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Our country is on its knees, and they still let Mexicans & others pour over the border. Hell yes someone is trying to distroy America and turn it into Amerika! Question is who? and what is their gain.? Gp

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This is just an excerpt from an article written by Joan Swirsky. It is simply her theory, but it is chilling nonetheless. I think it is possible the "invasion"of our country has been well planned and is now being executed with the help of certain Americans in power and also some of our foreign enemies.


I've written several books, not one of them fictional. And thousands of articles, not one of them based on sinister suspicions or conspiracy theories. But the case of the U.S. media's complete non-coverage of this major story has gotten me to speculate on what - or who - may be behind this phenomenon. What force could be so powerful as to silence our country's putative guardians of free speech - the titans of the Fourth Estate?

Perhaps the mystery goes back to 2004, when President Bush won his second term in office and in his first press conference in the White House said that he had "earned political capital and intended to spend it."

Then - suddenly and inexplicably - he went into a year-long hibernation. He rarely appeared in public and gave no major speeches. Finally he reemerged - albeit weakly - in late November or early December of 2005

Could it be that shortly after the president's reelection, he and major government officials received highly credible evidence from America's ruthless Islamist enemies that they had a number of devastating (probably nuclear suitcase) weapons - set up and ready to be activated in as many as six-to-10 of our major cities - unless he (the president) tacked left and played nice for the following two years?

Was America taken hostage?

The president, one could speculate, had only two choices: (1) play "chicken" and possibly sacrifice the lives of millions of Americans and the destruction of major American cities, or (2) opt for the lesser of two evils, the second being to pave the way for a dangerous Trojan Horse - qualified or not - to capture the White House.

Could it be that the media blackout of the most explosive story of any presidential election in American history has been choreographed by none other than the current POTUS - the most powerful man in the entire world? This would certainly explain why President Bush has not "been himself" since January 20, 2005. It would also explain why the all-powerful media have taken his marching orders - including the New York Times, which takes particular pleasure in undermining and sabotaging the president, even when it comes to national security issues.

If this happened, it would have had to involve the highest echelon in our intelligence services, who might have paid personal visits to publishers throughout the United States, as well as to top TV and radio executives, who themselves would have passed down iron-clad orders - to their anchors, broadcasters, even comedians - to follow the blackout order or face Draconian consequences. Clearly, they followed their marching orders.
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AP Feels Sorry for Mexico Over Drop in ‘Money Sent Home’ By Returning Illegals
Warner Todd Huston* | December 8, 2008

I suppose the Associated Press wants us all to feel sorry for Mexico. With so many illegals here either having trouble finding work or actually returning home, Mexico is finding that its citizens illegally in the US have fewer American dollars to send home. AP says the “situation is so serious” that the Mexican government is trying to create new programs to reinforce ties between illegals here and its citizens at home. Of course, no where in AP’s story does it seem to occur to anyone that Mexico clean itself up and offer opportunities there as opposed to trying to squeeze money from people here.

The whole story is reported as a legitimate economic issue instead of the thievery by illegals that it really is. The AP sternly informs us that as the “economic crisis worsens” Mexico finds that the money sent home is at “record lows.” And we are treated once again to the euphemism for this theft of American dollars that is doled out in every such story. The AP calls this sending of American money back to Mexico a “remittance revenue stream,” as if it is some sort of legitimate economic matter. It’s a great way to gussie up the word “theft,” isn’t it?

The truth is that the Mexican government is trying to undermine our nation yet the AP treats this as if it is just an average story.

The AP says the situation is “serious.”

The situation is so serious that in September Mexican President Felipe Calderon visited Mexican immigrants in New Brunswick as the last stop on his way home after speaking at the United Nations.

No, AP, what is “serious” is that instead of instituting reform for its people, Mexico is relying on sending them by the millions illegally into other nations so that they can then send foreign money home to Mexico. THAT is not a serious economic policy!

But, instead of addressing the corruption in Mexico, what are the Mexicans doing?

The Mexican government has been preparing for the scenario with initiatives aimed at solidifying ties to their communities abroad; especially with the U.S.-born children of Mexican immigrants whose allegiance to their homeland weakens with each new generation.

And the AP is reporting this as if it is a real policy instead of a criminal enterprise! What’s with the “their communities abroad”? Mexico has no “communities abroad” as if this is a legitimate program!

Of course, the Mexican government is doing its best to stop Mexican ex-pats from assimilating in the US and elsewhere by sending Mexican supported operatives out to convince its citizens abroad to still act like Mexicans.

The institute supports education and cultural programs for Mexican immigrants and their families in the U.S., including Spanish classes, a program that sends Mexican teachers to U.S. districts with a shortage of bilingual educators, donations of Spanish-language materials to U.S. schools and libraries, and literacy initiatives for adults.

Other programs are aimed at the children of immigrants – many who may not have been to Mexico – that include sponsoring soccer tournaments, cultural programs, youth exchanges and academic scholarships.

Sadly, the US government allows this cultural sabotage to enter our nation and short circuit the assimilation process. We should be shutting this foreign sabotage down, not allowing it to become an entrenched institution in our midst.

In any case, this entire story is treated by the AP as if it is a seriously legitimate program instead of the theft that it is.
Well, Gary, since you asked.
Why would a Congress of highly educated professionals enact legislature to destroy its very own back yard.

Where did 3.3 trillion go missing from the DofD books in 5 years, 8.5 trillion(reported)to the very thieves that stole from us and are allowed to steal again, the proceeds of 30 years of 500 billion a year in cocaine and heroine(15 trillion)brought into the country via CIA, and the trillions stolen with software designed to steal pennies at a time over years and involving every government program known.

Ya think the failure to build a fence has something to do with a war between the Americans and Illegals??

Do you think the economic failure predicted between January and June of 2009 has something to do with a food war??

Do you think that the military being positioned nationwide has something to do with a panic war when every citizen in this country loses his pension, 401K, savings, IRAs, stocks, mutual funds??

What will the Congress and the elitists do and maybe better is the question 'where' will the Congress and elitists go to avoid the conflict caused by this unavoidable war coming from their failure to close the border, their failure to protect our finances, their failure to hide their years-long thievery through many ventures that are in the least light 'dishonest'.

We are the 'useless eaters' as George Soros calls us.

An 'alternative world' could be waiting somewhere, underground?? That I can't answer. Though we financed this 'alternative world' with our sweat and labor, I readily say, I don't believe we are invited when this war begins.
Fantasy?? Overactive imaginaion?? God, I pray the mistakes made and encouraged by our Congress are only from ignorance, not intentional to control population.

Yes, Joan's theory makes sense--like I said, it's easy to close the border--who would invite millions of parasites to their picnic unless there was a bigger picture. This plan to elect someone with no past has been in the works some say for decades--The picture isn't being shown to us, mere peons, yet.
I do ponder the question--how high does this go--if it penetrated the White House so easily, then can the same be accomplished with the Supreme Court??
Only God can help us.

Having watching the decline of Europe, I have come to the conclusion that this was orchestrated many years ago. There are many strings to this bow....

I can only speak personally of how the UK, is being taken over by RADICAL ISLAM!...

Once England reverted back from Conservatism, to Tony Blair's (New Labor), which we now know is steeped in SOVIET COMMUNISM!. The Brits Just like us, were taken in with talk of "HOPE" and "CHANGE". They promised a complete change from the stuffy old boy's club of the Tory party, to a "NEW UTOPIA !"... (where did we here that before?)... The trap was set, and Britain was lulled into a false sense of security as the new government catered to illegal immigrants, minorities, unmarried mothers ect . Basically the dregs of society, In order to control the masses. Meanwhile, the law abiding tax paying citizens were getting hosed, slowly and insidiously, they rights where being eroded. This opened the door, for all kinds of RADICAL groups, and before they, knew it they were being held hostage by human rights judges that protected MUSLIMS, BLACKS, anyone but WHITE CHRISTIANS and JEWS (Check out this video link) and you can see what is coming to a mosque near you!

Prior to the election, I sent out an email letter to everybody I knew warning them of what could be in store for America, in a OBAMA Presidency. I saw the writing on the wall!...

If SHARIA LAW is allowed to infiltrate America, you can say GOOD BY to you FREEDOM and pick out your PRAY MAT!

I grieve, for the mother land of my youth, and fear that it maybe to late for them, but I WILL fight to preserve my FREEDOM in this, my adopted country.

When any country loses it's moral compass, it becomes pray for evil doer's, that will seize power through any means possible, I think that the left is being used by the Islamic,s who are pay-rolling them as well as Soras and the rest of the COMMIE-PINKO'S that HATE this country. When they have taken over America, there will be no more use for them...The GAYS will be first to go(MUSLIMS HATE homosexuals)that seems to be, the dirty little secret that the pink hand DOES NOT GET!...Then of course Israel WILL be wiped off the face of the earth.

This is just my take on things, hope I am wrong!!!

I fear your right, as a former US navy vet I can see that this is not the country I served & fought for back in 59-63. The only good thing is that if the muslims do take over the queers & Jews that have caused most of our problems will be eradicated. My old firend Bob said the Jews will once again face a holocost but will be the final one and worse than before. Gp
Gary, First of all, on behalf of 'we the people'. I would like to personally thank you, for your service to this country. I think that it is ironic, that, we have our brave men and women fighting and dying to give Iraq freedom and democracy, yet we here are being repressed!...

The idea of Obama having a civil army sounds eerily, like the brown shirts, that my grandparent had told me about in Nazi Germany,
My grandparents lived through the BLITZ in London, and my uncle was a special police man(civil volunteer) and he was awarded the George cross for defusing a unexploded bomb.
There are all gone now, but certainly not forgotten! I still feel their presence especially now...
The Brits are made of tough stuff, but they were blind sided by the take over of their country, and it's going to be much harder, if at all, to regain control of their country again. At least we have a fighting chance to get ours back, because we have knowledge before hand, knowledge is power! and we can see what has happen in Europe and refuse to give up our freedom without a fight.
As for all the Jews that voted for Obama, it's like they are walking into the gas chambers again!... They are such FOOLS!

"Compliance is the cry, of a dying nation" - Aristotel




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