We The People USA

Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic

The following is a letter I sent out to all my email contacts. You have my permission to copy and print it. too:

I am writing this letter to educate you somewhat as to what may well happen in our country starting next week. Please forward this letter on to all your friends and family. It is important that we all know what is happening in our country.
make it viral

Obama is to become our next President in less than a week. There have been over 20 lawsuits across this country that have been brought forward and most have been dismissed over legal issues. Even though this question may be valid, not one judge has decided to hear any one of these cases to date. There are 3 pending cases now at the Supreme Court that are ready for conference and there are many more on their way. Here is a link to all the information you will be able to read that our own media will not even mention: http://www.theobamafile.com/ObamaLatest.htm

These cases are not being presented by Republicans. This is not an issue of one party over the other. This is a concern for ALL Americans of every political sphere. One of these lawyers, Phil Berg in Philadelphi, is a registered Democrat. One woman, Dr. Orly Taitz, is a naturalized citizen who moved here as a young child from the Soviet Union. She is seeing some things that remind her of her prior experiences in the Soviet Union. And that is a silent media who is actively suppressing this information from you, the people. Why?

In the meantime, Obama has hired over 3 law firms and has spent well over a million dollars to prevent his real birth certificate from being seen when all he would have to do is pay $12 for a real long form to be presented to a court to be examined by a certified forensic scientist for validity. Having a certificate of live birth (COLB) posted on line at fight the smears or factcheck.org does not qualify as a true document. He has had his birth certificate, all his school, passport, draft registration, and medical records sealed so that you may not see them or know what they contain. REAL PEOPLE NEED TO ASK WHY HE IS DOING THIS?

Here is a video that you need to see:

I have been doing my part as a member of the above group to try and make Obama answer this question. I have been writing letters sending faxes, and emailing my state electors, state and national representatives, judges, and the media. I am one of thousands (maybe even hundreds of thousands) of US citizens who have done so over this election cycle. I would have had no problem with him as our next president, if I felt he was eligible to serve.

I am afraid that the last phrase of our first amendment to the constitution…to petition the government for a redress of grievances will soon be exhausted.

Should Obama be elected next Tuesday without resolving this important issue we WILL have a Constitutional Crisis in this country, By not answering the questions soon, Obama will not have resolved this issue EVEN if he is not required to do so by our Supreme Court Justices.

What does that mean for you and me?

It means that it is highly probable that some of our own military will refuse to serve under his administration due to the fact that he may not be eligible to be our President under the US Constitution. They may refuse his direct orders as their Commander-in-Chief as they are also pledged to obey him AND the Constitution of the USA. The Constitution would override. In addition, any laws or treaties that Obama signs in to law would not have to be obeyed by citizens or even other countries that suspect that he may be ineligible to be our president. Other countries could decide not to recognize him as an eligible President.

These questions will not go away. They will remain with him through out his entire presidency. But it is not too late for these to be answered. Obama studied to be a Constitutional Lawyer at Harvard and knows if he is or isn’t qualified. You need to ask yourself this... why hasn’t he just answered the simple question?

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