We The People USA

Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic

Farrah Fawcet and Michael Jackson etc and do not forget our task(s) at hand.................

weird all in one day they both died but i guess neither one of them were in good health still sorta sad you know and i heard some were already making jokes about Michael Jackson sad

I don't agree with everything about that man but I still grew up with his music and in high school remembering his popular songs etc they were fun. he was fun. He definitely looked better before he started screwing with his face and color of his skin his body, he should have left his body alone the way God made it. I pray that folks will be seeking the Lord at this time and Farrah and Michael's deaths be glorified in the Lord and folks seek God at this time and turn to Him. I think I am sad I used to watch Charlie's Angels as a kid and I used to play at school with my friends on the playground we would pretend to be Charlie's Angels and of course I always pretended imagined to be Farrah the prettiest one :) So first her death then now Michael's it is kind of a lot not to already mention all the government crap going on. I just hope folks do not forget the stuff going on the things they will be trying to pass behind our backs as we are grieving and paying some attention to these 2 deaths. Everyone grieve but do not be deceived or forget about the cap n trade, the freedom of speech, the terrible healthcare crap they are trying to take over and I am sure there are many others i am forgetting or not a ware of.

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