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Here is the letter in its entirety ... I DON'T believe him for one second!!! I wouldn't trust this man as far as I can throw him, and that is not at all! GRRRRRRRRRRRRR .......

Dear Cindy:

I am glad that you brought your concerns to me about Barack Obama's eligibility to be President. The implication that Mr. Obama is not "a natural-born citizen" is one of a number of fabrications and falsehoods spread during the last two years' campaign to whip up fervor and sow dissension amongst Americans, and I welcome the opportunity to clarify things for you.

Numerous independent groups have lain out the spurious and scurrilous "arguments" behind this rumor. The website Snopes.com has thoroughly debunked this particular story and has posted their take at http://www.snopes.com/politics/obama/citizen.asp. The Annenberg Foundation's well-respected and non-partisan FactCheck.org has done independent examinations and investigations, including handling the documents in question, and posted their analysis at http://www.factcheck.org/elections-2008/born_in_the_usa.html. I am glad that you brought your concerns to me and glad that I can direct you to independent resources that confirm the inaccurate and, I am sorry to concede, possibly malicious nature of this wholly unfounded rumor.

I strive every day to do the best I can for the people of the 20th Congressional District, and I take my constitutional obligations very seriously. I should never condone a violation of the Constitution and I assure that, if there were any true doubt about Mr. Obama's eligibility to hold the office of the Presidency, I should not hesitate to speak up. That is simply not the case here.


Charles A. Gonzalez
Member of Congress

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He has absolutely no proof! And to say the accusations are "scurrilous" - he must be a Dem himself. What a horrible letter, totally untrue. NO ONE has seen Obama's original birth certificate, and there's a reason he's hiding it. And how does this guy know that Snopes is an authority?

Why are these Congressmen denying the truth???? Why are they so blind?? They are going to be in for a big surprise.
He is a Dem and unfortunately I have to put up with him until I get a Rep. in his place. There was an unknown who ran against him this year, but the guy didn't do any campaining at all and is more like a Lib Rep or Mod Dem than someone I would want.
It does not surprise me in the least what he said - just like I expected. I will say he is very good at responding to my emails to him. But that is nothing compared to the real and immediate issue(s).
I will probably add a new video, so watch for it. CPAsheldon may already have it on here ... I'll check.
I am appalled, shocked, angry, and "mad as hell" that so many have been so deceived by this one man ~ and I DO hate to call him a man!! He is Nothing but a "WIMP!!!" NOT my president!! He will NEVER have ANY respect from me as long as he continues to Hide the true facts surrounding his birth, his education, and more.

He must have had a "Wimp" for a daddy, and his mother, an Athiest, was undoubtedly of NO good whatsoever to this freedom-loving society. I will NEVER stop "fighting" to expose Obama for the cunning, deceptive Liar that he Is!!

And YOU can print those words in BOLD letters all across America!!

Charles Lingerfelt, Texas
State Coordinator
I know how you feel. I woke up this morning and decided I needed to back off a little. This is just eating me up.
It is so discouraging that Mr. Obama knows exactly what he is doing, and is counting on the courts to continue to thrown these cases out. I can't stand to even look at him, he is such a fraud.
Has no values or principles.
I pray that something will still transpire so he will not be inaugurated on the 20th. Sounds like it is about impossible to do after that, but I will never let this die. And sounds like most of the cases will do the same.
I quit reading Gretawire with all the people saying those that doubt Obama are wackos and nuts. Boy, he sure did a good job duping them. There is no talking to them or showing them facts. In their eyes he can do no wrong. It is really scary
Pray for our country and pray that the SCOTUS will see that he is ineligible and will stand up for our great country
Either the SC is threatened or bought...........
or, the SC has been forewarned by Fitzgerald there is an indictment coming for Obama, which would explain their refusal to hear the issues, they are stalling for time, they are waiting to let Obama hang himself with his back-alley, Chicago-mafia tactics, or waiting for Rezko and Blago to hang him.

If not, and the SC ruling Dec. 15th, the same day as the electors give their votes to the governors, is refusal to hear the cases, then America is dead, and SC was bought, stupid, or threatened.

And for our country, does it really matter which one?? Respect for the SC?? I think not--they are humans like us, however, we do not have the country's future in our hands, and I refuse to give them respect--I'll save that for the veterans and present soldiers of our country.
Woo hoo, I hope there is an indictment coming for Obama, that would be incredible!!
It looks like the tabloids will have to handle public opinion from here. We owe John Edwards for giving them some credibility. Check out "The Globe" front page today, Dec. 15.
Charles A. Gonzalez, Member of Congress, sheesh, I have gotten so cynical I don't trust congressmen with Hispanic last names. His English isn't too good either.
I agree with Maggie here
The following link does not speak specifically to the above letter, but it certainly does speak to the evils of Obama and his crowd. The is a real bombshell!

Very lame .. Snopes is so liberal it hurts .. completely biased.

Factcheck ... LOL .. totally biased and owned and operated by Annenberg. Obama and Ayers were part of the Anneberg foundation (on the Annenberg's board) and funneled money their way for years (your taxpayer$).

Send that back to him Cynthia .. see how he responds .. i'll bet you he won't respond.




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