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SCHIP reauthorization moves on to Senate


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Comment by C. Steven Tucker on January 15, 2009 at 5:27pm
I have been a health insurance broker in the state of Illinois for the past 13 years and I have seen first hand what happens when an over burdened, tax funded, Government controlled, entitlement program like Medicaid is offered to everyone regardless of income. Several recent Medicaid entitlement "expansion" programs have been enacted in our State by Governor Rod Blagoyevich (Democrat) http://blogs.wsj.com/health/2008/12/18/blagojevich-a-childrens-hospital-and-medicaids-stingy-ways/ In fact, our state was the first to expand these Medicaid entitlement programs to include the "All Kids Covered" plan www.allkidscovered.com the "Mom's & Babies" plan http://www.allkids.com/pregnant.html and the "Family Care" plan http://www.familycareillinois.com/

These entitlement programs not only provide free health insurance coverage to all low income women who are currently pregnant ("Mom's & Babies") and all children - here legally or otherwise ("All Kids Covered") but it also provides free health insurance to all low income mothers of children who are insured under the "All Kids Covered" program ("Family Care"). One does not need an actuarial degree to quickly conclude that these types of entitlement expansion programs simply can not work because the "All Kids Covered" program is available to any child regardless of household income levels (there is a small premium required based on a sliding scale if you are above the poverty level). Therefore, quite literally, "all kids" can enroll.

This is most troubling, because the State of Illinois is currently $1.5 Billion (yes that's BILLION) behind in payment of claims to medical practitioners who have provided treatment for Medicaid recipients. Furthermore, submitted claims by unpaid practitioners have "accrued a potential liability" of $81 million in interest due to payment delays over the past 8 years! http://www.mysuburbanlife.com/broadview/archive/x1874998363/Illinois-must-fix-Medicaid-woes

Yet, we still hear the Democrats pushing for more expansion of the Federal and State Medicaid entitlement programs. In fact, Illinois was lauded as the "Flagship" state for all others to follow regarding the expansion of the Medicaid entitlement programs. If this is the template for all others to follow, then god help us all, or at least those of us that actually fund the Medicaid system through our hard earned tax dollars. Weighty decisions such as expanding the Medicaid system to all kids regardless of their actual need, simply can not be made based entirely on emotion! Prudent decision makers must weigh the DESIRE to help all mankind against the fiscal REALITY.

There simply is not enough money to provide such irresponsible expansions of the Medicaid program. This is expressly why President Bush vetoed the expansion of the SCHIP program http://www.nytimes.com/2007/10/03/washington/03cnd-veto.html which was pushed irresponsibly forward by the Democratic Party. The Conservative side of the House shares the same concern for those in need. However, this side of the House wishes to help those who are deserving of such entitlements (e.g. legal residents of this country who actually qualify during a legitimate needs assessment).

Expansion of these entitlement programs to anyone else is a well meaning, but a fiscally irresponsible act. One that, in the end, will end up crippling the already over burdened Medicaid system. This will especially be true when the "Baby Boomers" all start entering the assisted living arena without Long Term Care coverage to help shoulder the burden of the ever increasing cost of professional care that will, without a doubt, be needed for this gigantic population of new senior citizens.

This can all be avoided by shifting the risk where it belongs. Namely, the private health insurance industry. This is where the money is, and always has been, to shoulder this burden. But this paradigm shift will require personal responsibility - a concept rarely spoken of during the current Democratic Presidential election. Instead, we here how broken our country is and how the current presumptive Democratic presidential candidate is going to "change" everything for the better.

If changing everything for the better is how his party has handled things here in his home state, then this is a recipe for disaster. One that will not only cripple the current Medicaid entitlement programs, but may very well cripple the future of all other desperately needed entitlement programs that are designed to protect those who are truly deserving of such services.

Those of us who are in need of health insurance have many options to choose from. These options are priced very affordably, most especially so if one takes advantage of the recently expanded tax incentives awarded to those who own HSA qualified HDHP's http://www.sbisvcs.com/Health%20Insurance%20products.htm Even if one can not qualify for the aforementioned HDHP option due to underwriting restrictions, then there are many other options now available to those who have been rendered "uninsurable" in the individual health insurance market.

These options include the following:

1.) State Insurance Risk Pool Coverage provided under HIPAA http://www.naschip.org/states_pools.htm

2.) Small Group or Employer Sponsored Health Insurance which contains the all important "Guaranteed Insurability" clause.


3.) HIPAA certified "Defined Benefit" Health Insurance policies issued on an individual basis to anyone regardless of medical history http://www.sbisvcs.com/guarantee_issue.htm

An integral part of making fiscally sound responsible decisions, means you must explore ALL of your options before leaning on a Medicaid system that is already over burdened by those deserving, and most recently, those who are undeserving.

This is why it is always prudent to consult with a reputable and knowledgeable health insurance broker (not a captive agent who can only offer one company's products). It does not cost a penny more to buy your health insurance using a broker than to purchase it blindly on the internet. That being said, why not take advantage of the wealth of knowledge accumulated by insurance brokers all over this great country of ours? The majority of them truly have your best interests at heart, and will do their very best to guide you in the right direction to properly secure your financial future.

This is most important now, since one can only assume that the quality of care (e.g. ordering expensive follow up tests to properly diagnose a condition) that a Medicaid recipient receives, must inherently suffer. Simply due to the fact that the practitioner knows in advance that payment for services already rendered is behind, and payment for future services may never come! http://www.mchenrycountyblog.com/labels/Kids%20Care.html
Comment by WTPUSA on January 15, 2009 at 5:18pm
This is going to further bankrupt us. This is horrible legislation. Illinois, and other states offering these programs do not have the money to keep programs like this alive. Dr's are not getting paid. Tax payers are flipping the bill for people that can afford to insure their children. On paper, it may sound good, in reality, these programs drive up costs for everyone else. Bad legislation, bad idea. The Senate should NOT pass this legislation. It brings us one step closer towards Socialism, where Big Government is the answer for everything.



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