We The People USA

Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic

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New York

Group provides state and local information, including updates on the coordinated effort of citizens to effect change and hold elected officials accountable to We The People.

Prospective Members: Please provide a brief paragraph (required) describing your interest in WTPUSA NewYorkStateGroup and why you wish you to join!

Location: New York
Members: 6
Latest Activity: Oct 11, 2019

Good Morning.  I am extending my personal invitation to my "social media contacts" to please check out WeThePeopleUSA; a Conservative American Patriot Group of which I am proud to be a member!

Hoping that once you've assessed WTPUSA for yourself, you will be inspired to join; join not only the Main Group, WTPUSA, but your States Group(s)--for the State in which you live, and other State's Groups which may hold special interest for you; both the Main Group of WTPUSA and any one of the States' Groups are groups in which you will have an opportunity to make a solid contribution toward the essential purpose of Saving The Republic of The United States of America from the Tyrannical Oppressor which has taken root within We The Peoples' Federal Government, as well as way too many of the States' Governments!

To be candid, WTPUSA, nor any other Conservative American Patriot Group can accomplish this most Significant Undertaking and Challenge of Saving Republic USA on its own!, The Call To Save The Republic of The United States of America is the most significant challenge, A Constitutional Responsibility, each one of us among We The People is called to embark upon in our lifetime!
Our response to Oppression and Tyranny affects Our Republic USA's very most Immediate Future and Well Beyond!  Where will Americans be in The Twenty-Third Century, in 2076? Americans who share your very same blood; offspring whom you will never know in this lifetime, where we will they be and will they remember anything of you, your Freedom and Liberty, or even Your Republic of The United States of America?

Will they live in Freedom and Liberty, or under the whim of A Tyrannical Oppressor who directs their every movement, thought, who slaughters "the unfit according the the trend of the day"--slaughters those with your very blood in the Public Arena and calls it Sport!

Each and every American, each one of us among We The People, must take stock and answer that question individually! Then we must step up and Fight In Earnest With The Utmost Dedication, to the level of our individual God-Given ability, to ensure The Preservation and Continuation of Our America, Our Republic of The United States of America!

May God Strengthen and Guide All Of You, We The People, Republic USA!

God Bless America!

In Liberty,

Kathleen Grillo (USA_kat)  http://wethepeopleusa.ning.com

Discussion Forum

WTPUSA New York State Group Currently Based on Gender by default and/or application!

Started by USA_kat Nov 3, 2015. 0 Replies

Calling more ConstitutionalConservativeWomen to submit application for membership in the New York State Group within WTPUSA!While it is true, many of our hands do "rock the cradles", many of our…Continue

Tags: conservative, female, male, Constitution, Membership

New York State Election November 3, 2015

Started by USA_kat. Last reply by USA_kat Nov 1, 2015. 2 Replies

Hi!My name is Kathleen Grillo, aka USA_kat, aka Kat here at wtpusa!I am a new member of The New York State Group of We The People USA; I invite all interested New Yorkers to become involved here,…Continue

Tags: NYS, Albany, Colonies, 13, &

Comment Wall


You need to be a member of New York to add comments!

Comment by kevin kiernan on October 11, 2019 at 9:19pm

I finally Join NY Discussion group. I am from Up State NY. Orange County / Ulster County area. I retired to Georgia by chance if an opportunity given me by invite of friends. My family is a conservative Family. Many are still in the land of Liberals. I visit  often and find myself staying on the Farm as to not have to get involved with the many Left wingers who have taken power away from the conservatives. It happen because of conservatives stuck heads in sand. I wear a Trump hat up there and when of the farm I get looks from everyone. Even conservatives think I should not cause Trouble. My motto has been ..SILENCE IN THE FACE OF TYRANNY ...IS CONSENT TO THAT TYRANNY... When NY past late term abortion ,we watched not a single conservative group protest or even speak in public. Trump has emboldened the American Conservative with the will to fight back against the Liberal Global agenda of socialism..But in NY ...IT IS THE SOUND OF CRICKETS. We can not win in NY UNLESS THERE WILL TO WIN FROM WITHIN. .. As a long tome NY loving citizen I say....NEW YORK GETS WHAT IT DESERVES....My fight for the LIBERTY MOVEMENT IS FIERCE IN A NON VIOLENT MANNER. When I go to New York from now on I will leave my fighting spirit at home... For now NEW YORK IS NOT WORTH MY TIME WHEN MY CONSERVATIVES FRIENDS IN NEW YORK ARE TO SELFISH TO PUT SKIN IN THE GAME. ... A guy I was talking to on Georgia about this said. Ot is best to not wear your MAGA hat above the Mason Dixon . I am going to take his advise.

Comment by Pauline Short on March 3, 2019 at 4:56pm

Within a short time, North Carolina followed NYC and I believe at least one other state has also followed. NYC is a terrible influence. The elected officials are almost all democrats, barely a handful of republicans. Unfortunately, the population elects them because they’ve been boondoggled for many years—the educators are all far left liberals who punish students with opposing views which became a way of life from the mid-60s and fully happening by mid-70s on a college level—it has since reached into the high schools and even grammar schools—approximately 60 years of out of control bullying in every conceivable way. At this point the brainwashing is complete! Almost everyone here is a nasty Democrat! Hopefully, it’s so beyond absurd people will see the folly of their votes for this and many other bad policies.

Comment by Mangus Colorado on January 26, 2019 at 11:07am

Maybe this type of slaughter should be called what it is mass murder legal by statute. It is allowed in more than one state? 

Comment by Pauline Short on January 25, 2019 at 7:15pm

New York State now allows abortions right up to the moment of birth; and no matter when an abortion takes place, if born alive, the baby can be killed—by doctors and now also by lay persons. Unfathomable!!! Passed on the anniversary of Roe v. Wade . . . There is no end to the “possibilities” . . . .  

Comment by Pauline Short on January 25, 2019 at 7:02pm

New York State now allows abortions right up to the moment of birth; and no matter when an abortion takes place, if born alive, the baby can be killed—by doctors and now also by lay persons. Unfathomable!!! Passed on the anniversary of Roe v. Wade . . . There is no end to the “possibilities” . . . .  

Comment by WTPUSA on January 25, 2019 at 5:12pm

Most people do not even consider that a baby in the womb at 20 weeks can feel as much pain as a full grown human feels. THINK ABOUT THAT FOR A MINUTE!  Ask these savages in government if they think they could stand up to being dismembered like the helpless innocent babies are. Get them to think personally about their legs and arms being snipped off without benefit of pain killers. I personally hope they must keep suffering that torment when they go to hell for eternity.
Comment by Pauline Short on January 25, 2019 at 4:24pm

Anyone here to discuss new york’s new abortion law? Really not much to say but to be so disgusted as to be almost speechless. This city of New York (not upstate) needs to fall into the ocean along with Los Angeles and Chicago to be gone to give any hope to the USA remaining a thriving and free constitutional republic. NYC’s and Chicago’s disgraceful ways have spread too far and wide, reaching LA first many years ago (50-60 years ago) moving into Seattle and Portland, OR. So much of the west coast gone after all of the east coast went. Now we are a split country. Stop the bad influence of these places. Make sure your governors and mayors do not fall prey to Governor Cuomo of New York State and Mayor DeBlasio of NYC because surely all of these mentioned cities and states spread their malevolence toward our Constitution of the USA that has brought us freedom, opportunity and responsibility to make our free and individual choices. Their oath of office is to defend and protect the Constitution!!! They do not—they confound it!!! Yet they have been elected and re-elected by too many!!!

Comment by USA_kat on November 9, 2015 at 5:52pm

On behalf of New York State Group of wethepeopleusa, as Co-Administrator of NYS, I welcome one of our newest members, Mangus Colorado, and thank you for your alert to NYS of the harassing and on-going tryannical (certainly extra-Constitutional, i.e., illegal) exploits of  this State's Attorney General!

Agreed,  this behavior is Oppressive and, I believe, beyond the scope of The Attorney General's authority!

We here at NYS look forward to all group members bringing to our attention those matters dealing specifically with NYS, as well as RepublicUSA's other 49 Sovereign States!  Ultimately, any form of Tyranny and Oppression targeting a specific State Within Our Union, finally threatens each of Our Republic's 50 Sovereign States!

Welcome to you once again, Mangus Colorado! 

Should your have any questions regarding NYS, please contact either wtpusaJean or me!  

In Liberty,


Comment by Mangus Colorado on November 9, 2015 at 8:25am

NY might be a lost cause . . Using government to punish is TYRANNY AND OPPRESSION . . .

New York's Attorney general is sending out the message that corporations who fund climate change skeptics will face political reprisal.




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