We The People USA

Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic

The hemp plant, declared illegal under the Marijuana Tax Act, can actually save this nation! Did you know the United States is the ONLY one of the FEW remaining nations that has not legalized marijuana? Some believe the idea of marijuana as a savior is ludicrous- however, you may be unaware, as I was, that you have been conditioned to think that way. I remember the indoctrination that took place when I was in second grade during Nancy Reagan's "Just Say No" campaign and you can bet your children will experience their first encounter with Big Brother even earlier than I did. The hemp plant is abundant. One acre of hemp can produce three times the paper that one acre of trees produces. Hemp can make rope, shelter, canvas, oils, and clothing. In addition, you can eat hemp! It is one of the FEW plants that produce over 97% of the nutrients necessary to sustain the body. You can even use the leftovers to make bio-mass fuels! Our government has turn the war on drugs originally intended to oppress the migrant Mexican workers (which obviously hasn't worked) into a war on a plant-something natural(!!!) that could shut down the petro-chemical industry as we know it! It has become a conspiracy upon the part of the federal government against the very people it pretends to serve! Given the current economic times, if we were to allow hemp production and manufacturing to flourish, we could become a nation of production and export instead of a country that exports jobs and imports an insurmountable number of goods. Our government has sought to discourage business growth in America by instituting stringent penalties for a vast number of fined infractions that greatly exceed environmental standards throughout the remainder of the globe. These concerns about global warming can be brought down with the simple hemp plant. It is abundant and native ti a great part of the United States. For those concerned with the environment- we can stop deforestation! We can grow enough hemp to oxygenate and filter the air we breathe! We can even drive our cars on the stuff! Basically, we can curb the effects of global warming! I don't personally believe in global warming, but even I can see the benefits only the hemp plant can provide. I'll even concede to the government two money-generating options: one- they can tax the production and sale of marijuana products. Two- they could write a law that fines any person caught smoking marijuana on public property. Between those two, I feel that's enough for the government's fair share. This would also help curb the hold upon Texan and American assets by the Mexican drug cartels, limiting them to dealing in harder drugs and thereby exposing them to the possibility if receiving a greater punishment for offenses within our borders. We should, at minimum, allow our Texas farmers to produce hemp for our very survival, rather than be forced by an overbearing, overreaching government to import pre-processed hemp from Canada and Amsterdam at high cost!

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Comment by theguyfromplt on February 27, 2009 at 2:04am
I recant, but I must state that I am citing it directly from Jack Herer in The Emporer of Hemp, which is a very good documentary I recommend.
Comment by usfrog on February 26, 2009 at 5:19pm
No the US is not the only nation that has not legalized marijuana. It is totally illegal in France and perhaps other European countries as well. However, it IS legal in Holland but then they legalize just about anything.



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