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New Bill Could Increase Funds for Abortions

New Bill Could Increase Funds for Abortions
January 14, 2009

CBNNews.com - Pro-life supporters say a new healthcare bill introduced last week in the Senate could provide millions more dollars to the abortion industry.

Last Wednesday, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid made the case for the Prevention First Act, along with Reps. Louise Slaughter and Diana DeGette-- touting the bill as an answer to unintended pregnancy and increased abortions.

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The bill would "improve awareness about emergency contraception," "end insurance discrimination against women," and "provide compassionate assistance for rape victims," they argue.

Read the bill here.

Click play for comments from David Christensen of the Family Research Council.

But conservative groups like the Family Research Council say the bill would encourage abortion rather than prevent it by providing increased funds to make the procedures more readily available.

"The Prevention First Act would direct hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars to the abortion industry, a business that already receives over $286 million each year from federal taxpayers," FRC president Tony Perkins said.

"When you get right down to it, the bill does nothing to support parental involvement--let alone consent--for dispensing the morning after pill and other contraception to minors," he added.

Prevention First would support comprehensive sex education in schools, increase funding for contraceptives and require health insurance companies to cover forms of birth control. It would also free up funds for "Title X," a federal health program for those with lower incomes.

Slaughter said that the approach would not only decrease STDs and unwanted pregnancies but also save the country money.

"If we want to reduce the number of abortions in this country, the methodology is clear - empower women to prevent unintended pregnancies through education and access to contraception," she said "For every dollar spent on family planning services, it is estimated that almost four dollars is saved in public health spending."

Other version of the bill were introduced in 2005 and 2007. Neither became law.

Opponents of the Prevention First Act are urged to contact their state senator petitioning the legislation.

Sources: CBN News, LifeNews, Family Research Council

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