We The People USA

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Damned Right I'm Still Mad - Gracious Losers My Ass! ( received in email from a Texan Hoot)

Damned Right I'm Still Mad - Gracious Losers My Ass!

Yes I'm still seething with rage. Call it B Obama derangement syndrome or just pure derangement. I DON'T CARE. I have put up with disgusting, vile and contemptible comments about my country and My President for 8 years so excuse me if I forego the "gracious loser" mantra.

I have watched a fat pig congressman throw Marines under the bus for some face time and as a political ploy.

I have put up with politicians publicly taking a dump on our Soldiers and Marines while the complicit media played right along with the game.

Two years of listening to the bleating of a dumbo-eared socialist crap-cake calling for "hope" and "change" while eating from the same plate as Rashid Khalidi, Bill Ayers and Jeremiah Wright.

To all those bitter gun clinging Bible thumping racist rednecks in Pennsylvania - you get the representation you deserve. What kind of dumb asses re-elect a "man" like John Murtha? Like they said in The Departed - "What are you retarded or something?"

To all the Jews who voted for Obama - I wash my hands of you. I don't want to hear a damn word from you when Iran lets loose on Israel while B.O. shares tea and crumpets with All-My-Jihad. Shame on you. The blood of dead Israelis will be on your hands.

And the Catholics who elected the abortionist in chief? I still haven't figured that one out. It's a shame the Church can't get a roster of those that voted for B.O so you could be barred from communion. Every time a child is left in a soiled utility bag to die after a botched abortion, I hope you get a black mark on your soul.

Fox News - A big old F-U to you. When it looked like B.O would be coronated, you dropped all pretense of fair and balanced and turned into a clone of MSNBC. When will Olbermann get his own show on your network? He could join Shep Smith and they could fly off the handle together
(or whatever sordid little things they like to do).

Those throwing Sarah Palin under the bus can kiss my big old white ass. I can't decide if it's insecurity due to a woman with power or if it's just pure jealousy that a woman can look good, raise a family and be a governor but there would not have been 1/3 of the votes for McCain without Palin on the ticket.

I don't want to hear another peep about racism or affirmative action. We've got our first affirmative action president. White guilt? Take your white guilt and shove it where the sun don't shine.

Don't want to hear no bitching when the New Black Panthers become part of an Obama administration. After all they helped him out in Philly so he owes the brothers. All race cards have expired and are no longer valid in this country.

I look forward to watching the kool-aid effect wear off over the next 4 years. It's hard to believe in hope and change when you're standing in the unemployment line. Free college education? Handouts? Help with your mortgage? Dream on, you'll be lucky to still have a pot to piss in when the Dems get through with you. But don't complain or Raehm "ballerina" Emmanuel will send you a dead fish...

Gracious Loser - no damn way. Not at the cost of my Country and the Constitution. Taking a cue from the new "first lady". For the first time in my adult life, I'm ashamed of my country.

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Comment by GIT-R-DONE! on January 4, 2009 at 10:21pm
Right on! Let's rock'n roll!
Comment by Marilyn_in_Penna on January 4, 2009 at 3:36pm
Hey wait... I'm a bible thumping, gun toting Republican in Penna...and I DID NOT vote for Obozo
AND...I got 5 people to register who never voted before... all Republicans... so there!
now, let's get the illegal usurper in prison!!!!!!!!



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