Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic
Posted on Human Events-By Katie Pavlich, News Editor, Townhall-On October 30, 2011:
“President Obama has been no stranger to the Occupy Wall Street crowd and in fact has gone out of his way to encourage the violent, vile, unsanitary, vitriolic and greedy movement. But, this week Obama took it to a whole new level, dedicating…
ContinueAdded by Jake Martinez on October 31, 2011 at 8:00am — No Comments
Wouldn’t find this at Tea Party Rally!
Posted on Big Governemtn-By Brandon Darby-On October 29, 2011:
“As the Occupy manifestation of the “Global Peace and Justice Movement” begins to decay and break down into the predictable anarchy, violence and arrests, it is becoming clear that the protests pose special dangers for women.
Even the left has begun to admit it.…
ContinueAdded by Jake Martinez on October 29, 2011 at 6:00pm — No Comments
What follows is a series of research reports published by the Heritage Foundation under the title “Understanding America” that explore how the United States’ commitment to the universal truths of human equality and the right to self-government, as proclaimed in the “Declaration of Independence,” requires a vigilant defense of the cause of liberty, both at home and abroad-Excellent Educational Reading-You Decide:…
ContinueAdded by Jake Martinez on October 29, 2011 at 5:33pm — No Comments
Posted on James Rosen-On October 28, 2011:
“From the first stirrings of change in the Middle East nine months ago, optimism at the prospect of 100 million young people rising up to seize their democratic freedoms has been tempered by fear in Western capitals that radical…
ContinueAdded by Jake Martinez on October 29, 2011 at 4:23pm — No Comments
Dear Fellow Patriots:
Please support the cause to get our country back. Following website and video provides you with the specifics of how you can help:
Veteran Defenders of America’s Declaration To Restore The Constitutional Republic:
Video: Declaration to Restore the Republic!-Posted on …
ContinueAdded by Jake Martinez on October 28, 2011 at 10:21am — 1 Comment
Posted on Bob Unruh-On October 27, 2011:
“Just when the White House probably thought those pesky lawsuits seeking a court determination that Barack Obama fails to meet the Constitution’s eligibility requirements for a president were finished, something new has appeared on the horizon.
Or in this case, the court docket.
The Liberty Legal Foundation has filed a pair of…
ContinueAdded by Jake Martinez on October 28, 2011 at 8:27am — 1 Comment
According to Douglas Hagmann, Director, Northeast Intelligence Network, the following article was first published by Ali Sina, author of Understanding Muhammad: A Psychobiography of Allah’s Prophet and the founder of Faith Freedom International in September 2008. Mr. Hagmann believes that, from a national security perspective, the article offers a most disturbing…
ContinueAdded by Jake Martinez on October 27, 2011 at 5:00pm — 2 Comments
Dear Fellow Patriots:
Wanted to give you a heads up on a “Soros Files” website that was recently launched by Cliff Kincaid, President of America’s Survival, Inc. as a means of shedding some light on the anti-American activities of the hedge fund billionaire.
The website contains the following eye-opening reports:
Added by Jake Martinez on October 26, 2011 at 3:00pm — 1 Comment
Posted on The Blaze-By Tiffany Gabbay-On October 24, 2011:
“The Blaze recently reported that at 2 p.m. EST on Wednesday, November 9th, The Federal Emergency Management Agency and the Federal Communications Commission will conduct the first-ever national test of the Emergency Alert System, where radio and televised broadcasts across the…
ContinueAdded by Jake Martinez on October 25, 2011 at 1:42pm — 7 Comments
Posted on Martin Gould and Kathleen Walter-On October 24, 2011:
“War is on its way in the Middle East as Muslim countries are determined to force a showdown over the future of Israel, Ronald Reagan’s assistant defense secretary Frank Gaffney warned in an exclusive Newsmax.TV interview.
“I’m afraid there’s a war coming, a very serious, perhaps cataclysmic regional war,” he said. “It will be presumably over, at least in part, the future existence of…
ContinueAdded by Jake Martinez on October 25, 2011 at 10:30am — No Comments
Posted on October 24, 2011:
“NEW YORK – A new book released today documents how President Obama and progressive Democrats are deliberately overloading the U.S. financial system, using socialist designs to remake the economy.
“Red Army: The Radical Network that must be defeated to save America” by Aaron Klein and Brenda J.…
ContinueAdded by Jake Martinez on October 25, 2011 at 10:30am — No Comments
Another Smoking Gun!
Posted on Natural Born Citizen-By Leo Donofrio, Esq.-On October 20, 2011:
“New evidence conclusively establishes that 25 U.S. Supreme Court opinions were sabotaged then republished at during the run up to the ’08 election. My…
ContinueAdded by Jake Martinez on October 23, 2011 at 3:00pm — No Comments
What’s wrong with this picture?
Posted on Yahoo New!-By Augustine Anthony, Reuters-On October 23, 2011:
“ISLAMABAD (Reuters) - Afghanistan would support Pakistan in case of military conflict between Pakistan and the United States, Afghan President Hamid Karzai said in an interview to a private Pakistani TV channel broadcast on Saturday.
The remarks were in sharp contrast to recent tension between the two neighbors over cross-border raids, and Afghan…
ContinueAdded by Jake Martinez on October 23, 2011 at 12:00pm — No Comments
What’s wrong with this picture?
Posted on The Glaze-By Becket Adams-On October 20, 2011:
“Thanks to CNBC, the Department of Energy has been caught removing references to “SunPower,” a solar energy company that was given $1.2 billion in loan guarantees, from old press releases (H/T …
ContinueAdded by Jake Martinez on October 22, 2011 at 6:30pm — No Comments
What’s wrong with this picture?
Posted on The Daily Caller-By Kenneth Timmerman-On October 21, 2011:
“In a Sept. 12 letter to White House counterterrorism chief John Brennan in September, Democratic Senate Homeland Security committee chair Joe Lieberman and ranking Republican member Susan Collins called for “meaningful…
ContinueAdded by Jake Martinez on October 22, 2011 at 2:00pm — No Comments
Posted on American Thinker-By Peter Wilson-On October 18, 2011:
“Four days after the first occupiers arrived on Wall Street in September, the Harvard Crimson student newspaper offered editorial space to a Maoist fringe group called the Revolutionary Communist Party. The article by RCP spokesman Ray Lotta urged…
ContinueAdded by Jake Martinez on October 21, 2011 at 3:30pm — No Comments
Posted on National Review Online- By Jack David-On October 20, 2011:
“Muammar Qaddafi is dead. What significance does that fact have? Several observations and questions come to mind.
First, few in Libya and virtually no one elsewhere will mourn his passing. Libya is rid of its vicious tyrannical leader and the world is rid of a terrorist and sponsor of terrorism.
ContinueAdded by Jake Martinez on October 20, 2011 at 4:00pm — No Comments
What’s wrong with this picture?
Posted on Bob Unruh-On October 19, 2011:
“A lawyer linked through the Council on American Islamic Relations to Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood has been identified as the driving force behind the Occupy Orlando protests that have been staged in Johnson Park, according to a video report from Tom Trento of the Florida Security Council and…
ContinueAdded by Jake Martinez on October 20, 2011 at 1:00pm — No Comments
Excellent Question!
Posted on Ann Coulter-On October 19, 2011:
“The worst thing about Occupy Wall Street is that it’s ruining a good cause: hating Wall Street. Just when opposing Wall Street was gaining momentum, these brain-dead zombies are forcing us to choose between thieving bankers and them.
If the Flea Party were really concerned about the greedy “Wall Street 1 Percent,” shifting money around to make themselves richer and…
ContinueAdded by Jake Martinez on October 19, 2011 at 6:55pm — No Comments
DAHHH!-Where has the State Department been?
Posted on Edwin Mora-On October 17, 2011:
“( – Actions by Mexican drug cartels are “consistent” with what the U.S. would consider to be “terrorism or insurgency” in other parts of the world, a State Department official told lawmakers on Thursday.
“I do acknowledge that many of the facts on the ground,…
ContinueAdded by Jake Martinez on October 19, 2011 at 6:07pm — No Comments
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