We The People USA

Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic

Reprinted with permission of Authors;



We are at a crossroads here in America. 

Overview: The Point of Choice

Our opposition is using every bit of our natural compassion and belief, our sensitive Christian tenets of faith that call us to volunteer and help the downtrodden, and by political measures take that very noble belief system, regulate and mandate our compassion into something that only serves to empower their own political positions.  The mandates do make them more powerful, but they do not make them more righteous, and these mandates do not make us less righteous in our honest intent, but they do make us less powerful as a people.

Lets go back to the beginnings of the Communist party before Lenin, before Trotsky, actually to the origins before Marx and Engels codified it into what it was to become. The very beginnings of communism were based on Jewish tradition. A religion and a life style.  Traditions that willingly embraced in the hearts of the faithful that seek out means to help the community unselfishly as a whole, through the personal responsibility that every member embraced and dedicated to the well being of every other member, that being the life style. Granted that is a major over simplification, but it gives us the perspective of a starting point.  It also illustrates the importance of keeping our religions and our politics separate and apart.  The authorities that source to both are separate and apart.  One speaks to the earthy workings of man, the other to the spiritual and a Higher Authority and that higher authorities natural laws.

The traditions and high ideals that were basically forwarded at the beginning of socialism/communism, were noble and therefore invited no room for criticism from a noble people claiming to want to live noble lives.  They preyed upon our natural good natures. Voluntarily and with willing heart the noble tenants that were already embraced lured people into the political psychology. The Socialist dogma that grew at a slow pace, sourced from the writings of the Talmudic, infiltrated and infected just about every human endeavor. Trotsky in 1927 even coined a word that was intended to discredit and ostracize and brow beat those who questioned the Socialist agenda,that term was 'Racist'

From a worthy beginning, slowly the political polluted the faith based movement into a non-volunteer but a mandated collective system.  The Jewish traditions became the door through which the willing walked into the politic of socialism/to a deeper degree communism where benevolent choice was set aside, and conformity was mandated.  Volunteering to shelter and love your fellow man was not achieved through a love and following the admonitions of the Almighty, but by and only by, the authority of the State.....eventually the belief in the Almighty was abandoned.  Strong socialist states today have no official affection for a Higher Power.  Only pockets of 'the religious' can be found in these societies, there exists much atheism in socialist countries today.

Then came The American Revolution

The American Revolution, gave us the first dynamic introduction, on a nation sized scale of the experiment of self rule, shook the foundations of what had through the ages of time, in every historical society and nations that had risen and fell, the challenge to the  "The Divine Rights of Kings".  No longer could that ruling paradigm that created, manipulated, rewarded and abused the classes in the societies they ruled, claim as a leadership the divine right to rule over a  common folk.  No longer must a common folk be dictated to, concerning what they were going to do and how they were going to live.

I will grant to the argument, that the Iron Rule had been somewhat challenged successfully before at Runnymede when the king was forced to sign the Magna Carta. While that instrument did infringe on the totalitarian rule of Kings, it only affected the Peerage of Nobles.  We have seen through the times where Liberty has flourished the continuance of the wealthy, those with  and inherited position, those who have accumulated wealth to create for themselves a class of their own, some label them today as the Rich and powerful Crony Capitalists.  History will always record groups that morph into the Robber barons who strive to be a ruling class, and those who seek to rule will always adapt.

But in this new America, The spark was lit....and it was a dangerous idea.

The original revolutionaries had done something that no other nation or great society had done before in the history of the world, they created a Republic that incorporated Democratic principles, and those self same principles were to be constrained by a document we know as the Constitution. The Constitution was to be our guide, our mooring, our launch to every aspect of a sovereign future.

No more in a new nation common folk fought for and won their own freedom to create and dwell within, could any right of any king claim dominion in this new land and there was to be  no High,Middle, or Low justice meted out at such a hand or carried out upon a king's whim.  but the seed of individual freedom, and the concept that no earthly authority granted us our positions as sovereigns over our existence was born in the lands of America and in the hearts of her citizens with the unique psychology of fundamental belief in "God given Rights".  The words of the Declaration of Independence held the power to free not only ourselves but to spread such hope to the rest of the world.   That basic tenet and cornerstone of our experiment in self rule enshrined in the Constitution is now under attack from within and without by self serving detractors

Today we have a declared socialist running on the Democratic ticket for the highest office in our land.  He enjoys some strong popular support, he is polling in the lead in some primary states.  This man leads the democratic socialist caucus in our Congress, it is said to have over 70 members. These people have been elected to their positions by us. How do socialists have such support in a free and  sovereign nation that emphasizes the individual as exceptional, the State's as sovereigns in their own right, and not the collective as principle? Last week's democratic debate was a contest between who could collectively gift our society with more 'free entitlements'.  Entitlements that we are to believe we are born with has replaced the 'natural rights' we were endowed with.  The State has become the benefactor, not Our Creator. I ask you, how have we arrived at this place in American political dogma today? Why have we accepted it mostly without question?

There are stages on the politic scale, Ideologies of government.
According to Wiki They are:
  • Anarchism, Anarchism is anti-state, asserting that all hierarchical power structures are corrupt
  • Absolutism, A form of government in which the ruler is an absolute dictator (not restricted by a constitution or laws).
  • Communism, The Labor Theory Of Value best represents this, as if you are lost and alone, you cannot live off capital, currency, and it does not matter to your class, but if you live off your labor then you will continue to live. No one should privately own anything so everyone will be equal. Stalin, Lennon, and Marx all took the theory to dictatorship. Marx forwarded this change through revolution.
  • Conservatism, Conservatism emphasized a 'natural order' based on tradition and slow evolutionary change. 
  • Environmentalism, Environmentalism (or ecologism) is an ideology which rejects the human-centered core of other political theories, and emphasizes instead the priorities of the planet Earth.
  • Fascism, is less a rational or logical theory of ideas than it is a recipe for power and political opportunism. The ideology is nationalist, authoritarian, militaristic, (somewhat) socialist and action-based rather than theory-based.
  • Liberalism, Three sub-sections
    • Individualism - individual freedoms, in a civil society.
    • Classic Liberalism - Including natural rights, utilitarianism, economic liberalism and social Darwinism. Emerged alongside the rise of capitalism to reflect the political interests of the burgeoning middle classes. During the transition between absolute monarchies to constitutional governments, liberalism articulated the rights of those outside the traditional power structure to freedom from arbitrary rule and economic restrictions.
    • Modern Liberalism - Including Freedom, Welfarism, and Keynesianism. Liberalism first developed a welfare agenda in response to the rampant social inequality and misery that emerged in the wake of the industrial revolution and in response to the articulation of rival ideologies such as socialism.
  • Nationalism, Nationalism is a belief, creed or political ideology that involves an individual identifying with, or becoming attached to, one's nation. Nationalism involves national identity, by contrast with the related construct of patriotism, which involves the social conditioning and personal behaviors that support a state's decisions and actions.
  • Socialism, Socialism is concerned with welfare of the people, and as such is concerned with providing healthcare and education and the provision of other necessities of a healthy life in order to create a more 'level' society. Socialism seeks these changes through nationalization,  mandates of government and social engineering. (Peaceful revolution)

America began as a Democratic Republic, democratic as in electing our representatives.
re·pub·lic  (rĭ-pŭb′lĭk) n.

1. a. A political order whose head of state is not a monarch and in modern times is usually a president.
b. A nation that has such a political order.
2. a. A political order in which the supreme power lies in a body of citizens who are entitled to vote for officers and representatives responsible to them.
b. A nation that has such a political order.
3. often  Republic A specific republican form of government of a nation: the Fourth Republic of France.
4. An autonomous or partially autonomous political and territorial unit belonging to a sovereign federation.
5. A group of people working as equals in the same sphere or field.

America, a truly unique creation, a democratic-representative-republic. It was an unprecedented, novel concept we began with, it was immature and grew as it would without example. A strong and healthy, righteous and willful, trembling and vulnerable, determined and courageous government/nation.

Today the opposition to embrace our founding doctrine has bluffed us into believing we are a Democracy (absent the republic part) which has evolved to a higher plain and abandoned the republic having found it to be of little consequence. All of the ideologies of government listed above have had their erosive or diminishing influence on the Democratic Republican Foundations we began with.


In the Colonial days it was an accepted practice to emulate the English pattern they were familiar with, of the rich running everything and the common people doing what they were told/expected to do. Before the Revolution, what made it different in America from European models, was the abundance of land that could be farmed for sustenance, survival, and individual profit. Opportunity to make a better life.

In Europe, parcels passed down from generation to generation in Europe gave the individuals the mindset they could do for themselves and could Control/Rule themselves on their own lands. The people living on their lands did so with their good graces, subject to their dictates, thrived or did not thrive according to the benevolence or lack thereof of the ruler over these lands.

Our strong belief in the Creator (America was founded on Christian principles) and the failed history of serving kings and landlords became the basis for our removing and rejecting the Foreign rule of Kings.


Advance American history to the time after our next major conflict, The Civil War.

The cause against Slavery was minor as catalyst that precipitated the war, and more importantly to the people of that era, was the supremacy of States Rights over Federal Rights. To that effect a Civil war had been fought, and the proponents of Federal Rights supreme over the Peoples and States Rights took root. That was the larger government role, there was a personal role taking place in society.

Human nature being what it is, those maintaining their richness after the war wanted to maintain their control over and profit from what they still considered the lower classes, and those who wanted to become rich and advantage themselves in the reconstruction chaos that followed the war all sought their opportunity.   That gave rise to the Robber Barons of the 1800's

In the Mid 1800's the Robber Barons were mainly situated in the Northern States and held title through many private banks liens on Southern landowners real property and were charging what we would call usurious rates of interest. The Robber Barons reverted to what the old Liege Lords of previous centuries were prone to do, namely abusing their workers. This phenomenon was not only happening in America, but it was gaining a resurgence world wide.

That was the original impetus and lure of Socialism to the downtrodden common folk everywhere. It travelled to America with European immigrants. However, the common folk - the immigrant, did not discern that it was in fact the old order reasserting itself under the False Flag of "an experiment to liberate the workers of the world from the tyranny of the rich", when in fact it was just another way to have the people voluntarily place the twin yokes of oppression and exploitation around their necks again in a free land, while believing that they themselves could still remain free and self directed. A man/woman cannot serve two masters.


Introduce another 'ism'.

This is what is happening today under another False Flag called Progressivism.

It is the same co-mingled ideologies, repackaged as something grand and new, sold to a more sophisticated public. Lipstick on a pig, does not change the reality of the animal. The Traditional Abusive Ruling Class is still trying to retain their control, and are gaining inroads to that old time total control because the people have been politically asleep for over 115 years.

The tenants of socialism and communism immigrated to America and have gradually and incrementally morphed to 'the progressive' theology enhanced through revisionist historical telling. Under the guise of again "Helping The Downtrodden", they are again seeking to enslave and drag us backward into the old age-old world ways.  If they succeed We The People will again suffer as subjects while they maintain their strangle hold on all the political and monetary power that there is in our Nation, advanced with their own ties to the world. Much has been done in broad and in fine to advance globalization, the prize for them is enormous. They decry the 1%, pointing fingers at all but themselves.  How ironic that they are the self-same, but if you are not member to their portion of extreme wealth and protected clique, you are the wealthy they scapegoat to advance class envy.  They wish us to completely miss the FACT that they are the rich they are so easily and publicly condemning.

This Treatise started out as Americans being at a cross roads, it was meant to convey that we are actually at the tipping point where we will either go toward and restore our original Revolutionary Freedoms, understand, embrace and restore our original Constitution, reject the old world Politics of Progressivism for ourselves and most importantly our children? Or, will we silently and quietly slip back into the condition of servitude, slide into the grand abyss of history as a beautiful-magnificent-failed experiment, where the common man could not rise and remain standing.

Has the reign of Kings, many kings, in many lands with self appointed - ignorantly anointed Rulers returned/began once again?  I pray not.


It's up to us individually and in concert with each other.

So many of us do the arduous work of seeking to speak to and expose the lies and subterfuges of the progressives. We work to keep pushing back the darkness.  We know that we live in a critical time requiring critical action, and how easily our country can slip back into servitude.  Truly examine your lives, how much freedom to you realize? How much servitude do you suffer? Honestly seek and then find the truth for yourself, embrace it and share it with your children.  Our educational systems from top to bottom revise, sanitize, and re-invent the truth, revise our true history to suit their dogma, and indoctrinate the same to our young and fertile minds.

We must succeed in maintaining this knowledge, we must succeed in sharing it to offer honest counter to the progressive doctrines that blind and twist our children toward their mold and psychology.  What they teach is not new, it is old, it wants to take us backward to an Old Order of Servitude while calling it the new age of progressive/collective thought.

The corrupting of the educational systems, since the days of Lenin and Trotsky have found fertile field in our so-called American institutions of higher learning.  They are the breeding grounds of modern day socialism/communism/progressivism.  Not new ideas....just a new generation of minds.  Liberal progressive instructors are harbingers of darkness and oppression, not superior in thought speaking of the promise of a new age full of freedom and light. It is the fear of many that they have almost completely succeeded in the corruption of our children. We must bring an end to that process.

If we are to survive as a free people we must remember our history, make our strongest stand against the progressive misbegotten power advocates, starting now and continuing onward with determination, for the next generation, on to the next, and the next, sticking steadfast to the foundation on which we were stood up, and doing all that we can to return/remain to it, so that we never lose sight of what it is to be free - where we must get back to, to be truly free once again.

The Tradesman and Lady Boots (mostly Lady Boots)

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Personally, I would like to see this copied and sent out to all the e-mail contacts every member has. I feel it would get the silent and discouraged American People encouraged to step up and return to their roots as a free people.

I put it on google + hope that is okay

Thank you.

Communism, The Labor Theory Of Value best represents this, as if you are lost and alone, you cannot live off capital, currency, and it does not matter to your class, but if you live off your labor then you will continue to live. No one should privately own anything so everyone will be equal. Stalin, Lennon, and Marx all took the theory to dictatorship. Marx forwarded this change through revolution.

EXCEPT for the oligarchy ( Greek for the FEW) . Well somebody has to lead , NO ?

That misbegotten philosophy is one of the things that has dragged us down this road to destruction we are on. The Progressives in my opinion are the self same group that once were the Oligarchic Kings and want to regain their positions of power over all 'in their estimation' Lesser Beings on this planet.

Mornin, Charles;do  you mean "somebody has to lead", in reply to Discussion or in The Dictatorial sense?  Bad joke? I'm punchy from reading this contraption!

I tend to speak in riddles , though they make sense to me?


How progressives see us!

Conservatism as a political and social philosophy promotes retaining traditional social institutions in the context of culture and civilization. Some conservatives seek to preserve things as they are, emphasizing stability and continuity, while others, called reactionaries, oppose modernism and seek a return to “the way things were.”

Wikipedia’s definition of conservatism is a bit simplistic, but it’s good enough for government work: conservatives generally want to keep things as they are, and reactionaries want to return things to the way they used to be. In neither case is moving forward considered to be a good thing. It’s the liberals who are always talking about hope and change and leaving the bad old days behind. The tension between the two worldviews has always been present in American life. In recent times America’s conservative movement has been defined by its strong religiosity and high esteem for institutions like the military and police, while liberalism pushes toward modernity and social evolution. The push and pull between those two philosophical poles has been a feature of American culture at least since Alexis de Tocqueville made his anthropological field trip back in the 1830s.

It is, therefore, interesting to see the Republican Party, which represents the conservative strain in American politics being referred to (and referring to itself) as revolutionary or radical, even as Republicans define themselves as conservatives. It doesn’t make a lot of sense. They are reactionaries (or revanchist if you want to go even deeper into the philosophical weeds), driven by a desire to recapture a lost Eden they think of as the perfect America of the past.

Nowhere is this more evident than in the candidacy of Donald Trump. While Ronald Reagan also used the slogan “Make America Great Again” when he ran for president, his vision was much more upbeat and optimistic than Trump’s, which harkens back to paleoconservative candidates like Pat Buchanan and his “Pitchfork Brigade”. Indeed, it centers around “getting rid of bad people” which is not what most people think of as morning in America. Last week he even explicitly went back to the 1950s and evoked the Eisenhower era program “Operation Wetback,” which he characterized on “60 Minutes” as “very nice and very humane.” (It wasn’t.) He said “Did you like Eisenhower? Did you like Dwight Eisenhower as a president at all? He did this. He did this in the 1950s with over a million people, and a lot of people don’t know that…and it worked.”


Be that as it may, we need to stop the mis-application of the 14th that lets babys born here to foreign parents (Anchor Babies) be granted citizenship. the 14th, was specifically intended to protect the Citizenship and voting rights of the Freed Salves and no more than that see; http://www.14thamendment.us/  it gives a major overview of the 14th then and now including statements from Senators that were from the era it was passed explaining it. Today Progressives label the old intent Racist, but it is not. They also stuck in a stealth bomb that has allowed the Federal Government legal authority to turn the Constitution up side down and assume the powers that were intended to be held by the people and the States over the government.

We also need to stop the false ideology that the Progressives have shoved down our collective throats since the end of the Civil War and return to the original intent of the Constitution with all of it's checks and balances intact and actively working once again. that's a far cry from an Idyllic past, it's our original legacy the Founders intended us to work within.


Just who is responsible for compiling, transcribing, and rewriting "definitions" in Wikipedia?

And, if you are correct and you probably are, then I must amend my Conservative "credentials" to read "Reactionary" as I surely do not wish things (In Our Beloved Republic USA) to stay as they are now, October 26, 2015!  By definition, whose I don't really know, would be considered Progressive! 

Head trips, mind games, word games ... TakeBackAmericaNow!

progressives releasing their hordes on US.
MANHATTAN — An NYPD officer was shot and killed Tuesday night in a shootout with a suspect in East Harlem, officials said.

Officer Randolph Holder, 33, was shot in the head when he and his partner responded to a report of gunshots in a park at East 102nd Street and the FDR Drive at roughly 8:30 p.m., according to sources and Police Commissioner Bill Bratton.

Holder was a five-year NYPD veteran and was assigned to the department's Housing Bureau. He worked out of PSA 5.
Man Accused of Killing Cop Should Have Been in Jail, Commissioner and Mayor Say
October 22, 2015
Police Chiefs say we are safer with criminals out of jail
Don't people in jail automatically get drug treatment? That is, they no longer have access to the drugs they are taking. In a short time they no longer have dependence on it. As for the insane (sorry, I mean those with "mental health issues"), couldn't a facility with padded walls help them work out their issues better than walking around on Main Street?

Mr. Bratton said that New York State and city law enforcement agencies “were well ahead of the curve in understanding that you can’t arrest your way out of the problem.”

That's just what liberals say about the impracticality of enforcing our immigration laws: "What are you going to do, round them all up?" It's the same thing with criminals. We can't round them all up. We should stop trying. I think all police who feel this way should retire. They're no longer needed. They should do something more productive like becoming florists or hairdressers.

Read more: http://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2015/10/police_chiefs_say_we_ar...
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Former Congressman: Obama Plans to Release Minorities from Prison

A former Congressman has accused President Barack Obama and Attorney General Eric Holder of a racial ulterior motive in a massive early prison release planned for up to 10,000 drug dealers.






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