We The People USA

Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic

The Rotting Of Our Core Values, And The Solution For Correcting It.

  I often wonder if anyone who lived through the dangers and tribulations of the Cold War would agree with the Neo Left Wing Policies of the current Administration? Throughout history governments modeled after the Marxist/Socialist/Fascist (they are all the same basically) model have collapsed under their own weight and have had to move back towards Freedom and Free Enterprise to maintain their power.



  Now, the world seems bent on ignoring historical fact and is trying to resurrect and make viable these failed ideas. The pseudo-new models offer nothing on how to pay the bills they accrue. I wonder if our government (I am deliberately not capitalizing government because the current leaders seem to want Capitalism out and Socialism in) has a plan B to make sure the so called haves keep working harder to support the system? I even wonder if they will keep working if there is no incentive to enjoy the fruits of their labors? I know I do not want to work, only to have my just rewards given to lazy good for nothing a******s who only want to beat the system and get a free ride.

  Right now The forces allied against our Capitalistic system are making inroads to Fundamentally Change the Worlds financial systems for a One World System of finance that in their words would be a fairer gentler system. Of course they would be the ones who had total control over every aspect of it from the beginning. Last week George Soros had a meeting with his peers and suggested the form of the new world financial system and currency without the United States Dollar being the worlds reserve currency. Get it? He has moved his plans ahead to collapse the Dollar.

  What does that mean to the average American who has worked hard all their life and prepared for retirement? I'll tell you; Everything you think you have, your money, your real estate, your retirement, your savings, gold jewelry, etc. will become technically worthless and you will only receive the amount of compensation with the new currency that Soros and his group decides to give you for it.


  I think if that form of Government and World Financial System is imposed on us we should have a workable Plan ’B’. Plan ‘B’ would require every working stiff to quit and go on welfare, because that would collapse the new system. Ok, Ok, I know that won’t work. I put that in there for shock value. Maybe what America would have to do is to order every American National and all of our Military Troops home immediately and close out boarders tight. We would then have to rely on ourselves and our resources to provide everything we need to survive and have no commerce with the rest of the world. Doing so would threaten the New World Order Leaders to the point they would probably attempt to start a World War Against us. Ok, so that scenario won’t work either. Am I making my point?


  The only way to Survive and Persevere against the corrupt self centered opposition is to simply stop their move before it can be implemented. We have to DEMAND our Congress cut spending Immediately and Substantially. They need to Immediately make a 5% cut in every single program and bureau including the automatic funding expenditures they seem compelled to throw our money away on. The World Monetary Fund is presently taking steps to drop our credit rating from it’s currant AAA status rating. That move will cost every American severely. We have already lost 20% of our Dollars purchasing power in the last 4 years, and there is no end in sight if we allow Congress to continue their Spending Spree!


  We also must DEMAND Congress cut Government Personnel in every Department and Bureau by 10% IMMEDIATELY! Doing those things will give us some breathing room. From that beginning, we must keep up our demands that Congress reverse the present ruinous and idiotic energy policies starting with the Socialist oriented Administration of Jimmy Carter, and his closing off our Oil and Natural Gas Resources. That Policy has driven us to the brink. I believe that Policy was carefully planned and executed to result in this crisis we are now experiencing, by the people just now coming out of the shadows.


  For those of us who have worked so hard and diligently all of our lives to make a better life for our families and our retirements, being hit by this contrived mess to further enrich the Elites is unconscionable. The baby boom generation is the most responsible for the conditions we find ourselves in now. The vocal spoiled brats that were mollycoddled and pampered by their parents, rejected their parents work ethics and went looking for a fast way to get what they wanted without working for it. That mind set made them open to the Marxist leaning educators infesting our educational system. They were indoctrinated in a system that was the epitome of the false standards of Social Justice and Collective Equality. The naive, stupid, pampered, useful idiots, fell for that lie, and are now the ones in temporary power engaged in tearing apart the American system.



  Those of us in that generation who rejected the Marxist influence and embraced our parents ethics, dropped the ball by not actively confronting the radicals and stopping their lunacy cold. We just laughed at them and did not see the real threat to our Liberties and Future Freedoms they posed. We must now belatedly, take responsible action to correct this mess before it destroys America, and then the World.


  We have to permanently remove the threat Soros, and his puppets in the Presidency and Congress present. The very first step is for us to UNITE all the factions who believe we are on the wrong path and focus them into a directed force to victory. The focused group must subsume their individual desires about what they want the Government to be, and work towards the goal of removing every Non-Conservative Politician running for election in 2012. That must be our First and Foremost Basic Goal. Until we win, we can do nothing to correct the mess we are in. 


  To accomplish that Basic Goal, we have to stop talking it to death and get busy doing it. Each one of us has to get active Locally and just go do it. We need to create the Primary Ballot and populate it with the candidates we want to run, and not the candidates the Party Establishment wants to run. This phase is most critical to us because it is the only place where we have the choice. We can also work out our differences is which candidate will run without splitting our votes in the General Election and handing victory to the Socialists.


  The next step after we win, and we can only take that step IF we win, is to redefine and restrict what we will allow our politicians to do. The Constitution after all gave the people power over the Government, it did not give the Government power over the people. We must reject completely the Progressive Governmental idea that the Constitution is a Document meant to be interpreted in every generation, because it’s definitely not. We must become our own Lobbyists for Constitutional Freedom. More Importantly, we must pass that value system down to our children for Posterity.


   It’s simple; The difference in what we believe in, and what the Socialist faction believes in, is similar to the differences between the American Revolution and the French Revolution. Both Revolutions overthrew the excesses of the Monarchy, but the American Revolution believed in Personal Freedom and Responsibility for the actions of the people. The French Revolution believed in the Collective Freedom and Responsibility of the People. Which version will you choose by your actions or inactions?


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Comment by Catherine Linton on April 21, 2011 at 5:52pm

Please accept my apologies if you find my words offensive, but in plain English, it ain't never gonna happen. Congress has finished cutting for the decade, and what did it really amount to...? a paltry 38 million? What a joke has been perpetrated upon the "slugs" who have financed fancy dinners for our ChiCom friends. What a sweet dream if we only could enact your plan. You write 'the very first step is to unite all the factions who believe we are on the wrong path...' but who will do that which in itself is a monumental task. You write "the Constitution gave the people power over the government, not vice versa' but the government has morphed into something hughly ugly and demonic and now all bets are off the table.

Our founders gave us the ten Amendments just for this very reason...they had been there, done that. They told us ( I quote loosely) 'and should it fail to be a government run by the people, for the people, it is the people's right, nay, it is THE PEOPLE'S DUTY to reform it'. They made sure we would protect what is ours by including the Second Amendment.

Now, no one wants to go there, I know. But who was it from Obama's administration who quoted that evil murderer Mad Tse Tung "power comes largely from the barrel of a gun".  Mike, you got it right in your other blog....we are up against something very evil. You and they are not on the same page. And when you fight the enemy, you better be on the same page.




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