We The People USA

Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic

Here are the three main parties that are conservative in nature.

Constitution Party

Americas Independent Party

Libertarian Party

Please study the platform and overall organization of these parties and let's discuss them.

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I think we need a federalist party which I would join in a hearbeat. Let us follow the constitution as our forefathers did.

Here's the rub. For this to suceed, we need an existing party. It is very difficult to get a party started from scratch and on the ballots. We don't have a lot of time. 2010 is 1 year! 2012 only 3 years.

I would love it if we could start our own, I just don't see it as possible.
Absolutely, Holli. Federalism is going to make a comeback. Witness the resolutions being introduced in several statehouses serving notice on the federal government not to overstep their Constitutional boundaries. No, the resolutions may not pass everywhere, but sooner or later they will start hitting the desk of Obama.

As to third party, that will take a lot of time - more time than we have - unless a movement can coalesce around a national figure (think Sarah Palin....someone charismatic like that) and there is no one like that on the third-party horizon.

That said, why not petition Michael Steele, who is now cleaning house in the Republican national committee, to work with us. We have to remove the RINOs, NeoCons, and ‘moderates’ from the picture (e.g. Collins, Specter, or Snowe, McCain, Graham) or at least marginalize them so they have no influence and will just go w/the conservatives on critical votes because they have no option. If Steele is a for-real economic and social conservative he will have no problem with this line of attack. If he’s not up for it, we’ll find out quickly.

Enough is enough! The states can fight back.
I agree with SonOf1776 and have been pondering this thought for a while and we really only have two choices..,
Find an existing party which shares our ideals or,
Start our own.
The later isn't really feasable and I fear the former may already have been usurped. There are some very like minded movements out there so it would behoove us to join forces. As I run across them I will post for you to digest.
Hijack the Republican party.....they (the gutless 'moderates', RINOs, and NeoCons) hijacked it from us.
I like the Constitution Party. Their platform reads like what most Christian conservatives would say if they could make a "dream team".

I have this same discussion over on resistnet. So far it is up to 7 or 8 for Constitution Party, none against, one sort of between that and Libertarian.
I haven't decided if more parties are the answer. Congress is so divided along party lines as it is. What if we did away with "parties" altogether and just made everybody do their job.
Slight amendment to this.....We still need to follow their individual performance and make sure they are following the Constitution and the appropriate laws of our land.

I would very much like to see a no party system. The tweo parties have created a rift and split this country in half.

I believe that if all conservatives, and I mean ALL, would come together on one new party such as the Const Party, and win a major election, it would eventually force out the other two.
Hello, everyone, in response to Son of 1776's post, I have studied the platforms of all three parties he has listed.

I like the Constitution Party and the AIP. I do not like the Libertarian Party because they are congratulating Obama on his win, and not even questioning his qualifications. They have also lauded the order to close Gitmo and stop waterboarding. Therefore, I find them too laissez-faire and strong enough on national defense.

I've been doing a lot of thinking, and here's what I believe we should do:

Propose that all real constitutionalists like us merge all of our groups in some way. I know Jean is trying to do this now.

Since the Constitution Party is the third largest party in the country, it would seem to make sense for us to join its ranks. I'm going to email the person in my area with the American Independent Party and ask what the substantive differences are between his party and the Constitution Party. From reading the two platforms, I really see no difference; perhaps only in the way their views are expressed. Both acknowledge that Obama is a usurper.

From my research I found another great site: www.patriotsforamerica.ning.com. They are discussing a lot of the same things we are. If each one of us takes it upon him or herself to talk to one person every day about Constitutional government, we can make a difference, certainly by the next election. We need to reach new people who might not have been involved in politics before. Actually, I don't even think of this as politics...this is saving our Republic. It's being a constitutionalist, as someone else here said, not a "party" member.

The Republicans have killed themselves off, so let's start fresh!

Good comments about the Const Party. By starting with an existing one we get a big jump-start.

So far between here and a mirror of this I have on resistnet, it is hands down Const Party with no other party being chosen even once. Others such as libertarian have been only mentioned.

I'm just trying to make people aware that ultimately our goal is to win elections with a party that will fix our broken government.

Somehow, everyone must come together for the common good. That is why I'm trying to force everyone to think first what party they like, then go join that party.
So now WE are the ones doing the community organizing!!!!




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