We The People USA

Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic

Let MSNBC know we will NOT tolerate removal of "In GOD We Trust" from our currency!


PLEASE vote ASAP on this very important subject!

We MUST let MSNBC know that we will NOT tolerate the removal of "In GOD We Trust" from our currency!

Please vote before they decide to remove this poll from their site, and BEG your contacts to vote also!

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Comment by usfrog on December 13, 2008 at 9:03am
Normally, it would be up to the Supreme Court to intervene. I sure wish they would do their job conscientiously and with loyalty to the United States. (Am I using adverbs which have become obsolete ?)
Comment by Judy Doyle on December 13, 2008 at 5:27am
I have been reading the Constitution again. I read and reread ArtilceIII, Section 3 to make certain I understood it and so I must make this comment.

I see where the news media, especially MSNBC has actually committed treason against this country. They have given "aide and comfort" to the enemy of this country, Barry Soetoro AKA, Barack Hussein Mohamed Obama. It is a fact that citizens of the country do not even know what this person's real name is.

Soetoro/Obama's agenda is:
1. wealth redistribution and higher taxes
2. open borders, amnesty and undermining of our culture
3. taxpayer-funded abortions
4. weakening of our military
5. socialized health care
6. the end of traditional marriage
7. international taxation and global citizenship
8. stacking the courts with extreme leftist judges

Through my research, these are the things I do know about this man. I am still not certain what his legal name is and neither is anyone else. He ran for president under an assumed name. He has defrauded the American people and anyone who supports him now with all of his crimes and associations has committed the act of treason against the United States of America.

We need to pray that God will intervene!
Comment by usfrog on December 13, 2008 at 2:04am
It's on Infidel Guy's site. Still 17 % vs 83 %. How disappointing for poor Infidel !
Comment by Mairi on December 12, 2008 at 11:10pm
WOW! They must not have been happy with the results they were getting! I just voted moments before I posted this blog. They are at only 17% wanting to remove the inscription. You are absolutely correct. Our work IS cut out for us! Pity is, that their numbers are so small, but we seem to be the ones always on the defensive!
Comment by michelle jauquet on December 12, 2008 at 10:59pm
I just went on that site and could not find the place to vote. Think there must have closed it already.
I read some of the comments on there, about leaving GOD off the coins permanently.
I have come to the conclusion that the liberals have completely corrupted, millions of peoples minds. There is so much HATE for any thing religious, that is so sad, I just, did not realize that things were bad. We have our work cut out for us we are fighting a EVIL that is spreading like a cancer, but we must keep the faith and know that we have GODS protection!



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