We The People USA

Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic

Today ~ 15 December 2008 ~ SCoTUS and the Electoral College!!!

In view of today's "actions" - both of the Supreme Court of the United States(SCoTUS) and the "duly sworn," Constitutionally-bound Electoral college, and the hereinafter/following AP article, I WILL step outside tomorrow and take down my American flag, turn it upside down, and then continue to fly it upside down until God, my Heavenly Father, speaks to my heart and tells me to do otherwise!!!

We NEED "Change" in Washington, DC, and it's NOT the "change" Mr. Obama purports to be bringing in, or the "change" he adheres to!! It's time to "Clean House!!!" (Senate too!!!)

Dec 15, 7:52 PM EST

It's official: Barack Obama elected 44th president......

I have lost respect and honor for the Supreme Court of the United States!!! Law and Order will NOT prevail in this land now that our Constitution has been "abused," "swept under the rug," and "stomped" on just like William 'Idiot-face' Bill Ayers did a few years ago.

I'm MAD!!!!!!! And those who KNOW me KNOW also that I'm a FIGHTER!!!

Tomorrow I will FAX Governor Perry(Texas) once AGAIN!! I will direct my "efforts" now to TRY to get Him to "join" our ranks and help us "Fight" these intruders of the Constitution. IF he wants to be "Re-elected" Governor of Texas, I think he should "Stand UP" for the Constitution!! I WILL tell him So tomorrow!!!

Charles Lingerfelt, Texas
State Coordinator ~ www.democratic-disaster.com
Member, Executive Board

P.S. Congressmen and Senators who DO NOT "stand up" for the Constitution, after being duly sworn into office to "protect and defend" said MUST be "thrown Out" of Office!!

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Comment by WTPUSA on December 15, 2008 at 10:24pm
Can we just wait on the upside down flag flying for a few more weeks to see what happens on January 20th?
Comment by Charles Lingerfelt, Texas State Coordinator on December 15, 2008 at 10:13pm
And, I HAVE talked with "the fat lady," and she says she is NOT even "warming up" to sing yet!! LOL.....

Sharon, You are SO right on a lot of what you say, but I think that our timing is RIGHT to go ahead an "fly in distress," and do Our best to "stir up activity" with all the letters to the Congressmen and Senators ~ and Governors!!

We are NOT through, and we Have NOT "given up anything!!"

My Towel is still on my shoulder, and I am NOT about to "throw it IN" yet!!

Charles Lingerfelt ~ Former Football Coach
Texas State Coordinator ~ www.democratic-disaster.com
Member, Executive Board
Comment by Sharon Rondeau on December 15, 2008 at 10:00pm
One more thing...there is a case in Washington State where the plaintiff suing the Secretary of State there has been given standing. The case will be heard "en banc" (by the full court) on January 8, 2009. What a coincidence! But this could be because the votes will be counted that day and possible objections raised in Congress. Nothing is for sure yet, although Obama and his cronies probably think they're all set. The fat lady hasn't sung yet and never will for this deceiver!
Comment by Sharon Rondeau on December 15, 2008 at 9:58pm
It does look very bleak, and I am also going to fly my American flag upside down. However, there is a glimmer of hope...

I read this evening at www.americasright.com that the 20th Amendment prohibits intervention in a situation like this by the judiciary until after the EC votes and the Congress counts the votes and approves the nomination. I am going to study this further, but if this is true, that could explain why the Court denies and denies, yet doesn't throw out the cases. My understanding is that they denied to give the cases full hearings, but that the cases are still "pending."

Perhaps they are going to take all the cases together after January 8 and demand that Obama prove he is a natural-born citizen. None of the cases that has reached the Supreme Court has been stated to be frivolous or thrown out on the merits. This could be a positive sign.

After what happened today, can you believe that the Secretary of State in Connecticut wrote an op-ed that of course was published by the leftist Hartford Courant in which she said we should get rid of the Electoral College? The audacity of this woman is unbelievable...here she's been sued for not doing her job in a case that has reached the Supreme Court; she got to count and seal those 7 precious votes for her guy today cast by the members of the EC, and now she's saying that the EC should be done away with! This woman has no idea of her duties or obligation to the Constitution. I'm writing to the Courant tomorrow, not that they'll publish my viewpoint.



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