We The People USA

Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic

Time for a 'Hall of Shame' (add any letters, emails, conversations)

Just got off the phone with Ron Paul... It is with a heavy heart that I must report this...
The (10 minute) conversation was not a good one. I brought up the Constitution, and the 'natural born' issue, and then asked him point blank if he would be willing to submit (or at least support) an objection to the electoral vote certification on Jan 8th.
He said (I'm paraphrasing), "if I did that I'd be laughed out of congress. No one is going to do that. There is no Constitutional law that actually defines 'natural born', so the argument could go on forever with thousands of different interpretations. The consenses is that he is a US citizen, and therefor eligible."
He also said (paraphrasing), "I understand your concern, but nobody cares. 'They' are willing to let Obama take office, knowing full well he may not be constitutionally qualified. The fact that he supposedly was born in Hawaii is all that matters."
I brought up the Hawaiian practices of registering the birth of children to those who may not have been born in Hawaii (from 1911 to 1972), and he said (again, paraphrasing) "If that can be proven, then we have a case of fraud, which must be looked at, but in all seriousness, it will never get that far."
So... as far as him helping us on anything, he is not willing at this point.
Essentially, he is "going with the flow", with no desire to be a patriot. All of congress is only concerned with "following the herd". He also said, "Even if it was proven 110% that Obama is ineligible, it wouldn't make a difference."
Nobody wants to step up, it seems. I was almost in tears as we hung up. I am deeply disturbed about this. It seems our only hope now lies in the outcome of the pending lawsuits... Stephen Pidgeon, and Dr Orly are our best shots.
I think after speaking with Congressman Paul, we are barking up the wrong tree, regarding Congressional objections to the electoral vote count. I pray to GOD I'm wrong, and will continue the good fight, none-the-less. I still plan on sending each Texas GOP Representative and Senator a letter on Monday (when I get back to my home) to their local addresses and their Washington addresses. I will not give up.

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Comment by JJ on January 5, 2009 at 5:58pm
Ron Paul comments from KjTX from decocratic-disaster.com website.
Comment by JJ on January 5, 2009 at 5:57pm
Today let's add Joe Barton of Texas to the 'Hall of Shame' along with his assistant, the expert on immigration courtesy of KjTX:

This morning, I had finally had enough waiting for someone to call me from Joe Barton's office (my Congressman in District 6, TX), so I sent an email to his scheduler, and basically "went off" on her!
I wrote: Quote
I am extremely disheartened over Joe Barton not having TEN MINUTES to speak with a CONSTITUENT of his. I find it appalling. Joe Barton has the opportunity to OBJECT to the Electoral Vote Certification this week. Obama is NOT a NATURAL BORN citizen! What makes Joe Barton think otherwise? Just because Obama was born in Hawaii? That's not enough! A natural born citizen must also have TWO parents who are US citizens! Not just one! How can Joe Barton NOT know this? What is WRONG with our congress!? Did they ALL not pay attention in their American History classes, way back in high school or college? The Constitution has been the law of our land for the last 230 years. You just don't IGNORE it! And you can't side-step it. Popular vote does NOT equal bending the rules! How has he gotten this far?

Joe Barton took an oath to uphold and defend the Constitution. He put his hand on the Bible and SWORE this. Please remind him of that! He seems to have forgotten. And if he lets the electoral vote certification happen (Jan 8th) without saying a word, he will lose my vote, and I will use every means possible to make sure that his entire district does the same. For someone to swear an oath to uphold and defend a document as sacred as the Constitution, they at least need to understand what it means to sit idley by and let a FRAUD take the office of President of the United States. This must not happen.

I got the following reply from his so-called "expert" on immigration...
I’m sorry, but XXXXX has been given incorrect information.

Thousands of children are born in the U.S. everyday to permanent resident parent/s. That makes them no less an American citizen than children born to American citizen parents. Our laws declare them all to be American citizens because they were born on American soil. (The exception is persons who were born not subject to the jurisdiction of the U.S, such as children of foreign diplomats.)

Hawaii became the 50th state before Obama was born. It doesn’t matter whether or not one or both of his parents were citizens or how many years they did or didn’t live in the U.S. before he was born. That only applies to children who were born abroad. Mr. Obama was born on American soil. He did not have to be naturalized to obtain his citizenship. He is American born just like you, me and, I’m assuming, Ms. Canon.

Sincerely, Christi Townsend – Casework Director

In the reply, they gave me a phone number, so that I could speak directly with Ms Townsend, which I jumped on! I called, and talked with Ms Townsend for over ten minutes, and it was CLEAR she was not budging from her so-called opinion as to what a "natural born" citizen is. I was practically READING to her the constitution, Bingham's writings, Jay, Wong Kim Ark, etc, etc... youname it... I was talking to a freaking WALL. She claimed that she has "20 years experience" in immigration issues, working with Joe Barton's office. After letting me know about her experience, she had the audacity to ask me, "don't you think I would know about something like this?" She was actually talking "down" to me, like I'm an idiot! If I had been face to face with this person, she would have seen my anger visibly steaming out of my ears! She even went so far as to tell me that THIS is why Mr Barton hasn't called me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That I'm grasping at straws, and that Obama is a US citizen, and he was "born in Hawaii", etc., etc... and this was the final straw... she then said I should just MOVE ON. I said, yes. I'll move on. And Mr Barton will NOT be getting my vote in the future. It didn't even phase her.

Ok, folks... this is war. I want everyone to call this woman. Email her. Bug the crap outta her!!! her email address is: Christi.Townsend@mail.house.gov Point out her mistakes. Make it painfully CLEAR that she needs to go back to the books!

Man.... I'm not happy right now.

(and this ladies and gentlemen is an example of what's running our country)
Comment by GIT-R-DONE! on January 4, 2009 at 10:15pm
JJ who "Just got off the phone with Ron Paul... "? You? Are you speaking in the first person here or is this from another blog or email from someone else? Just curious.
Comment by WTPUSA on January 4, 2009 at 2:00pm
Citizen Wells has put together a great "Hall of Shame." If any of you have letters from your congressman or correspondance, please pass it on to Citizen Wells so he can post it on his site.

Justin W. Riggs from YourFellowCitizen has also put together a great collection of correspondance that he has received from the Secretaries of State regarding the Obama "eligiblity" issue and is still trying to figure out "who is responsible for verifying presidential candidates eligibility." If you have any correspondance for the Secretaries of State or any elected officials regarding this issue, please pas it on to Justin so he can post it on his website.
Comment by JJ on January 4, 2009 at 1:48pm
Representative Ed Whitfield, Kentucky, (letter excerpts)

........Of course, the voters have spoken pretty clearly, and so now we will move on. I do expect that the news media and the proper authorities will look into any reports which have caused people concern, and that any evidence of legitimate concern will be appropriately addressed.

I recognize that my voice is only here in Washington to represent my constituents.

Ed Whitfield
Member of Congress

1) you may move on, please don't speak for me; you obviously are out of touch with your constituents
2) the news media and authorities you speak of have caused this mess by looking the other way for 2 years; in what realm of unreality do you reside?
3) your voice in Washington? silenced by bribery, threats, or just plain ignorance??



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