We The People USA

Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic

This is partly in response to Therese Daniels fine post a couple days ago titled “Let's Get It Right” and partly because I am also mad as hell and will not take it anymore. I agree with Therese 100%. Furthermore, I want to describe a detailed plan of action that will get us out of our nightmare and back on track.

PEOPLE, we are being sucked into way too many actions and causes. Some of these are good, many are just a waste of time, effort and money. How can we decide which actions to be part of? We are spread way too thin fighting so many different issues that we cannot hope to win on any. We are ineffective because there are no clear goals and plans and no leaders to implement them if there were. We are now divided and failing.

Our country is being wrecked at breakneck speed. If we don’t take immediate and decisive action, also at breakneck speed, there won’t be a country left to save.

How are we going to do that?

To do that, we must know what the end goal is. If we don’t know what it is and if we don’t quit screwing around and get behind it, we will surely fail. I don’t think I need to tell you what that means.

I think most of us would agree that our government is broken must be returned to the law of the Constitution. I think most of us would also agree that removing the usurper would also be a great thing. These two goals are very related, since the usurper is in direct violation of our Constitution!

Now ask yourself the simple question; wouldn’t restoring the government to the constitution and removing the usurper fix every single issue in one fell swoop? Instead of fighting individual issues that infringe on our rights or are not Constitutional, wouldn’t it be better to fight one big battle that resolves all issues at once? And wouldn’t ousting the usurper throw a major monkey wrench into his plans that are rapidly plunging us into socialism and maybe much worse?

And if that is true, then why would any of us be involved with anything that doesn’t directly support either of the goals of fixing the government or ousting the usurper? I would suggest that this should be the test for any action or movement. If it isn’t directly related to either of these two goals, forget it!

Another thing to consider is how to determine if any given action or movement will be effective. What is the point of being in a movement or action that is ineffective? First it must have a clearly stated goal and a plan for reaching that goal. Second, it must have leadership that drives the action or movement through the plan to reach the goal. So, here is another test. For any action or movement, ask yourself, does it have a stated goal of either fixing the government or ousting the usurper? Does it have a stated plan of action and leadership that is focused on implementing the plan and reaching the goal? I say if it doesn’t, then it also fails the test.

I’m going to tell you all right up front that in the end there can only be one goal. It must be to win elections and install into our government a party that will return us to the laws of the Constitution. Along the way, if we can take out the usurper and derail the socialist agenda, it will help us reach the main goal faster and easier. Anything short of this will not cut it. We do not need a short-term band-aid fix. We must once and for all decisively fix the root cause of all our problems. Our government must be restored to Constitutional adherence! The usurper must be ousted!

Here are some examples of various actions and movements. Let’s apply the tests to each and see which ones are worthy causes.

Will a protest march to DC directly help accomplish either of our two goals? It will be 100% censored by the media. 0bama owns the media, 0bama cannot take criticism, and therefore 0bama will censor any such movement. But the people involved will expend a huge effort, spend a lot of money and waste a lot of time. In the end, even if it made the nightly news, a protest march has no predictable outcome and no goal except to march. At the very best it might raise awareness slightly. I say there are much better ways to spend our time, efforts and money. This one fails the test.

How about the tea party movement? Where do you think all those bags of tea will end up? In some Congressional office? I think more likely they will all be diverted to the DC landfills! Remember who and what we are fighting. This man now holds the office of the President. He commands the government of the most powerful nation on earth. He controls both houses of Congress with near super-majorities. Do you think he or any member of Congress cares if you send tea bags to DC? The only goal of this movement is to send a message to Congress. The message will never be delivered. We can do much better than that. This one also fails the test.

How about a letter writing campaign to Congress on specific issues? Well, this works just like the tea bags. These letters just end up in the DC landfills. 0bama owns the Congress. They will never do anything against him, even if they did read the letters, which of course they don’t. Again, the only goal of these letter writing campaigns is to send a message to somebody. The message will never be delivered. This one fails the test too.

What about supporting the Bob Schultz Continental Congress. It seeks to use a First Amendment right that guarantees the right to petition the government for redress of grievances. Foremost of the grievances on the list is 0bamas eligibility. Many others will directly attack the government on issues of not following the Constitution. How many of you knew that our fearless leader here, Jean, is coordinating that effort for Schultz? So, this one goes after both our goals under a legal and Constitutional method. It has leadership, a goal and a detailed plan and is well organized. It’s a keeper!

What about supporting Steve Pidgeon and the National Grand Jury that will seek to kick 0bamas butt out? What about Dr. Orly Tatz and her numerous lawsuits to prove 0bama ineligible? Yes, Yes, oust the usurper. These are good and while they don’t help fix the government, at least with this imposter out of the way, it will be easier. These too have stated goals, plans and both Orly Tatz and Steve Pidgeon have shown great leadership abilities. Another keeper.

What about joining one of the many GOP movements supporting Sarah Palin, Newt Gingrich, Ron Paul or helping to reform the GOP under Steele? I say that the GOP is the reason we are in this mess in the first place. I say that they had ample opportunity to stand on conservative principles and fix the government. I say they allowed wishy washy old McCain to wrongly become the candidate and lose. Did you vote for him in the primaries? I didn’t, and neither did anyone I know. I say they have now lost two major elections, in 2006 and 2008 and are all washed up. They are no longer the party of Reagan or conservatism and haven’t been for a long time. Where is the goal and plan to fix the government? For me, this fails the test big-time!

They say a fool is someone that keeps trying the same thing over and over, each time expecting a different outcome. We have all been fools. We keep electing the same bunch of corrupt politicians into office again and again, each time expecting them to fix the government and do something. Instead, again and again, they only break it more.

If you all want to have another 4 to 8 years of social conservatism with a Bush or McCain type, go ahead and vote for these GOP guys again. If you want to be right back in this nightmare we now face again in another 4 to 8 years, go ahead and vote for these guys. But if you really want to fix the government and restore it to the laws of the Constitution, I think we can do better! I’ll show you how. Read on!

What would it really mean if we could actually install a party into office that would place the government back under the rule of the Constitution? Well, since 0bama is not eligible under the Constitution to be president, it would immediately put him in the un-employment line like many of the rest of us. And it would mean someone like him could never have pulled off the scam he has done to start with.

It would abolish the Federal Reserve System that is solely responsible for why we now have an economic crisis and trillions of our tax dollars are being given away in bailouts and stimulus to banks and corporations and spiraling our national debt further out of control. The Constitution does not give the government the right to be a bank, create a central bank or own corporations. It would also return us to a gold standard for our money so it was actually backed by something real.

It would abolish the IRS and return us to a flat tax system. Income taxes were the entire reason we had a revolution and formed this republic. Now we are taxed so heavily we cannot get ahead and barely survive. The Constitution expressly forbids income taxes. The tax laws are over 80,000 pages. That is like several sets of encyclopedias. No one person can possibly understand it, and none do.

It would send all illegal immigrants packing and close our borders.

It would abolish all the gun control laws.

It would stop the national healthcare debate, since the Constitution does not give the government the right to control healthcare.

And this list goes on and on.

There is one party that exactly defines this in their platform, and a whole lot more. They are exactly the party of Reagan conservatism. They are non-political and are the third largest party in America. They have been around a long time and are just dreaming to roll up their sleeves and restore our government to the Constitution. They have a detailed platform that puts the GOP and Democrats to shame. They are at:

The platform is at:

We all want to do something. We all know something has gone terribly wrong and would give almost anything to fix it. Few of us want to be here and would really rather be pursuing our favorite pastimes and living the American dream. But here we are. We are here because we are scared, mad, shocked and maybe all three. We are here because we are patriots and care deeply about our country and the future.

If you want to know what to do to oust the usurper, fix the government and get back to your personal American dream, here is the short list.

Join the Constitution Party, become the party, promote the party and win elections. I know it sounds simple but it really is. However, it requires ever one of us to work hard to pull it off. See the detailed plan of action and goals at:

Join the Continental Congress movement. Become a participant. Donate money. It is at:

Join one of Dr. Orly Tatzs many lawsuits. Donate money! Volunteer to help. It is at:

Join the National Grand Jury movement at:

Join a state group on this site or another. Be careful though, make sure the stated goal is to organize for winning elections and ousting the usurper. Make sure the group is mostly involved in actions that pass the tests and not wasting time on useless efforts. Here is the link to the state groups here.

In the end, the state groups will be the most important movement you can be part of. They will become the grass-roots that will win elections. Sign up to be a state leader, assistant or other volunteer work.

We must stop participating in knee-jerk reaction movements on specific issues. They are dividing us and keeping us from the real end goal of winning elections. We must come together under one end goal. Together we have the power to do whatever we want.

United we must stand, divided we will surely fall!

Views: 13


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Comment by JinOhio on March 9, 2009 at 11:55am
Agreed. All of your points are great ones. May I suggest that if a person cannot join the Constitution Party for some personal reason, then please consider the new America's Independent Party as a valid alternative. http://www.aipnews.com/

Also, after joining and while supporting the We The People Foundation Continental Congress 2009, you will also be interested in joining or starting a Committee of Safety in your community. This is all about safety and security in your community, your county, your state, reclaiming our Constitutional rights from the bottom up. http://www.committeesofsafety.org/
Comment by Art in Idaho on March 8, 2009 at 4:04pm
I would be totally conflicted if I was currently in the Military. I back the Military 100%, but can't imagine what must be going through their minds. I bet the Pentagon is abuzz. . If Obama is ineligible because he is not a natural born U.S. citizen then no treaty is safe. No executive order or signed law has any power. The Military is sworn to protect the Constitution, not the president, against all enemies, foreign and domestic. What will they do (what MUST they do) if eligibility and constitutionality are still at issue? ? Pray for out Military and God Save America!
Comment by Sharon Rondeau on March 8, 2009 at 10:43am
Your commentary says it all. We do need to be very focused in our efforts. Every single one of us should plan on voting for the Constitution Party candidate for 2010.

And yes, the Usurper has to go. From everything I've been reading, we are getting closer. I have been calling my legislators about the abominable porkulus bill and other wasteful things going on in Washington, but I know my opinions are falling on deaf ears, mostly because a Usurper is being legitimized by my taking any action at all. I always include the statement with my calls that Obama is a fraud and will eventually be outed. We can't legitimize him under any circumstances, because, as you said, the government is completely dysfunctional with a constitutionally unqualified person acting as president. We have to get rid of him first before we can fix the other blatantly unconstitutional transgressions of the Congress.

I've written letters and sent tea bag wrappers, knowing that it's symbolic but probably didn't go any farther than an aide's mailbox.

I have volunteered for Dr. Orly and the We the People Foundation and am now blogging at liberal news sites such as ABC News about anything on Obama. Believe it or not, a lot of the comments are negative, as he is quickly losing popularity. I always mention that he is ineligible and the truth is coming out.

Another thing I have done is contact local radio talk show hosts to try to get Dr. Orly an interview with them. At least it raises awareness of what is coming...our military has not accepted Hussein as CinC, and there will be a showdown in the near future, in my opinion. There HAS to be for our military to function.



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