We The People USA

Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic

RE: Removal of Joel Osteen, Joyce Meyer, Charles Stanley, David Jeremiah and other pastors from the airwaves. This includes "The Spoken Word" with the Tabernacle Choir.

Another god-a-phobic hate-mongering organization has been granted a Federal Hearing on the same subject by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) in Washington , D.C.

Their petition, Number 2493, would ultimately pave the way to stop the reading of the gospel of our Lord and Savior, on the airwaves of America. They got 287,000 signatures to back their stand!

If this attempt is successful, all Sunday worship services being broadcast on the radio or by television will be stopped. This group is also campaigning to remove all Christmas programs and Christmas carols from public schools! You as a Christian can help!
 We are praying for at least 1 million signatures. This would defeat their effort and show that there are many Christians alive, well and concerned about our country. As Christians, we must unite on this.

Please don't take this lightly. We ignored one "lady" once and lost prayer in our schools and in offices across the nation. Please stand up for your religious freedom and let your voice be heard. Together we can make a difference in our country while creating an opportunity for the lost to know the Lord.

Please, if you don't wish to participate, return this email to whoever sent it to you so they can at least keep this email going or forward it to some one you know who will wish to participate.

Dr. Dobson is going on CNBC to urge every Christian to get involved. I hope you will sign and forward to all your fami ly and friends. Please press forward, CLEAN UP THE MESSAGE, and forward this to everyone you think should read this.
 Now, please sign your name at the bottom (you can only add your name after you have pressed 'Forward' or you have copied and pasted the text). Don't delete any other names, just go to the next number and type your name. Please do not sign jointly, such as Mr. & Mrs., each person should sign his/her own name. Please defeat this organization and keep the light of our freedom of religion.

When you get to 1000 please e-mail back to: Lisa Norman email address is: electricyello@hotmail.com

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Comment by Ron on January 9, 2009 at 10:30pm
You have left off the name of the "God-a-phobic" organization. So I went to the FCC and pulled the petition number you listed, number 2493. I am familiar with this petition and as I thought the following is all I could find.

A rumor has been circulating since 1975 that the late Madalyn Murray O'Hair, a widely known, self-proclaimed atheist, proposed that the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) consider limiting or banning religious programming.


These rumors are untrue. In December 1974, Jeremy D. Lansman and Lorenzo W. Milam filed a petition (RM-2493) asking the FCC to inquire into the operating practices of stations licensed to religious organizations, and not to grant any new licenses for new noncommercial educational broadcast stations until the inquiry had been completed. The FCC denied this petition on August 1, 1975. Ms. O'Hair was not a sponsor of this petition.

Since that time, the FCC has received mail and telephone calls claiming that Ms. O'Hair started the petition and that the petition asked for an end to religious programs on radio and television. Such rumors are false. The FCC has responded to numerous inquiries about these rumors and advised the public of their falsehood. There is no federal law that gives the FCC the authority to prohibit radio and television stations from broadcasting religious programs.

The following link will take you directly to the Petition and the refusal:


Linda If the above information is incorrect please correct me. Or give me a link that I can research before I begin troubling others about a rummor.
Comment by wakeupamerica on January 9, 2009 at 9:04pm



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