We The People USA

Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic

Write, write, write to Congress & Senate - Use your voice!

I have been writing letters every other day. Let's unite our voices and make ourselves heard! Here's the latest letter sent to one of Michigan's senators:

Senator Levin:

I am outraged at the flagrant misuse of taxpayer’s dollars and people's trust in Washington. You and your political cronies should be jailed for corruption and theft! You have been elected "BY THE PEOPLE" and given a position to work "FOR THE PEOPLE" and yet as elected officials you have become your own country! AND WE ARE SUPPORTING YOU FINANCIALLY.

Not only has the economy in Michigan gone down the tubes since you have taxed us to death, but now the country. And as taxpayers THE PEOPLE HAVE HAD IT! We are sick of bailouts so that companies can go on million dollar retreats and purchase 50 million dollar, foreign made, airplanes. WE WANT OUR COUNTRY BACK!

While I struggle to keep a small building business in Northern Michigan alive, you people are robbing me blind! I'm tired of handouts to large companies and executives. I'm tired of hearing how we need to give more to the government so they can take care of me. I can take care of myself ...with God's help...NOT YOURS! Our government was set up on Capitalism not SOCIALISM!

If I were to quit paying my taxes I would be fined and tossed in jail faster than you could say "we the people"! But in Washington YOU appoint a man to head up the IRS who doesn't pay taxes. This assaults my very being!

When I enrolled my son in Little League, I had to produce a birth certificate or he couldn't play baseball. Today we have a president in office whom refuses to produce a birth certificate to prove he is eligible to be PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES!! And what do our elected officials do about this?? NOTHING! Please do not offend my intelligence by telling me that he posted one on the internet. That one has been verified time and again as a forgery!

As Americans we expect better! It's time you all loaded up the truck and got the hell out of there! I will be joining millions across America to see that our tax dollars and Constitution is upheld. It is time that our government is held responsible! Government spending needs to end. The corruption and “I’ll scratch your back if you scratch mine” attitude needs to be squelched. I’m gratified to know that I am not the only one.

Watch for “WE THE PEOPLE” to begin making changes….we’re taking our country back!

An unhappy, over taxed, American Patriot!

Views: 13


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Comment by Connie Nault on February 10, 2009 at 7:32am
I have never been so disgusted with our government in my entire life! I'm sick to my stomach as I watch the corruption of our Constitution take place. I write letters everyday to my senators and representatives and even to the Republican party but it feels futile. Each day big government takes more and more of our freedoms and rights away. We need to join together and stand up to this atrocity!
Comment by usfrog on January 27, 2009 at 5:17pm
Great letter. Thanks for writing it, I hope he reads it !
Comment by Connie Nault on January 27, 2009 at 3:32pm
Here's today's letter!

Senator Levin:

I am a registered voter in Michigan. I may be only one vote but I have a mighty big voice and I'm angry enough to use it! I would like to take this opportunity to urge you to use your voice in Washington to do some good for Michigan and our country. It is time you either do the job you were elected to do or leave it to someone whom is willing to. You were elected to represent "we the people" and it's time you did.

I am tired of "Big Government” spending our tax dollars and stealing our freedom and rights. The bailouts need to end…it’s time to cut taxes and start letting the people choose how to spend their hard earned dollars. I don’t need you to tell me how hard the times are…I am trying to survive the poor economy in Michigan while running a small building business. I pay my taxes on time, employ 10 people and continually have to “rob Peter to pay Paul” to make ends meet. All the while watching you and the rest of our cronies spend my money on your special interests. I notice that none of you are suffering from the financial crunch!

As an example: I don’t want or need you to tell me where to purchase my health insurance. I don’t need your input on what doctors are allowed to treat me. I’m fully capable of making those decisions. Additionally, I don’t want to pay for anyone else’s health insurance while they sit on their butts collecting free food stamps and unemployment because they are too lazy to get a job. I don’t want to pay for their abortions or contraceptives, or that of their children’s. I think abortions are immoral and murder so why would I want to fund them or have you tell me that I have to?

I want tax cuts. I want the Constitution upheld. I want the freedoms and rights that were given to us by our forefathers to not be trampled upon. I want the excessive government spending to end. I want my children and grandchildren to have a future.

I will use my voice every chance I get to attain these basic rights.
Comment by wakeupamerica on January 27, 2009 at 3:06pm
thank you for your sample letter :)
Comment by wakeupamerica on January 27, 2009 at 3:05pm
it just seems that they are not taking or listening to our letters, emails, calls , petitions it seems we are being ignored that is the only problem there are only a select handful who are really fighting for us like Palin and Boehner
Comment by wakeupamerica on January 27, 2009 at 3:04pm
wow great letter!!!!!!! thank you for being a true patriot a great American!!!



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