We The People USA

Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic

The following words were taken from the Movie, "The Alamo:"
You can hear them Live on the screen in the following link:

William Travis: "I have here pieces of paper, letters from politicians and generals, but no indication of when, or if help will arrive. Letters not worth the ink committed to them. I fear that no one is coming. Texas has been a second chance for me. I expect that might be true for many of you as well. It has been a chance not only for land and riches, but also to be a different man. I hope a better one. There have been many ideas brought for in the past few months of what Texas is, and what it should become. We are not all in agreement. But I'd like to ask each of you what it is you value so highly that you are willing to fight and possibly die for. We will call that Texas. The Mexican army hopes to lure us into attempting escape. Almost anything seems better than remaining in this place, penned up. If, however, we force the enemy to attack, I believe every one of you will prove himself worth ten in return. We will not only show the world what patriots are made of, but we will also deal a crippling blow to the army of Santa Anna. If anyone wishes to depart under the white flag of surrender, you may do so now. You have that right. But if you wish to stay here with me in the Alamo, we will sell our lives dearly."

I invite You to view the following Video clip from the Movie, "The Alamo:"


Once again in the history of our country, America, we are faced with a challenge to our Constitution. Again, we hear the words, "Constitutional crisis," ringing in our ears. We've heard them before. We might hear them again! And maybe, again and again!! As long as we stand as a country, a democracy "of the people, by the people and for the people," we WILL face challenges. However, I think the "challenge" we currently face is one of the greatest we have ever faced in our existence. It fiercely "threatens" our very existence as a powerful nation in the world of many. It threatens to "rip apart" the very constitution and independence we've enjoyed for more than 230 years.

One month ago today, November 4, 2008, our country held our General Election throughout the nation - all 50 states. It is an election which we hold every four years to elect the leading officials of our nation: the President, Vice president, Congressmen and Senators, and others state-wide and locally. Personally, I served as an Election Judge in my precinct here in the City of Dallas, Dallas County Texas. I have always had respect and honor for this "election process," no matter whether I worked the Polls, or not. Even as a child and a young person I viewed our democracy and its components worthy, and held them to be "dear to heart."

Having said that, however, what I see happening today in our political and democratic "process," is a "bastardizing" of the rudiments and foundational principles that have made us great in the eyes of many in the world. This disturbs me greatly!

In the election just past, we ALL saw/heard of many illegal registrations throughout the nation, and of voting irregularities, people improperly being "paid" to register to vote, and people voting more than once ~ some voting many times!

All of the aforesaid leads many of us to now hold "distrust" in the American election process. Some have simply a "lack of confidence in this process" now, and refuse to vote ever again! I've heard many say that!

Coupled with all that, we now have a "president elect" who garnered the larger percentage of the "Popular vote," and now it appears that his own party, the Democratic Party never truly "vetted" him at all ~ or, certainly, not "vetted" him thoroughly. And because of it, allowed him to be the Party's nominee for president at their national convention held last summer.

Today we are presented with numerous articles from legitimate sources such as WorldNet Daily, and many others, and as well, there are many, many videos on the World Wide Web which cast doubt on the legitimacy of the "Certificate of Live Birth" of the "president elect," Barack H. Obama. Now, I do NOT trust everything that is presented on the Web, the Internet ~ widely publicized as "the Information highway." But I HAVE completed my own thorough research, involving many, many hours ~ day-in and day-out ~ and I am thoroughly convinced that IF Barack Obama were truly a "natural born" American he would NOT have spent more than $800,000 to conceal the facts surrounding his birth, and other facts surrounding his education.

If you will, please view the following videos by Attorney Phil Berg, a lifelong Democrat, and by Dr. Ron Polarik. Make up your own mind, of course, but don't You think it's about time that YOU "take a Stand" for the Constitution?



Just after the November 4th. General Election, I aligned myself with the organization, democratic-disaster.com and became "totally involved" with them. I didn't ask for any favors, none whatsoever, but have since been asked to serve them as "Texas State Coordinator" and then, shortly afterward was asked to serve on the Executive Board.

I sought what would be required of me and decided to agree to both positions. I have "thrown myself into" both and have helped as much as possible. Actually, I have "sacrificed" my own Barbecue and Catering business to be this "involved!" But I have NO regrets at all!!

I yet will maintain some sort of business in Smoking Hams and Turkeys and such for the Holidays. If you are in North Texas and are a customer of mine, you can STILL place your orders ASAP and get them "delivered" by December 22.

However, I still intend to complete the fulfillment I've made with democratic-disaster.com, and We The People USA, because I believe our Constitution, and its future, is more IMPORTANT!!!

Tomorrow, the Supreme Court in our land meets in "Full Conference" to consider the "details" surrounding Barack Obama and the Leo Donofrio case that IS before them. We pray that the Chief Justice and all the Associate Justices will fulfill their duty before God and the people of the USA in doing what is RIGHT ~ to "protect and defend" the Constitution of the United States. To stay "informed" about this case, you may Log on here:

If you go to the 'docket' search page:


and type:

berg -or-


You'll get the latest information directly from the U.S. Supreme Court ... that's a good thing!!

It's a good idea to try to get to 'the source'.

So there you go ... the U.S. Supreme court docket and case progress for the Phillip J. Berg and Leo C. Donofrio lawsuits!!

Check it out ...

Sincerely presented,
Charles Lingerfelt

Texas State Coordinator

Would You mind if I ask You and your friends to Pray for our National efforts?


"Remember The Alamo!"

Charles Lingerfelt, Founding Co-Director/Teacher
Kurdish American School
Dohuk, Kurdistan- Northern Iraq
"Still Trying to Make a Difference"
972.286.0606- Home/Office
972.400.2898- Mobile

P. O. Box 360722
Dallas, Texas 75336



"To educate a man in mind only, and not in morals is to educate a menace to society." Theodore Roosevelt

Views: 18


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Comment by JJ on December 5, 2008 at 1:42pm
“The liberties of our country, the freedom of our civil Constitution, are worth defending at all hazards; and it is our duty to defend them against all attacks. We have received them as a fair inheritance from our worthy ancestors: they purchased them for us with toil and danger and expense of treasure and blood, and transmitted them to us with care and diligence. It will bring an everlasting mark of infamy on the present generation, enlightened as it is, if we should suffer them to be wrested from us by violence without a struggle, or to be cheated out of them by the artifices of false and designing men.”
Comment by JJ on December 5, 2008 at 12:51pm
Regardless of what they would rather be able to do, it is their highest duty to uphold, defend and support the Constitution of these United States. No matter what, they accepted their positions and took an oath to do just that.

Yes, Ms.Mary Brown, may the same be said of our local, state, and federal judges, our local, state, and federal law enforcement, our local, state and federal officials, and definitely those who profess to enact legislature for us daily. our Representatives and Senators of our Congress.
They have our prayers in these days of uncertainty, conflict, and violations of 'the rule of law'.
Comment by Charles Lingerfelt, Texas State Coordinator on December 5, 2008 at 11:40am
And I WILL do the same, Sharon!! It's nice to see you firmly "standing" as you do. I believe this IS our time to "take our stand here and now! The line "has be drawn in the sand," and here I take My stand!!
-Charles Lingerfelt
Comment by Sharon Rondeau on December 5, 2008 at 9:44am
Thank you, Charles, for all of that information and inspiration. I feel the same way and went to bed praying last night. I woke up praying also! There are so many of us who love this Republic and its Constitution, and I can't believe that the Supreme Court would do nothing. I have faith that they realize the enormity of this issue and at least order all the SoS's to obtain verifiable proof of all the candidates. Anyone who won't cooperate isn't eligible or fit to hold the office of President.

The Framers allowed for this exact situation by setting up the Electoral College. They are the check and balance on the popular vote. With all of us working to get to the truth, we're making that system work. And the justices can order the Electors to do their job in case they won't!

I agree with you that if Obama had been born here, he would have proved it a long time ago. He is the only presidential candidate in history that has not made his birth certificate public. What is really disturbing is that so many public officials have gone along with this...judges, Secretaries of State, Attorneys General, the DNC...it's appalling. Even Republican senators are giving their constituents lip (or rather, "letter,") service on this, pretending that the issue isn't there.

If this doesn't reach resolution with the Supreme Court, I am considering a lawsuit against my state's electors. I have already written to all of them plus the Justice Department, the nine Justices of the Supreme Court, and the Chief Justice of the California Supreme Court in regard to Orly Taitz's new suit filed by electors in that state.

I read in the Washington Times that an announcement is expected Monday at 10:00 about the conference today. Then, at 1:30 p.m., the We the People Foundation is having a press conference that hopefully will be televised by C-Span. Lawyers from all the cases filed with the Supremes will be there. And the mainstream media is even beginning to cover this, so we're making progress!

If we all keep it up and keep the faith, we'll prevail, one way or another.

God Bless.

Comment by Charles Lingerfelt, Texas State Coordinator on December 5, 2008 at 8:09am
Thanks for your comments! I DO hope that today we have a Very "Positive Word" from SCOTUS, and that it pushes us forward to finally "drive the last nail into the coffin" of this issue and truly "Saves" the Constitution for this republic.

God bless you and our efforts! And God bless America.
-Charles Lingerfelt
Comment by Mary Brown on December 4, 2008 at 8:41pm
Thanks for volunteering your time and for making a committment that too many of us would like to make, but do not feel qualified. We will support the cause and do whatever we can to keep this issue front and center. My prayer is that the Supreme Court Justices find it impossible to "ignore" the Constitution. Regardless of what they would rather be able to do, it is their highest duty to uphold, defend and support the Constitution of these United States. No matter what, they accepted their positions and took an oath to do just that. I hope they know "WE" will not let them rest if they fail to honor our Constitution. I am sure Obama thought we would give up and go away, but no, we are stronger and more devoted in our demand for justice and respect for the Constitution.
Comment by Brian on December 4, 2008 at 6:40pm
Wow, Very Nice, Thank You, God Bless You and God Bless America.
Comment by Kevan Corkill on December 4, 2008 at 5:23pm
Prayers, prayers for the TRUTH to come into the light for all to see...Amen. :)



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