of social internet the ignorance of us is very easy to see.. The devil is dancing to the bilderberg waltz.

Maybe I will change to republican. I will still be the same person but then everyone would except me better. What do you think, Should I ?




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