We The People USA

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Inaugural stage door dedicated to Jesus

Inaugural stage door dedicated to Jesus
'In thy sovereignty Thou hast permitted Barack Obama to lead us at this hour'
Posted: January 09, 2009
11:05 pm Eastern

© 2009 WorldNetDaily

Walkway to inaugural stage

Atheists may want prayer banned at Barack Obama's inauguration, and Muslims may appreciate the Islamic influence in his past, but the walkway the president-elect will take to the stage on which he will take the oath of office has been dedicated to Jesus Christ.

At a brief prayer and dedication service this week, two Christian leaders and a Christian congressman physically anointed with oil from the Holy Land the doorway through which Obama will walk to place his hand on Abraham Lincoln's
Bible and swear to support the Constitution of the United States of America.

The leaders also encouraged Christians to pray for the land's soon-to-be leader.

A video of the service was posted on YouTube, and it also is embedded here:

At the service were Rep. Paul Broun of Georgia, FaithandAction.org chief Rev. Rob Schenck, and ChristianDefenseCoalition.com leader Rev. Patrick J. Mahoney.

In the video
, Broun makes an introduction before Schenck cites the biblical affirmation that the Lord "can and does turn the hearts of the leaders."

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Comment by usfrog on January 11, 2009 at 3:54pm
Now all this nonsense is starting to make sense !
Comment by JJ on January 10, 2009 at 4:20pm
Rahm Emmanuels, Obama's chief of Staff states what is the secret-no-longer-Bilderberg plan for us by recently stating:
"We liberals are not the least bit concerned about the economy, not because it isn't every bit as bad as you've heard, but precisely because we believe it is. You see, we finally have a chance to implement our ideas on a grand scale. We've helped brew the perfect storm by imposing policies that largely led to the mortgage meltdown and scapegoating corporations for them, thereby demonizing and discrediting the free market to the point that full-blown government solutions are now plausible rather than political suicide. We are not sorry for our current predicament, but elated about it. In our view, the ends always justify the means, so what's a little widespread economic hardship en route to our grand vision for an America where we are in power and we get to pick winners and losers? And by the way, all that stuff we said about the growing deficits and national debt under Republican administrations was important, but not in the way you think. It was important for us to get elected, but now that we have been, we can be honest and tell you that a growing debt is just another necessary means to the end of expanding government power. We are giddy about the reported $1 trillion deficit because it gives us a license for more of the same -- and then some. Next stop, nationalized health care."
See: "http://www.newsmax.com/limbaugh/Limbaugh_conservatives/2009/



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