We The People USA

Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic

That being said: It is time to reflect on our experience's and continue on with our cause. We made the best case that we could, but the American people did not buy into it. We need to continue to make the case that we are free men, that we do not want the government to put shackles on us. Lets make the case for who we are and for our Constitution and for the rule of law and more importantly for our Freedom!

Barack Obama won. I understand that he is the President of the United States. I will show him the respect that the office deserves. That does not mean that I am going to give up my convictions and values. That does not mean that we are required to become a socialist. I will look for his quality's and support him with what I believe in. (still looking) I will stand up and fight against him with the things that we disagree on.

WE THE PEOPLE have the power. Contact your Congressmen and Senators. Do not just complain, tell them what you like. Tell them what you don't like. If their beliefs do not agree with yours say to them that you would like to vote for them, but you need to ............

I became involved in the McCain campaign because of Sarah Palin. During her speech at The RNC convention she said these words;

“No one expects us to agree on everything. But we are expected to govern with integrity, good will, clear convictions, and ... a servant's heart. I pledge to all Americans that I will carry myself in this spirit as vice president of the United States. This was the spirit that brought me to the governor's office, when I took on the old politics as usual in Juneau ... when I stood up to the special interests, the lobbyists, big oil companies, and the good-ol' boys network.
Sudden and relentless reform never sits well with entrenched interests and power brokers. That's why true reform is so hard to achieve.
But with the support of the citizens of Alaska, we shook things up.
And in short order we put the government of our state back on the side of the people”.

As I listened to her speech, I found myself standing up in my living room hooting and clapping. She was saying many of the things that I believed in. At that point I was involved. I am committed to insuring the freedoms of our great nation. I want smaller government, stop wasteful spending, personal responsibility back, energy independence and to follow our Constitution. We need to find and support people with the same core principles

I see this site as a place where we can share information and stay on top of the Obamanots. So that when it is time to Rally we will be most informed and organized Campaign this nation has ever seen. I am open to any and all suggestions. Please help us make this happen.

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Comment by Jim Renn on February 1, 2009 at 1:05pm
This is verbatim from the Whistleblower magazine article "Idol-Elect" written by Lyle H. Rossiter Jr., M.D.dated January 2009.

Ignorance combined with immaturity can be politically devastating. On Nov. 4th 2008, massive numbers of immature and ignorant voters failed to understand the ominous implications of Barack Obama's personal history; his adolescent tutelage with communist activist Frank Marshall Davis, his 20 year filial relationship with hate-filled Jeremiah Wright, his political and business dealings with terrorist William Ayers, his real estate transactions with felon Tony Rezko, his Fannie Mae connections to the sub-prime mortgage debacle, his vote in the Illinois Senate against medical care of aborted live babies and his radical voting record in the U.S. Senate. On Nov. 4th 2008, millions of immature and ignorant voters saw Obama as a loving father of two little girls, but ignored his choice to send them every Sunday to hear the vile and racist rants of a mad preacher.

The prognosis for freedom in America is guarded at best. If a man's character can be judged by the company he keeps, and if what he says is any indication of what he intends, then a large number of immature and ignorant voters have just elected a very dangerous man to the most powerful office in the world.

This is the best I've read.

Jim Renn
Comment by Pete Harring AKA Pete the Carpenter on February 1, 2009 at 9:46am
Turnright, Thank you for your comments, My main point to this posting is to try and motivate people to stand up and get involved. I also have big concerns about his eligability to be our President, but the fact is he is in office and at this moment he can sign any piece of legislation that the far left congress put in front of him. The real threat to our Constitution comes from Nancy Peloisi, Harry Reid, the MSM and the rest of the nut jobs, they hold the strings and Obama is nothing but their puppet.
Like I stated before the real answer is in WE THE PEOPLE if we can rally the American people to stand up and be heard, contact our representatives ALL of the time, educate and inform the masses as to what is going on and show a force of NUMBERS they will have no choice but to follow the will of the people.
Comment by TurnRight on February 1, 2009 at 2:46am
Gort... look, you have a lot of smarts in this stuff. But you come on like a cosmic ray blaster set to 'obliterate'. My guess is you're type A. Please flip the selector switch over to 'educate' or 'persuade'. There's lots of folks who would work with a bright guy like you, and you could do a lot of good... but not if you're in a hurry to demonstrate everyone else either less endowed or an anal cavity. Your lengthy rebuttal is interesting. But your vitriol mutes its message. And your follow-ups don't smooth any ruffled feathers. You're a capable writer... expound on your several points when you present them.

If we can collapse all of our arguments against Obi-wan, I think they take two general forms: He's ineligible to be President by way of not being a 'Natural Born Citizen', not even a U.S. citizen; and he's a pro-islamic, anti-white socialist, if not a communist. I've culled four paragraphs from what Pete initially said. Notice the point of view he expresses.

"Barack Obama is our President:

That being said: It is time to reflect on our experience's and continue on with our cause. We made the best case that we could, but the American people did not buy into it. We need to continue to make the case that we are free men, that we do not want the government to put shackles on us. Lets make the case for who we are and for our Constitution and for the rule of law and more importantly for our Freedom!

Barack Obama won. I understand that he is the President of the United States. I will show him the respect that the office deserves. That does not mean that I am going to give up my convictions and values. That does not mean that we are required to become a socialist. I will look for his quality's and support him with what I believe in. (still looking) I will stand up and fight against him with the things that we disagree on.

I want smaller government, stop wasteful spending, personal responsibility back, energy independence and to follow our Constitution. We need to find and support people with the same core principles

I see this site as a place where we can share information and stay on top of the Obamanots. So that when it is time to Rally we will be most informed and organized Campaign this nation has ever seen. I am open to any and all suggestions. Please help us make this happen."

Now what Pete does in his statement is bring our attention to the second of the two general forms, only. He's criticizing Obi for his politics, not his legal standing. Now of course any comprehensive treatment of Obi-wan would include both forms, and also that he looks to be a crook and a phantomy charlatan in all his life's areas. But Pete sticks to the politics of the man in criticizing him and obtains the position of loyal opposition, which is something we will all have to do, almost constantly with Barry. Where I choose to supersede what Pete says is in granting Obi the courtesy of considering him the President. He's not. He is 'Opostor'. He is all smoke and mirrors. And his criminal 'opostorhood' is likely to be our greatest ally in dumping him. The courts will have to, at some point soon, grant the plaintiffs their position, especially now that there are potentially millions with standing to sue. And once the first court does this, and Obi appeals or ignores, the MSM will pick it up and all will be lost for him. He can't possibly survive a doubting press. They'll all want to know why he would appeal a court's ruling and not just show us all his documents as directed.
Comment by Daniel Smith on February 1, 2009 at 12:25am
Gort is right. Obama/Soetoro has NOT shown his Record's
and continue's to evade a simple solution. The man has his
finger on the trigger and can start World War III at any time.
He has bolstered back in July to create a New Army by saying,
We cannot continue to rely on our military in order to achieve the national security objectives we’ve set. We’ve got to have a civilian national security force that’s just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded.” (his word's)

This is serious. I'm sure that a LOT of you have read about his upbringing and his Markist Mother...
There is to much of the UNKNOWN about him.
Each Day, or hour that he is in Power of the Office of President
is harmful to "ALL' of US. It is a disgrace that a person think's
he can just ignore Our Constitutional Law's and get away with it.
All of the one's who knowingly support him are just as guilty.
All Military soldier's are at harm by obeying a usurper. They
can personally be subject to "liable" if they injure, harm, frighten,
or cause death to anyone/anywhere by an order from a false
The Military should cease to obey all order's until Obama/Soetoro show's ALL RECORD'S of Birth, College,
Passport's, DNA and Medical. If that is done, as should be,
and he meet's all the requirement's of Article II, then so be it.
I would then honor him as President..............Dan
Comment by WTPUSA on January 31, 2009 at 11:19pm
Okay you two, see if you can agree to disagree. Please read this posting. It seems you have both made your points. Let's not beat a dead horse.
Comment by Pete Harring AKA Pete the Carpenter on January 31, 2009 at 8:24pm
That statement was not directed towards you, it was towards the people as a whole. It seems I hit a sore spot. I can't know you because you have set your profile as private. If you took a moment and looked at my page you would know what my true convictions are. I don't hide my face or name
Comment by Pete Harring AKA Pete the Carpenter on January 31, 2009 at 6:08pm
1. At the moment he is the President weather you like it or not, he took the oath, lives in the Whitehouse and has the power!
2. Never said the American people bought it.
3. I said I will show him the respect that the Office deserves
4. That is why we must fight him tooth and nail to stop this crap
5. (still looking) I didn't vote for him
6. This was a bit entertaining thanks for the laughs. It looks like you like to hear yourself talk. You are right if the american people continue to sit on there asses and do nothing they do not have the power. It seems to me that you have missed the whole point to this posting. The constitution was writen by our founding fathers and the most important statement in the whole document was writen with the biggest and boldest font and is the first thing that you see. "WE THE PEOPLE"
The citizens of this Great Nation need to get up of their asses or down from their high horses and become involved, don't just sit here rambling about what is wrong. Do something about it!!!
Comment by Pete Harring AKA Pete the Carpenter on January 31, 2009 at 4:05pm
I respectfully ask that you pick it apart point by point. This should be fun seeing what you have to say



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