We The People USA

Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic

By Dr. Edwin Vieira, Jr., Ph.D., J.D.
January 20, 2009


Now is the time for “the good People of these Colonies” (as the Declaration of Independence styled patriots in those days) to embrace prudence ahead of all other virtues. Because if “the good People” of “the several States” make a mistake at this critical juncture in the course of human events, they may never have another chance.

The Internet has been awash with outrage and verbally violent attacks on the General Government’s and the Federal Reserve System’s various bail-outs of special interests sinking under loads of unmanageable debt. But notwithstanding that these broadsides have been fully justifiable in Natural Law, constitutional law, statutory law, morality, and just plain common sense, had they been successful in sinking the bail-outs entirely they might have proven to be politically counterproductive, and very dangerously so.

After all, the bail-outs constitute only the political-cum-financial crime families’ “Plan A”. “Plan B” would have come into play had the bail-outs been rejected, the financial markets collapsed, and America been hurled into economic, political, and social chaos as a result (and remains ready for that eventuality in the future). It calls for the imposition of a para-militarized national police state controlled by the Department of Homeland Security. So, the crime families were set up to win no matter what happened: If Americans did not roll over for financial fascism in the form of bail-outs today, they would be confronted with the jack-booted variety in the form of black-uniformed, beetle-browed thugs toting machine guns throughout their towns tomorrow.

Then, after a sufficient interval of impoverishment and oppression, hunger and humiliation, Americans would be offered “Plan C”. It promises both a new, “stable” currency—the Amero (or whatever they end up calling it)—in exchange for Americans’ worthless Federal Reserve Notes, and relaxation of the worst of the police-state brutality accompanying the implementation of “Plan B”. But it also requires Americans to surrender their sovereignty to the supra-national North American Union (or some other entity of that ilk)—which will mark the end of the line for this country.

The dilemma for America is that, as far as the crime families are concerned, the projected results of “Plan A” by itself, or of “Plan B” and “Plan C” if (or more likely when) “Plan A” fails, are equally acceptable. They have figured out ways to maintain their political and economic power, and to maximize their profits, whichever road events compel them to travel.

But what about everyone else? Must common Americans be losers no matter what? Or should they take counsel from, and plan actions based upon, the maxim that “it takes a crooked stick to beat a mad dog”? After all, if Americans do acquiesce with ostensible docility in the crime families’ “Plan A”, the markets may very well appear to stabilize for a little while. During that time, under the goad of increasing economic stringencies—for the implementation of “Plan A” will be very costly to the average man—perhaps Americans in a critical mass will fully awaken and mobilize themselves in organizations with legal authority and the ability to exercise that authority to enforce the Constitution and laws of this country. Thus, by temporarily acquiescing in “Plan A”, Americans may be able to buy the time necessary to prepare to fend off “Plan B”, and therefore both “Plan C” and the residuum of “Plan A” as well, and then return their country to something approaching a limited constitutional government and a free market. (Don Michael Corleone expressed this tactic in the following way: “Keep your friends close, but your enemies closer!”)

Of course, following such a strategy will be expensive. Buying time in the face of danger, to make up for an absence of prior preparation, always is. But the alternative probably would be even more expensive, and worse yet irreversible. Besides, if Americans can win back their country, will the crime families be allowed to keep their ill-gotten gains? Or will the law take its due course against them? Can you spell R...I...C...O?

True enough, following a strategy that initially serves the crime families’ interests entails significant risk if it fails. For, in the long run (and that may prove not to be very long at all), “Plan A” cannot maintain economic stability. All too soon, the bail-outs will likely catapult the Federal Reserve System into hyperinflation, followed by depression, accompanied by major societal breakdowns and massive, probably violent civil unrest. Then come into play “Plan B” and “Plan C” with the inexorability of a rising sun at dawn and a setting one at dusk. But the risk from having scuttled “Plan A” outright, thus precipitating “Plan B” before America has even a chance to prepare to resist, is even greater.

Patriots must also consider the possibility that the crime families actually were willing for Congress to reject the first steps in “Plan A” under the pressure of mass protests, so that when the markets collapsed they could blame the imposition of their police state on the mule-headedness of the dissidents. Particularly when so many of those dissidents are patriots, constitutionalists, civil libertarians, proponents of the free market, “gold bugs”, and other clear-sighted people whom the big media can demonize in the eyes of a population consisting largely of political zombies driven to desperation by economic disaster. (Recall the “Hate” sessions Big Brother regularly stirred up in Orwell’s 1984.) No one should ever discount the crime families’ deviousness. They, too, know that “fools rush in where wise men never go”, and how to take advantage of such rashness.

Well, then, assuming that it may be wise for Americans temporarily to acquiesce in “Plan A”, what should they do during the period of time their acquiescence will buy? Why not revitalize “the Militia of the several States”, which the Constitution declares to be “necessary to the security of a free State”—and never more necessary than right now? Why not, indeed? What else can America do that could be more important for her survival as “a free State”? If someone can propose any other course of action capable of mobilizing tens of millions of Americans for collective action with full constitutional authority, and outside of the phoney “two” political parties and the Establishment’s other political control-mechanisms, please speak up now, or forever hold your peace. Because time is fast running out, even as you read these words.

Perhaps now, as the bills for a “funny-money” economy start coming due in the form of serial gargantuan bail-outs, you are becoming sorry that quite some time ago, when certain columns posted on NewsWithViews.com proposed revitalization of the Militia as the number-one priority in this age of collapsing monetary and banking systems, you yawned and went back to sleep.

It is useless to be sorry at this juncture. Now is the time for action while the window of opportunity still remains open—so that you will not have to be even sorrier in the future.

© 2009 Edwin Vieira, Jr. - All Rights Reserve

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Comment by Sharon Rondeau on January 28, 2009 at 8:48am
I have just done some research on state militias and have gleaned some good information from another site, www.patriotsforamerica.ning.com. I'm going to look into the militia that might still be active in my area. If not, a group can be formed and called something slightly different. We are going to need these organizations in the very near future.
Comment by WTPUSA on January 21, 2009 at 12:43am
I agree! And revitalizing the state militias is going to be the number one priority of the United Coalition of We The People USA. Please join the Coalition and help us fight to take back our Country, before it's too late.



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