We The People USA

Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic

HOLY schnikees! Did you get it WRONG!....... Letter to Medved

Mr. Medved,
I cannot believe you have labeled those who are fighting to uphold the Constitution as "stupid" and "losers", (among far more disagreeable and likely defamatory terms).
First, you need to understand that Natural Born Citizen (NBC) means BOTH parents must be American citizens and baby must be born on American soil. Please go to O's own website where he states, he was born with American and British/Kenyan citizenship. He has absolutely admitted he is ineligible for POTUS. He also states in his writings that his father was British/Kenyan. It really doesn't matter where he was born. Many Americans, however, would like to know if he was born in America. If he is born on American soil, it makes a bit of a difference in the "citizenship status" he possesses.
Second, in America, we have allowed candidacy on what is called a "gentlemanly process of self-certification". No official or agency takes responsibility to actually validate those eligibility credentials. I have been in contact with Illinois officials who have made no attempt to legitimize his eligibility for the IL Senate, the U.S. Senate, or the Presidency.
Third, in Hawaii, the DHHL accepts only the vault copy of the birth certificate to verify citizenship because they allowed for foreign births to be registered up to one year after a child's birth. The birth certificate presented online only states that O's birth was "registered" in Hawaii. Hawaiian officials have been VERY careful in wording their press releases. They state that they have a birth certificate on file. They have NEVER stated that the B/C says he was born IN Hawaii. Please check the records. Again, it really doesn't matter where he was born as he was born with dual citizenship, therefore rendering him ineligible.
Just as an aside.....if it should turn out that he was born out of Hawaii, it would mean O is NOT a citizen at all. Under the laws in effect at the time of his birth, his mama was NOT old enough to pass citizenship to him. (I am wondering how you have obtained access to her passport information, since you seem to have an "insider's knowledge" that she had not left the Country when he was born.) Again, he STILL is ineligible due to his own admission of "dual citizenship" at birth. It just means that if he was born out of the Country, he is NOT a citizen at all! That would mean his previous terms in office as IL Senator and U.S. Senator were illegal and he MUST be prosecuted and punished.
If O did register in school as a "foreign student" to receive special financing from Americans, he needs to find out VERY quickly, that he cannot have it both ways! He cannot be "foreign" to abuse our charity for his school bills, and then claim NBC to be POTUS.
The SCOTUS has dismissed all cases so far on "technicalities". They have never ruled on the "MERIT" of any of the cases filed. They WILL soon have to. They have continually played a game of who has "standing" to file a suit. TRUST me, once one piece of legislation or executive order is signed, we WILL have standing. The problem is NOT going to go away. (Recommended reading for you, Dr. Edwin Vieira. He is a Constitutional attorney with excellent credentials.)
Fourth, O admits to citizenship in Indonesia at adoption by Lolo Soetoro. Registration records for school there prove that fact. Multiple citizenships render him INELIGIBLE! Because of their fear of allegiance to another sovereignty, the Founding Fathers allowed ONLY those alive at the writing of the Constitution to have dual citizenship. No one else is allowed!
It is not a matter of "IF" O is "eligible", he CLEARLY, Constitutionally is NOT! No matter how much they "wish and HOPE", the facts cannot be changed. He is NOT our President! He is a usurper, and MUST be expelled, and HOPEFULLY indicted, tried, convicted, and SENTENCED.
You have done this Country a GREAT disservice with your attacks and tirades against the patriots who are working so hard to undo the damage! They are NOT wackos or tin foil hats, they ARE PATRIOTS, and if you had one ounce of brains and ANY decency, you would do you homework and get your facts straight before making such a pathetic FOOL of yourself!
Finally, YES, I HOPE his Presidency fails! I HOPE not one shred of his legislation is passed. I HOPE the military REFUSES to honor his commands until they verify his eligibility. I HOPE the people who voted for him because he sent them e-mails, or text messages to their cell phones, FINALLY wake up and realize, he is NOT going to buy them gas, he is NOT going to pay their house payments, and he has no respect for ANYTHING American if he is this willing to make a mockery of our Constitution! BO is a usurper!
Just wanted to set the record straight.

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Comment by WTPUSA on January 25, 2009 at 7:14pm

Let's All help Orly by emailing Joe Davis, joeD@salem.cc, President of Salem Communications, Chris Henderson, chrish@salem.cc Salem Communication's General Counsel and Michael Medved at michael@michaelmedved.com or using Medved's Online Form at http://www.michaelmedved.com/askmike.

CALL Salem Communications, aka, Salem Web Networks www.salemwebnetwork.com at 805-987-0400 and the producers at the Michael Medved Show at 1-800-955-1776.

Let's tell Salem Communications and Michael Medved that we are going to BOYCOTT Salem Communications and all of their affiliate radio stations listed here http://townhall.com/SiteMap.aspx. Lets let them know that we will unsubscribe to www.Townhall.com, www.TownhallMagazine.com and BOYCOTT of their advertisors too, if they DO NOT issue a retraction and provide Orly with the appropriate airtime on Michael Medved's show or on another broadcast which will allow Orly to defend herself against Medved's slanderous, defamatory and completely ill-informed comments regarding her character and the merits of her legal actions.

Act Now!! Bombard them with Emails and Phone Calls!
Comment by Mairi on January 25, 2009 at 12:04pm
Paul, I KNOW how frustrating this all is. I have been working on this getting close to a year now. But PLEASE do not give up hope, and be of good cheer. Medved, by even airing his sniveling opinions, lends credence to our goal, and because of the wide range of listeners, more and more people are finding out, and doing their own research.
I was saddened that several of the callers were unable to handle his disrespect, and were a bit inept at handling his degradation. Not everyone is ready with concise and irrefutable facts. PRAY that Dr. Taitz is afforded the opportunity to defend herself against his attacks. SHE will handle him!
Also, flood his mailbox and the station's with objections and DEMAND time for a response. We are growing in numbers, and if each of us takes a few moments to make our voices heard, MORE will listen and start getting informed. Do you realize how many people probably still know NOTHING about this? Thanks to the press, who so many rely on for all of their info, many are just now finding out, and we must continue to make those numbers demanding a full accounting GROW!
Thank you for making an effort to defend our military here at home. They so deserve ALL the support we can give them!
Don't give up, just keep demanding to be heard. Eventually, We the People will have our way!
Comment by paul thompson on January 25, 2009 at 10:47am
I have had to listen to our own local talk show host label all of us upholding the constitution as "Nuts". I wrote letters to them all and informed them they just included the entire military in that category too. Never got any response, wonder why?!!!!



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