We The People USA

Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic

Recently, I completed my comps exam and in this exam there were couple of questions which required students to compare and contrast two different things. I thought I would try the same here.

Disclaimer: While I have a BA in history I do not claim to be an expert and much of this will be coming from memory. Consider this series as a challenge to you to dig out the history books and find out for yourself. After all, that is exactly what we need to be doing as United States citizens

Then and Now, Part I
Germany, Word War II and the United Stated today

Socialism reached Germany in the days which led up to World War II. In fact, I would say that because of Socialism (or rather more its leader), World War II began. The history of these times was that the world was suffering a great depression. Based on what I can remember of the descriptions of Germany of the time, they were suffering worse than anyone else. After all, they had just lost World War I a few years before. Adolf Hitler arrived on the scene and made promises to the people. He promised such things as returning Germany to its former glory. The people loved it and wanted him as leader. I am not a scholar of German history or politics so I do not know if he was elected or what. Looking back at the history of the time, it almost seems as though the people of Germany, in general, were okay with what happened. Then again, what would have been the result if they had spoken out? It would not surprise me if a concentration camp would be in their future. Again, I say that I am no scholar of German history and am examining the surface layer. Please feel free to let me know if I'm wrong and in what area.

Today, there is a fear that Socialism is taking hold here in the United States. My previous post was a letter written by someone who lived in the days of Hitler and she described what those days were like. The scary thing is that I have thought back to what the letter said and I am seeing these things take root here in the United States. However, while we the people may at some time suffer a similar fate as those in other countries, we are fighters. Our history is proof of this. One of my favorite historical documents of the United States is the Declaration of Independence. This document itself proves we are fighters. When we are oppressed, we stand up and fight (not necessarily with guns and tanks). When we are attacked, we fight back. We have shown our love for freedom by being willing to sacrifice to either keep it for ourselves or to ensure our children will have it (actually, when we fight to keep it for ourselves, we are at the same time fighting to keep it for our children).

I believe that Patrick Henry said it well, "Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! - I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty, or give me death!" Perhaps I am wrong, but this seems to be the attitude of we the people of the United States. We would rather die than be slaves. We would rather fight (and perhaps die) to ensure freedom, than to live in bondage, but in alleged peace.

Today, there is a grassroots movement spreading across the land. It is known as tea parties. It takes us back to a time when we the people were trying to explain to the King of England that the taxes being levied against us were unfair as we had no representation. A group of patriots (if I am not mistaken, they were known as the Sons of Liberty), dressed as Indians, boarded an English cargo ship located in Boston Harbor, and threw the tea it carried into the Harbor. We are again showing our resolve by uniting together to stand up for what we believe is wrong.

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