We The People USA

Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic

The bizarre worldview and brilliant tactics of today's radicals
Posted: December 30, 2008
1:03 am Eastern

© 2009 WorldNetDaily

What's in store for America now that the most left-wing major-party presidential candidate in modern history has won the White House – particularly since the other two branches of the federal government are also largely in the hands of the left?

Barack Obama, if true to his record and rhetoric, will be the most pro-abortion, pro-"gay rights," pro-gun-control and pro-socialist U.S. president ever. From taxes and the economy to border security and foreign policy, Obama's values and instincts consistently run to the radical left.

Thus, Whistleblower decided to take readers on a guided tour inside the mind of the "ruling elite," in an eye-popping issued titled "SECRETS OF THE LEFT."

Rather than a tedious history of communism, socialism and the radical left, this issue instead provides a refreshing and unorthodox – and at times shocking – look at the strange psychology of the liberal-left, and especially the audacious tactics it employs day in and day out in the raging cultural and political war that is modern America.

Issue highlights include:

* "Danger: Sharp left turn ahead" by David Kupelian, on what Americans are now facing

* "How much are you willing to bend?" by Joseph Farah, who suggests radical solutions might be necessary to restore freedom to America

* "Following the rules" by Lyle Rossiter, M.D., in which the veteran psychiatrist explains hardcore liberals' "monumental lack of restraint" and "colossal sense of entitlement"

(Story continues below)

* "Only 38% of Dems claim excellent mental health" – the results of a recent Gallup poll are no shock to the psychiatrist who authored a book on liberal madness

* "Why we elect liars as leaders" by David Kupelian, an in-depth look at the real reasons governments almost always end up tyrannical

* "Communist Party chief: U.S. on road to socialism" by Aaron Klein, in which the party's leader calls Obama a "friend" who will redefine government to favor "working people"

* "What makes for a healthy society?" by Reb Bradley, who shows that America's founders provided a radical prescription for genuine freedom

* "Idol-elect" by Lyle H. Rossiter Jr., M.D., who explains why millions of Americans are totally mesmerized by Barack Obama

* "Barack Obama and the strategy of manufactured crisis" by James Simpson, who exposes the shocking but time-honored leftist strategy for gaining control of a society

* "Freedom to be enslaved" by Reb Bradley, who demonstrates that what today's liberals see as liberty is actually bondage

* "2 irreconcilable Americas" by Dennis Prager, who concludes that the United States is no longer united, but rather, that red and blue are locked in mortal combat.

"To oppose any adversary effectively, you obviously first have to understand him," said WND Managing Editor David Kupelian. "This issue of Whistleblower goes a long way toward explaining what really animates the left. And it ain't pretty."

Added WND Editor Joseph Farah, "This issue capsulizes the clever modus operandi of power-hungry leaders everywhere, and in so doing provides the insight necessary to take America back."

RADICAL OFFER! For a limited time, subscribe to Whistleblower, renew your subscription or give a gift subscription for one year and you'll receive two blockbuster books – FREE! First, you'll get "The Liberal Mind: The Psychological Causes of Political Madness" by Lyle H. Rossiter, Jr., M.D. The author, a board-certified forensic psychiatrist who has testified as an expert in thousands of civil and criminal cases for four decades, makes a powerful clinical case that hardcore liberals are mentally ill. Second, you'll receive "Radical Road Maps: Untangling the Web of Connections Among Far-Left Groups in America" by James Hansen. In it, the author dissects 29 top leftist organizations and reveals their interlocking connections, their goals, how they operate, why they have been so successful and how they impact American politics and culture.

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