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Ben Carson

Dr. Ben Carson (Florida)
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Chris Christie

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Ted Cruz

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Mark Everson

Former IRS Commissioner Mark Everson (Mississippi)
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Carly Fiorina

Businesswoman Carly Fiorina (Virginia)
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Jim Gilmore

Former Governor Jim Gilmore (Virginia)
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Lindsey Graham

US Senator Lindsey Graham (South Carolina)
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Mike Huckabee

Former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee (Florida)
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Bobby Jindal

Governor Bobby Jindal (Louisiana)
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John Kasich

Governor John Kasich (Ohio)
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George Pataki

Former Governor George Pataki (New York)
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Rand Paul

US Senator Rand Paul (Kentucky)
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Marco Rubio

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Rick Santorum

Former US Senator Rick Santorum (Pennsylvania)
Campaign Site: RickSantorum.com
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Hillary Clinton

Bernie Sanders

problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people ...


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Select Committee Chairman Trey Gowdy Moves to Release ALL BENGHAZI WITNESS TRANSCRIPTS

Benghazi Select Committee Chairman Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-SC) told Greta Van Susteren Friday that he has called to have all interview transcripts cleared for release.
The committee has interviewed 54 witnesses so far.
hillary stares gowdy

Democrats wanted just one transcript released, the interview with Hillary pal Sid Blumenthal.

Gowdy said he will release transcripts from interviews on all 54 witnesses.

“Send them all to be cleared. If we’re going to release one, we’re going to release them all because I want folks to see that this is a serious investigation into all aspects of Benghazi.”

TREY GOWDY: Hillary Told “Spun Up Story” to the American People (VIDEO)

Benghazi Select Committee Chairman Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-SC) joined Greta Van Susteren Friday to discuss the committee hearing with Hillary Clinton.

gowdy spun up greta

Rep. Gowdy told Greta Hillary told a “spun up story” to the American people about a video.

Greta Van Susteren: I know that she sent the letter or email out to Chelsea that night but where do we stand on this video?

Rep. Trey Gowdy: Frankly, Greta I think it depends upon the audience. If it’s a public audience there is one explanation. If there’s a private audience, I’m not going to discuss her email with her family. How about what she told another foreign leader? She told a foreign leader it had nothing to do with a video. So there’s this dichotomy between what we tell the American people versus what we tell people in private… It was only in public when she was talking to the American people that we heard about this spun up story about a video.

Clinton reaps donations after Benghazi appearance

Hillary Clinton has already reaped one tangible benefit from her 11-hour Benghazi testimony: cold hard campaign cash. 

Clinton's director of communications, Jennifer Palmieri, told a gaggle of reporters after her boss's speech to a Democratic National Committee women's forum Friday morning that Clinton had her best hour of online fundraising during the entire campaign so far. The record money poured in between 9 p.m. and 10 p.m. Thursday, just after the daylong hearing on the 2012 Benghazi attacks had ended, Palmieri said.
"People were apparently paying attention and were moved by it [the Benghazi hearing]," Palmieri said, without specifying a dollar figure for the amount of money raised. 
Asked whether the Clinton campaign team had been using the former secretary of State's Benghazi testimony to solicit cash on Thursday night, Palmieri said it had not. 
"We had, like, a hashtag 'I'm with her', and show you're with her, show you're staying with Hillary ... but we didn't ask for money."
Asked whether it was more than $100,000 raised in the hour, Palmieri said: "I don't know, but more than 100."
"My point isn't 'wow, we brought in a lot of money,'" she added. "The point is that it moved people."
"I just thought it was interesting, [the money came in] at 9 o'clock right when they [the Benghazi committee] stopped."

Don't exactly understand the many headed Post Above, but I love it:  all sorts of options, great! HellNoHill in a jail cell, List of Socialists (what a pristine word for what they really are); picture of evil men, and reference to "voter fraud", like when all the dead folk and their dogs and cats vote, or when a big bus rolls up, carrying a busload of individuals who don't speak a word of English, seem a stranger to a table and chair, a writing implement -- not to worry though, there are interpreters and people who can write and cast ballots for them as well!  After the whole crowd is done, it's back on the bus, rolling off into the sunset somewhere!

Tell you right now, not one of them was "The Lone Ranger"!

Donald Trump Mocks Jeb Bush for

‘Meeting with Mommy and Daddy’ to Boost Campaign

Donald Trump

Current GOP frontrunner Donald Trump mocked establishment competitor Jeb Bush for “meeting with Mommy and Daddy” at an emergency Houston fundraiser meant to shock life into the younger Bush’s struggling campaign.

Bush Campaign Death Spiral: Staffer

Who May Have Pocketed $1.3 Million Tells Donors About Steps to Impr...

Republican presidential candidate Jeb Bush speaks during the LIBRE Initiative Fourm at the College of Southern Nevada on October 21, 2015 in North Las Vegas, Nevada. Bush said earlier in the day if elected president, he'd try to move the Interior Department's headquarters to the West, closer to the needs of the community. (Photo by )

All told, Heather Larrison, The Larrison Group, and LKJ LLC received a combined total of payments in excess of $1.3 million from the Bush campaign and Right to Rise USA in 2015. Though the Bush campaign has not responded to our question, Bush donors may be asking that same question at an emergency meeting in Houston today.

Hillary Clinton Campaigns In Las Vegas Day After Debate

Report: 90 Percent of Hollywood Donations

Have Gone to Hillary Clinton

According to the Los Angeles Times, Hollywood donors have given $5.5 million to candidates on both sides of the 2016 presidential race. Of those donations, 90 percent have gone to Hillary Clinton’s campaign.


George Bush’s Responsibility for

‘The Religion of Peace’s’ Attack on America

Poor Jeb. Or I should say, Poor Jeb! (I’m not given to exclamation points, but Jeb! is so magnetic.) It’s unfathomable how he thought that he could run for the Republican nomination without having to wrestle with his brother’s record as president.

Benghazi Victim’s Father on Hillary Clinton: ‘She’s a ‘Scumbag’

The father of slain former Navy SEAL Glen Doherty who was killed in the 2012 Benghazi, Libya terrorist attack has strong words for former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton over her handling of Benghazi.

“She’s a scumbag, in my opinion,” said Ben Doherty in an interview with NECN published to coincide with Clinton’s testimony on Thursday before the House Select Committee on Benghazi.

Glen Doherty and Ben Doherty WCVB
Glen Doherty with his father Ben, family photo via WCVB-TV.

“Well I think that she pulled all the troops out of the embassy, he had no backup. He burnt alive. She said it’s no big deal, it’s a big deal to me, he’s my son and I loved him.”

Glen Doherty’s mother and the former wife of Ben, Barbara Doherty, is one of the few Benghazi family members to speak out in support of Clinton, telling NECN:

“”They’re looking at the wrong place. If you read carefully what was going on, many people made many mistakes, which is normal in confusion. After a few days, the facts were out, and they’re really chasing the wrong person.””

“”They’re hoping to defeat her and it’s not going to work.””

The Doherty family is working to close a loophole that mandates single federal contractors carry insurance but does not pay out death benefits if the contractor has no children or spouse, reported the Boston Globe.

“As an independent contractor who was unmarried and without children, Doherty was ineligible to receive death benefits afforded to military personnel under the Defense Base Act of 1941, although he was employed by the CIA, she said.

“The family is working with Congressman Stephen F. Lynch to craft a law that would remove those barriers.

“On Jan. 26, Lynch introduced The Glen Anthony Doherty Overseas Security Personnel Fairness Act.

““It is unacceptable that the Defense Base Act requires federal workers to take out an insurance policy before they are deployed overseas and accepts the payment of insurance premiums from those workers, but fails to provide death benefits to their families or estate solely based on marital and child status,” Lynch stated on his website.”


Unfortunately, that is also true about Social Security - if a person has worked for many years, never married, never had kids, their SS money is held captive. No family member - mom, dad, or the person's estate can apply for any money - not even for that person's funeral expenses - not even the $255.00 dollars.  So what happens with the money that person paid in for years?  Perhaps given to those who never worked - like illegals now living in Mexico.   The Federal government - and that goes back to Roosevelt, at least on the SS stuff - has found a way to steal more tax money from those who defend our country and work to make America great. 

So what happens with the money that person paid in for years?  Perhaps given to those who never worked - like illegals now living in Mexico. 

It goes everywhere the individual did not want it to go.... just like our tax dollars that fund illegals and abortions.




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