We The People USA

Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic

To: NOTRE DAME - "Honorary Degree For What"

Dean O'Hara and Staff:

Notre Dame has always' been "one" of my
favorite Universities .

Notre Dame is one of several "Universities" that I have
promoted on a list to many young scholar's.

It discourages me that such a famous University is allowing
a "usurper president" to visit, and receive a "Honorary Degree." (On what premise, Law, or"pro-choice"?)

I'm sure you are well aware of the many "lawsuit's"
against Obama/Soetoro who was born a British citizen.
He is not eligible to be President as a "natural born citizen"
under Article II of our Constitution, and you are supporting
him. It does not matter what "soil" he was born on, only
that "BOTH" parent's have to be a u.s. citizen in order to
be born a "natural born citizen". His father was not, or ever.
His Mother was not old enough to pass any type of u.s. citizenship
onto him. British Law prevailed on his birth to a British subject.

Ask your Law Professor's about the current
"American Grand Jury" proceeding's to present and indict
Obama/Soetoro on Fraud and Treason charges, which, "should they prevail", will put Notre Dame in a bad light.

I admit, there might be circumstance's that prevent you
to relate, but I must not look away from Catholic Values.

Arizona State is NOT giving a "Honorable Degree" to the
"usurper", merely by stating, "no proof of achievement",
and "his body of work has yet to come".

Our Constitution is being "ignored" by the current
administration which is leading us into larger government,
greater dept., and loss of freedom's and right's.

There are many website's reporting on the "eligibility
clause", which the MSM refuses to report.

The American "Tea Party's" are just beginning, which
are attended by Democrat's, Republican's and many other's who are concerned of the path OUR government is leading
us and future generation's into.

Obama should be treated as a common criminal who
broke the Law by providing "altered document's" and
continue's to evade request's of his "Verified" Birth, Medical, and Education record's. No verified "Legal" document's have been provided as of this date.

Which "name" are you going to put on a "Honorary Degree"
for him, Obama or Soetoro? Are you blindly going to do so without any Legal Proof of his "true" identity.

Do you not ask for proper Identification from person's wishing to enroll at Notre Dame (including a "valid" Birth Certificate).
Do you merely "hand out" Honorary Degree's to person's who
refuse to show verified document's as to Legal Proof of who they are.

Suffering "sucatash", why not give a "Honorable Degree"
to Yosemity Sam, and Daffy Duck, or put them as a prize
in a Cracker Jack Box.

USA Today say's:
Obama will, however, receive an honorary doctor of laws degree from the University of Notre Dame when he delivers the commencement speech May 17.

University spokesman Dennis Brown said it's customary at Notre Dame to confer a degree on every guest speaker. The university tries to select speakers who have made significant contributions to society or can give a compelling message.


You do not even have "PROOF" that Obama/Soetoro attended
High School, College or what grades he might have recieved.
Rumor's say he recieved a "Foreign Scholarship" award.

Barack Obama has not released transcripts for his grades from Occidental College, Columbia University and Harvard Law. He has also not released his SAT and LSAT scores. No explanation has been offered for not releasing them.
Per the Wall Street Journal September 11, 2008, "Obama's Lost Years," Obama graduated from Columbia University (to which he transferred after his first two years at Occidental College in California), with a degree in Political Science without honors, so had a GPA less than a 3.3. His roomate Sohale Siddiqi indicated Obama intially felt alienated, felt "very lost," and used drugs to get high, which could have led to low grades initially. The roomate indicates that he then turned serious and "stopped getting high."


The Pope, and million's of people around the world will
witness "you" dis-honor Notre Dame and the Catholic
Religion by supporting a pro-choice "usurper".

Eventually, the TRUTH will come out, regardless of a New
Executive Order #13489 to prevent presidential record's
from being archived as in the past. WHY is that?


Obama/Soetoro is merely using Notre Dame as a publicity
satire for those of you that think he can "walk on H2O".

Of course, if YOU can provide me with "absolute proof"
that Obama's father was a U.S. citizen when Obama Jr.
was born on August 4th, 1961, I will dismiss my concern's
and gladly "donate" to Notre Dame.

Notre Dame should not be involved and ruin it's Great Reputation.

Concerned, Daniel Smith, NY

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Comment by Daniel Smith on May 15, 2009 at 12:57pm
To Sharon: You are right Sharon. Devote "Catholic's" should
NOT DONATE" to any institution that permit's, or give's praise to "anyone" who allow's and support's Abortion.(unless imminent death may occur)
This was a perfect oppourtunity for Catholic's and All "Pro Life"
advocate's to make a statement on their fundamental view's
on abortion and stem cell research. During his campaign, Obama stated, "that if one of his daughter's became pregnant
at an early age, he would suggest they get an abortion".
Notre Dame is giving a Honorary Degree to someone like this?
Alert! Former Presidential Candidate, Alan Keyes was just
arrested "again" along with several other protester's (including
Priest's) at 12:15 pm on Friday May 15th by merely stepping
on Notre Dame property. Dr. Alan Keyes has a current "Lawsuit" against Obama concerning his "eligibility" to
be president. I suspect that strong arm tactic's are being used
toward's Notre Dame by the Obama administration, like they
have used to the state of CA, General Motor's, Bank's,etc., and probably threathening to cut off fund's.
A majority of the student's are most likely "unaware" of the
current "lawsuit's" against Obama/Soetoro, and of course
the MSM will not report it. ......Dan
Comment by Sharon Rondeau on May 14, 2009 at 10:59pm
Great letter. If you happen to be a donor to Notre Dame, mention that your generosity stops with their transgression of asking Obama to speak. Many people have called in and cancelled their donations. Let's close 'em down if necessary! The Lord Jesus Christ must reign supreme!



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